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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ They showed us a bunch o' games at L.O.R.E.. Can't remember the name o' the game. Involved a box wit' numbers (1-12) and two dice. Ye hav t' use at least one dice each roll, or a combination t' cover the numbers, eliminate all the numbers an win the prize.

    < Luv games wit' the little swabs. Multiplication War help'd me son wit' his times tables (Thank ye, Chole).

    V Will ye play games wit' the mundanes at events?

  2. ^ Aye, the beagle is a barker sometimes.

    < Seems we now hav a bunny. The silly creature hopped into the back yard; now the kids hav it in their bathroom!

    V Do ye take in stray animals?

  3. Come t' a SoCal pirate renfaire, more Jack Sparrows than ye can shake a cutlass at!

    A certain pirate I know poses wit' everyone o' 'em, an posts 'em on her website.

    Reminds me... Red rover, red rover, I dare Red Clover t' come over an fill me tankard wit' ale!

    Thank ye lass, an welcome t' the pub!

  4. ^ Despite wot' they say 'bout the California coast, the long shore current makes the water anythin' but clear. Get in a boat an go out a bit, an it's magical. The water is blue, an dolphins race the boat, an the islands...

    < I hav never been t' Florida, imagin' it's a boater's mecca.

    V Hav ye sailed inland waters?

  5. ^ Too many late evenin's, lately.

    < Procrastination, lack o' will, or just goofin' off; I can't decide.

    V When is too much of a good thing, not a good thing?

  6. Land was insight, we needed t' sail around the western tip o' the island; not an easy task in this storm.

    I glanced over at the Rakehell, again. She looked like she was listin' a bit. The Rakehell hadn't lost any more canvas, but she wasn't followin' the Relentless, anymore; her helm might not be respondin'.

  7. ^ Compulsive (not exactly). I have been compulsive 'bout exercise in the past; hooked on endorphines.

    < Not a type A person, either. Have been known t' lose all track o' time, on more than one occasion. I can get lost doin' things.

    V Do ye get lost doin' things?

  8. ^ Just the beginnin's of a collection.

    < The pirates o' the Golden Age of Piracy, had short but colorful lifes. Wish some o' the more colorful ones had kept journals.

    V Do ye enjoy readin' 'bout historical characters, fictional historical characters or fictional characters best?

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