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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Filet mignon with herbed potatoes...


    Aye, now Sir William knows how t' cook a filet mignon, wit' light grill marks.

    Don't look CAt, this one has some pink.

  2. ^ Ye mean like sinkin' or drownin'?

    < I only float in fresh water if I hold my breath; guess that's why I like salt water. Me dad use t' float like Chole. When I was a kid, we use t' push him around in the pool, an dive bomb him; dad just kept floatin'.

    V Pass on the water tricks question.

  3. ^ Hav 'em fer the children. Goggles fer me self.

    < Need t' get a new mask and snorkel fer this summer. Never needed the fins.

    V Do ye sink in fresh water?

  4. Disaronno on the rocks

    Multiplication War

    Red CAt's voice mail (which she only checks every couple o' days!)

    Ransom, Chole and Red Cat (I need that pirate jet!)

  5. ^ Tryin' t' learn. Me younger brother is intent on educatin' me.

    < Big dumb grin... Always makes folks think I'm up t' somethin'.

    V Have ye used a GPS an gone geo cachin'?

  6. ^ By giddy, do ye mean dizzy? Is this back t' the how do ye feel when yer drunk?

    < Giddy excited? Giddy nervous? Not that often.

    V Wot makes ye nervous?

  7. I sat up in me bunk, an felt the huge lump at the back o' me head. "Who the bloody hell hit me!" I yelled.

    Spoons walked over t' me. I looked up at me ol' friend an cook, an said, "Where's me pistol? Did Dillard lead a mutiny an take the ship? Why are ye here?"

  8. ^ Wild days? Quiet days? Busy days lately.

    < As the children become more independant, it could get pretty quiet around here.

    V Wot does one do on a wild day?

  9. ^ Would love some unexpected rain; we've only had 2" this year!

    < Mild temps, but no rain. We are havin' the worst drought on record.

    V Does the weather spoil yer fun? Or do ye adapt an hav fun anyway?

  10. ^ Dumb!

    < If I were kidnappin' pirates.. North East would be me first stop! Then we'd swing through Wisconsin, Utah an Oregon, too! Sounds like we need a pirate jet.

    V Where would ye take yer kidnapped pirates?

  11. ^ Nope. I don't want t' hurt anyone that bad.

    < I wish I could kidnap a few pirates fer some fun. Aye, the ol' if money were no object...

    V If money were no object, wot' would ye do?

  12. Hugs t' Lady B, Cheeky Actress an Red CAt.

    Lady B, Jo Dee has another song, "My Give a Damn's Busted", which may be yer response t' those who done ye wrong.

    Cheeks, I do not believe our fates are sealed. I hope yer real friends will support ye, an ye can help one another through these times.

    Red CAt, No Doubt ye will receive hugs 'cause ye deserve 'em.

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