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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Chocolate chips from TJ's. I love dark an semi-sweet chocolate.

    < We got back late, an I unpacked an wanted t' check in on everyone. Many members here feel like extended family.

    V Hav ye made any friends through the Pub?

  2. I glanced in the direction o' the Rakehell, she had lost her main-gaff topsail, but her main sail remained intact. Men were scramblin' t' clear her decks of lines and downed spars. I thought I saw Ransom at the helm, an I hoped it weren't wishful thinkin'. I hoped Ransom had spare spars aboard.

    Me attention, turned t' the Relentless, "Come on ol' girl," I said. Roberts asked if we needed t' raise more canvas, an I replied, "Mister Roberts, tell Mister Dillard t' hav the top gallent men stand down." I didn't want t' drop anymore canvas, in this wind. We might even reef a few more sails, I thought.

  3. The swells were beginnin' t' grow larger. The deck o' the Relentless was gettin' battered wit' larger waves. The main hatch was battened down, an all hands were on deck wit' lines attached, lest anyone get washed over board.

    We've ridin' out worse storms, but that still didn't calm already nervous crew members. I knew we had t' press on, an as mornin' approached I hoped we see land soon.

  4. ^ Nope. But me pockets sometimes hav the oddest collection o' post-it notes!

    < I use t' carry a organizer, an tried a palm pilot. Now I relie on memory, notes an on-line services.

    V Would ye perish wit' out yer PDA (personal digital assistant)?

  5. ^ Round t' the nearest quarter of an hour.

    < Aye, certain things require been on time or early. If yer a host, give a time window, an be flexible; it's less stressful fer everyone.

    As fer drive-thrus, Chole ye multi-tasker, think of all the things ye could get done while waitin' in the drive thru!

    v Do ye carry books, or projects wit' ye, fer those times when ye do wait fer someone or somethin'?

  6. Sent bits o' plunder t' Mary Diamond, Ransom, Chole, an the plunder meister Red CAt.

    Received a bit, too!

    Rumba I was surprised t' receive a home made plunder pouch from ye, wit' plunder, an a tankard strap! Thank ye! I guess this means I've more plunderin' t' do.

    Mary Diamond, thank ye fer the beautiful coins from Hong Kong!

    This is gettin' good.

  7. The sea is gettin' a bit rough, when the Rakehell pulls within' shoutin' range.

    "Mister Dillard, take the helm!" No time t' go over t' the Rakehell, I yell from the starboard side, "We won't make it through the Westward Passage, but we should make land fall in Hispaniola in a few hours! If we can make it around the west tip o' Hispaniola, we'll find safe anchorage."

  8. ^ (Answer t' Ransom) Grasshoppers. Not onesies, but coverin' the ground (biblical numbers).

    ^ (Answer t' Morgan) Aye, rattle snakes; they eat the rodents.

    < I've caught snakes, spiders, frogs, lizards an bugs; no big deal. But swarms o' locusts make me skin crawl. I've only witnessed this in Laughlin; they were crawlin' all over a buildin'.

    V Pass on Ransom's question.

  9. ^ Just snakes; never bitten.

    < We see coyotes all the time; they keep the rabbit population (an stray cats) in check. Cats must stay indoors here.

    V Wot' wild creatures live in yer neighborhood?

  10. ^ Not the water per se. Things in the water give me pause... Sharks, sting rays, jelly fish...

    < Hand feedin' fish last summer an had a shark came in close. Steve Irwin dieing from a string ray barb. When yer in the water wit' yer children an other children, these things give ye pause.

    V Would ye put yerself in harms way fer those ye care 'bout?

  11. pretty good.

    Now am I the only nut who sees a lot of similarities to that trailer and the Dreamworks Sinbad movie?

    the waterfall edge of the world

    the whirlpool

    the ship rolling on the sand

    the ice field


    ah, maybe all pirate movies are just starting to look alike to me!

    Ted and Terry (The writers of all three movies) seem t' hav seen many pirate movies. The scene in POTC I, where Will and Jack are under an over-turned row boat and walk under water to the Dauntless, is straight out of the Crimson Pirate! Good stories often require borrowin' pieces from other stories.

    I would suspect that the writers of the Sinbad yarns hav done the same.

  12. ^ Worked a bit wit' a chop saw buildin' stages fer some friends.

    < Wouldn't want t' do construction everyday, but it can be a lot o' fun fer a day.

    V Wot' job would ye like t' do fer a day?

  13. I didn't say that Mr. Tar, it's a quote from the alcoholohoroscopes Mad Jack had posted.

    I usually call it the "warm up beer". Not nearly as eloquent but does the same thing.

    Chole, ye posted it, so it bears repeatin'.

    As fer beer, personally I never warm up beer an prefer mine in a chilled glass!

  14. Pretty much the same as when I'm sober. Usually drink a cappuccino in between, so I don't fall asleep.

    Aye, I believe Chole called it social lubricate, allows things to slip! (Interestin' choice o' words Chole.) I'm more at ease now in social situations, then when I was younger; so, a drink just relaxes me.

  15. ^ Our children's future.

    < We've had it pretty good, but like most parents I worry 'bout the future. More people... more problems... Aye, yearnin' fer simplier times, an smaller problems.

    V Wot do ye yearn fer?

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