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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Indian food. But in a kitchen wit' someone who knows wot their doin'.

    < Still thinkin' on blackjohn's comments 'bout fate. I always supposed the notion o' fate was attempt t' rob us of free will. As fer me, I'm still lookin' fer me destiny, I suppose.

    V Go wit' the flow or fight the current?

  2. ^ I imagine if we are fated, it's how we react t' that fate that matters.

    < It's possible we can't change the big events (wars and such), best face them wit' courage an grit.

    V Face yer fears or not?

  3. ^ If the pain is extreme, take the meds.

    < Sometimes toughness is needed, when ye need yer wits, an can't afford the fog o' meds.

    V Ignore things that need fixin' or get right on 'em?

  4. I said, "Perfect timin'," as Roberts strolled on deck. "Mister Roberts, if ye'd be so kind as t' join me fer dinner, in me quarters. Please, bring Silkie wit' ye. Should make fer interestin' dinner conversation, don't ye think?" I spun on me heel. an headed t' me quarters, 'fore he could answer or protest.

  5. I shop TJ's (that's Trader Joe's, fer ye non-beatniks). They hav lots o' interestin' smellin' things. Course un-like the hippies, I don't sample things off the shelf an run 'em through me hair! I places 'em in me basket first, an wait until I shuttle 'em home.

  6. Easter is coming up & we always do the trick with the white crayon before dying. Guess what I'm putting on my eggs ;)

    Thinkin' Chole would be puttin' hearts an bunnies, on the eggs... NOT!!!

    Skull an Crossbones, an black dye... none o' that pink or purple stuff!

    (Have ye dismantled a toaster yet?)

  7. Very interesting, but how does one actually judge the boundaries of the arena?

    Carefully? Individually? On a case by case basis? Sometimes even after the fact? At which point apologies are made? Can one judge the boundaries of a metaphor? Is it soup yet?


    I can not tell ye where those boundaries lie, but I can tell ye do not bring the arena home.

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