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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Just be really anal about everything. I think that's how mine have come out looking decent. The pics are for a DIY I wanted to post here. I just haven't worked on it yet.
  2. Line up your spokes like this. Flip the button over and gather the threads like so. Using the needle to move them into position. Yes you can get them to line up. It takes practice. I'm still getting better at it all the time.
  3. I line up the one side as perfect as I can. Then the other side, the one that doesn't line up, I pull and tug on those threads until I get them to line up. I use a needle or a small screw driver to give some leverage. Does that make sense?
  4. Whoa!?!?! Now that's different. Can we at least paint her to the old colors now? Thanks Stynky for all your hard work.
  5. MadL I do like that red waistcoat. Very nice with the small buttons and all.
  6. Yeah I did see that sole. Very interesting, although I have read that the wealthy could have customs lasts made left and right. And it being pointy leads me to believe its from a women's shoe. So that might explain why it looks that way. Dang I missed the forks. Although I wish I could have taken a picture of the stylus. I'm still trying to figure out how that worked.
  7. Just too add to your observation Dutch. I have a painters tarp and have made my tents out of 10oz canvas. There is a difference. The painters tarp seems to be much looser in weave and less dense than 10oz canvas.
  8. Yes I must say it is an awesome exhibit but (there's that word again) I have issues with it. The costuming is soooooooo wrong....... Arrrggghhh! ( a true Pyrate arrrgh at that. ) Why, why why why why why, must they use boots and waistcoats with collars. Damn it they even used some of Kass' garments.... At least the buckles on the shoes were accurate. Ok another sip of scotch and I good be ok..... Sorry for the rant.... As a side note Bo when were you there? I was just there yesterday. I like the Cincinnati one better.
  9. And I am the proud owner of the first and original FB term.
  10. But if you need something simple and cheap, can you really worry about absolute protection? Ive noticed that even the big wall tents aren't all the weather tight either. When I'm by myself I don't really care if things aren't completely weather resistant but when my family is there then I worry about it.
  11. Good! Here is the website I used for directions. Dorset Button Guide If that doesn't make any sense Google Dorset buttons and you find other "how to's." I'm really liking these buttons because they are so much lighter than a pewter button. My new clothes have pewter buttons and they pull quite heavily on the garment. Almost to the point of annoyance. So I'm really excited to make a bunch of these and to top it off they look great too. Have fun Mr. Tignor
  12. hmmmm Uh oh, I think Sterling's wheels are turning. I'm a little worried. I hope they look good enough Capt'n?
  13. Well I took a crack at it today. I used 3/4'' plastic rings from Jo Ann Fabrics and linen thread. Tell me what you think.
  14. I second that Mickey! I made one of those for our powder magazine at Black beard this year. Albeit a smaller version of one.
  15. You can, if you have time . You could always do metal grommets, then cover them with stitching.
  16. Capt'n Mac you suggested about what I was going to. Also if you can't find tent stakes at an Army surplus check you local "big box" home improvement store. I've seen spikes 12' long that would work well as small tent stakes.
  17. Oi Capt'n do I need to step in and show this peacock some manners?
  18. Ditto Silkie
  19. Well William should your travels bring you by the Orlando area. The house is certainly open. (I hope, I haven't checked with Brig yet. ) Let us know and hey we'll be baby proof.
  20. Besides the capt'n has a lot of bodygaurds. LOL
  21. Tis a shame I don't live closer. I would love to go. Let us know what you find out. I would like to make Brig a set or to of Jumps. These stays are kicking my behind. (Because of the amount of time to finish them. OI!)
  22. Oooh, I just trying Hazed and Infuzed. A nice unfiltered, hoppy IPA style brew. Very tasty. I'm beginning to really like unfiltered IPA's.
  23. I like the idea of "racism" (competing geographical differing groups) being included but the Columbia would not be a "racist" ship. Obviously we all, as crew members, be aware of the ongoing struggle between certain groups. I think it would add depth to the story and round out our "world". Perhaps the Columbia could almost be some sort of refuge. Ooh, inspiration, perhaps that's something we get involved in. Some rich financier asks us(Pays Us) to smuggle those in more hostile areas and relocate them to friendlier sections. Almost a Han Solo thing were we're in it for the money but end up joining the cause kind of thing.
  24. Aye it was good... I had it on tap, but I missed the fine carbonation that a regular Guinness has. It reminded me of the Guinness Export I had in Aruba. It had a whopping 7% alcohol content. It was Guinness only a wee bit sweeter.
  25. Probably from Maddogge's "Portuguese Punch" only real pirates drink! (I guess I'm not a real pirate cause I won't drink it. I'm more of a pirate hunter anyways. )
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