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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Then you also know that EVERYthing is an illusion. Besides, if you don't seek perfection, wouldn't that imply that you're willing to settle for second-best? And if that's true, and you don't get second, hell - third or fourth is good enough...

    Yes, often our perceptions of things help sustain certain illusions.

    You say settle as if making a selection precludes other selections, or prevents changing one's mind (True in certain social contracts). But life is about choices.

    Love: an overrated, over-hyped, underachieved and expectation-filled endeavor.

    Romantic love maybe, but unconditional love never.

    Telling someone you love them not only puts you at risk; it also surely takes away from your power.

    Every aspect of the human condition has inherent risks. I do not seek love that gives me power over anyone, that is not love.

    Friendship: a temporary thing like everything else; only your closest friends can truly hurt you, and of, say, 100 friends, perhaps only 1 or 2 will be TRUE ones.

    Life is temporary, I still want to live a happy one and friends make me happy.

    Cappuccino: NOW yer talkin'!   :lol:

    Cappuccino, common grounds for friendship; careful Phil your slipping!

    You and I are here? Sorry - I'M here. YOU'RE there. We aren't BOTH here. But now you'll probably reply that you're HERE and I'm THERE. See how it's all an illusion?

    I think you knew I meant, were both here on Earth.

  2. I do not seek perfection, and consider it illusory. I do not seek absolute truth, and am quite willing to work with approximates. I know most things in life are subject to change.

    I do seek love, friendship and a good cappuccino.

    I Meditate on these things...

    The earth is spinning much slower, then when it started spinning. The earth's tilt gives us seasons. The magnetic fields shield us from harmful radiation. You and I are here!

  3. Mayhaps philosophical truths are subject t' interpetation, many scientific truths are not. Start wit' wot we know t' be facts (truth) an work from there.

    Most importantly, remember no one has the market cornered on truth.

    Science is just philosophy in a test tube. :lol:

    Actually, on a macrocosmic scale scientific "truths" ARE open to interpretation. How many times have the scientific truths of the past been superseded by new knowledge? They represent only the truth as it is known AT THE PRESENT TIME; thus, I stand by my previous statements.

    And aye, no one, scientist nor philosopher, has the market cornered.

    Interestin' that PyratePhil quoted me an left out the second paragraph...

    Sire, I give ye mathematics, science wit' out test tubes.

    From mathematics I give ye Pi, true since the dawn o' time.

    As fer Edison, true many of our heroes hav feet o' clay. Wot would the world be like wit out 'em? I fer one welcome their contributions.

  4. Mayhaps philosophical truths are subject t' interpetation, many scientific truths are not. Start wit' wot we know t' be facts (truth) an work from there.

    Accept that we don't hav all the answers, an be prepared t' work wit' imperfect information.

    Most importantly, remember no one has the market cornered on truth.

  5. ^ Aye. Although, it's not a word I use that often, an spell checkers are glorious things.

    < I hav t' use a dictionary t' check alternative meanin's fer words. Sometimes words hav different meanin's in context.

    V Hav a word ye frequently use incorrectly? (But ye spell it right!)

  6. ^ Not embarrassed; however, me better half hates when I do accents.

    < Need a consistant accent fer conversations at events.

    V Will ye adopt an accent fer yer GAoP character?

  7. ^ Ye kiddin', I need a dictionary t' translate Port Royal lately!

    ^ Me pirate accent has a bit o' an Irish lilt t' it.

    < I do learn a lot o' things by doin', an immersion in a culture would certainly be doin'!

    V Would ye try a language where the alphabet is different than English?

  8. ^ Would need t' change career fields, need one where ye talk t' people more.

    < Would love t' try livin' in another country, an learnin' the local language an customs.

    V Would ye be willin' t' live somewhere, where they spoke little or no English?

  9. ^ Medicine

    < Wit' the state o' the current medical system, it would probably take a week t' learn.

    V Wouldn't be great if ye could learn while ye sleep. Question: Would ye do it? And wot' would ye learn first?

  10. Trying not to listen to the radio too much. Cause too much of it I can relate to and I'm at too much of a fragile state to even hold up to one of those songs and listen to it.

    Lady B, when every other song is a love song, and I feel like ye do, I switch over t' a modern jazz station; nice music sans lyrics.

  11. ^ Radio Disney o' course (not me favorite but it is child friendly).

    < I wish I was a floater. Lake swimmin' is hard work when yer a sinker. Canadian lakes must be frigid most o' the year fer swimmin'.

    V How long can ye stay in cold water wit' out special gear?

  12. Robert (21 mos. old, my godchild) and I are getting to know each other. He thinks I am a little weird ~ that's ok, I think he's a little weird, too! He is my first up close and personal continuous child relationship...

    Mary luv, please don't plant Robert's feet in dirt and stick him under a heat lamp, kids don't like that!

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