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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Me garb is a bit drap, gray waistkit, blue breeches and brown bucket boots. (I like red.)

    < Chole Orange! No, red! I can't sew, but I could drape it on ye in ways ye'd get noticed (modesty intact). Orange is used by CalTrans workers (a safety color). Safe is the last thing we want ye t' be.

    V Do ye know yer colors?

  2. ^ They start jeerin' me 'fore I even get close.

    < Need t' get some red silk fer a dress fer Chole; then her blendin' days be ov'r.

    V Ever thought o' bein' counter t' yer real character in garb?

  3. ^ Makin' it up as I go along, luv.

    < Waitin' fer someone t' make a strategic entrance...

    V Are ye the center of attention, or do ye just blend in at an event?

  4. Wit' Roberts right behind me, wit' out Stones, we climbed t' the main deck. Mister Dillard was on deck an at the helm. The storm had calmed considerably.

    Roberts and I were 'bout t' approach Dillard, when Jonas stepped forward, holdin' Silkie by her tresses wit' a pistol against her neck.

    Jonas said t' me, "Mister Tar, place yer pistol on the deck, and return t' yer quarters."

    I drew me sea pistol, leveled it at Jonas, and cocked it. He moved further behind Silkie, an told me t' lay me weapon down or else.

    I layed me pistol on the deck, wit me back t' the rail and motioned t' Roberts t' put his cutlass down. As I straightened back up, I saw Jonas expression change, and his gun now trained on me.

    I remember the flash, the ball slammin' into me shoulder, and fallen backwards ov'r the main deck railin' into the black sea below...

  5. ^ Skip wot I will work fer... Chole ye'll sew in exchange fer dinner?

    < They have good Indian food in Wisconsin?

    V Indian food in Wisconsin... Are we talkin' American Indian or Asian Indian?

  6. Welcome t' the pub, Short Ben Potato! Ye know lad that's a chicken on yer shoulder? Ray doesn't usually allow the lads t' even bring in their parrots, let alone a chicken.

  7. and Brandy (as long as she's really cute) .....

    Patrick, if I swirl me brandy in a glass, she has good legs.

    If'n I bring her close t' me nose, she stirs me senses.

    Ye were talkin' 'bout Brandy from a bottle?

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