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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Well to do it right we should probably have weekend set aside just to film. It's hard to find that much time during a reenactment. PiP is the only one I can think of because we can get there early enough before the actual event starts.
  2. Cheers Mate!
  3. The title says it all.... Still need to tailor the sleeves a bit.
  4. So you finally got it down eh Dutchie?
  5. Look out!!! They're coming for you.....
  6. Hey Mickey, What pattern would you be using for this coat? So the waistcoat would be blue and your using melton?!?! I says you be meltin' in your melton. LOL!!
  7. well since it's so close to home, it would be hard to pass up. We would just have to work on some earlier garb. Put myself, Brig and the wee one on the list tentatively.
  8. I found this while searching for other things. Black Cloth Read Kass' comment. Just throwing this out for you Cross.
  9. One thing that I was thinking about would be ship inventories. Has anyone come across any that have dye stuffs listed? Is there a site perhaps I might be able to search through old inventories? As a side note, logwood seems to be popular so far. Can anyone back me up?
  10. I'm going to resurrect this thread in order to keep the search for PC dye recipes. I have a rather ambitious project of dyeing linen (Bleached & Unbleached) and wool in period dye baths. Then age 3 swatches in the sun for different times. (Probably 1 month, 6 months and 1 year.) Put all this crap into a "swatch book" of sorts to have a reference for colors. Point me in the right direction. I'll start reading. I own and have read this book. The Craft of Natural Dyeing by Jenny Dean I'm just not sure how period the dye recipes are. I'm sure they are pretty close though, considering the whole book is devoted to using natural elements in the dye baths. Also any word on dye "fixatives"? I've heard salt being used but in my experience (using Rit dyes) I have not seen it work effectively. (I'm aware of mordants and washes that can be used.) Lastly if anyone has any suggestions on what else I might need to do or test, please speak up. I'm planning on starting this in the spring. I'll keep those posted in a new thread when I start. Thanks all!
  11. Just actually arriving on the tarmac in Key West. Twas a hue relief just knowing I was there.
  12. Thanks Rats. Also making a video wouldn't take that much more time than these photos for sure.
  13. Man I wish I could have had some fun with this. That is so awesome.
  14. Tis a pleasure also kind sir. My fair winds be at your back and our paths to cross yet once again.

  15. T'was a pleasure to be sharin' a harbor wi' ye. Be keepin an eye peeled for yer tops'ls on another horizon, be well. Dutch "X" his mark

  16. I'll slap it on my car. Without hesitation.
  17. Have you tried a search? I think this has been asked before.
  18. I really need to start working on my period dye swatch book.
  19. Hey look it's Sterling!
  20. Butt Paste stuff works great for the baby.
  21. Sorry my bad, the breeches are velvet.
  22. But it is velvet. So would you really be doing a lot of hunting in velvet? Maybe that's why it's a sleeved waistcoat.
  23. Gold Bond's medicated powder, it like a mint for your bal......... WOT! I'm just saying.
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