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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. So is there a simul-cast in the interwebs? Perhaps we can tune in and listen?
  2. Happy Birthday Mate!
  3. I like being the big spoon....
  4. Really? Ridley Scott directing? That might be kinda cool. He's got a good look and feel to his films.
  5. Nope that was Nick.
  6. Here are some I had. Nothing really good but something.
  7. Right Silkie. I would say she is still wearing stays underneath. Because we know when women wore their riding outfits they still wore stays under the waistcoat and coat.
  8. Hence why we have an "Airship" Pirate section. It's just more common as most of us are focused on that kind of pirate.
  9. Post some pics let us see.
  10. Oh cool. Post some pics when your done.
  11. Thanks to all for helping me decide what I put on the garment. Here is a shot of the completed coat. (Yep finally I got the pocket flaps on.)
  12. Thanks for all the replies. My worry was that they would look out of place for a QuarterMaster. I know being an officer I would have nicer things but I didn't want to lose that down to earth feel. I was afraid that the Dorset buttons would look too fancy. Thanks for all the responses. It looks like I shall be placing the dorset's on soon.
  13. Ok so I'm at an impasse. I can't decide if I want to keep the pewter buttons or go with the dorset buttons I've made. Here are a few pics to help you out. Let me hear your reasons for voting the way that you have. Thanks!
  14. Yeah, but you can use silk if you want.
  15. I love this one Everyone of the ladies in period clothes! It looks awesome. It's one thing to see the men lined up but a bunch of ladies in Stays and Muantua's, that looks like something straight out of the history books. Good show!
  16. Well were are the pics???
  17. LOL! Hey I would take it up with the Capt'n. I'm just going on what would be most common. My impression is that dorset button are pretty fancy anyways. Do what you will, I'm just making educated suggestions.
  18. Using cotton will work but as you and I both know it's not PC. (I'm trying not pull this thread into a "Twill" type discussion. We can argue PC'ness of stuff there. This reply is meant for Siklie.) I always try and go, WWCSS. (What Would Capt'n Sterling Say. ) and you being part of the Archangel crew I would defer to the good Capt'n. If you can find silk that would be acceptable. I know linen thread is hard to find but if your going to put that much work into making these buttons wouldn't you prefer to do it right the first time? Anyways just my 2 cents.
  19. I second the Torpedo. Very good IPA, nice and hoppy. (Its puts a little bounce in yer step. )
  20. Nothing at the moment and that's the problem.
  21. Cheeky what browser are you using? I know Firefox has a zoom function. I'm not sure about IE.
  22. Thanks all! I really miss you guys. Hope to see everyone at PIP! or sooner
  23. Yeah the linen thread I'm using kinda gets, well all Frayey. ( Is that even a word) I have heavily wax mine to keep it looking crisp. Also I've noticed to, try to keep your backstitches along the spokes even, Don't let them overlap each other and pull them fairly taught.
  24. Oh well fine then.
  25. With the new software we now have a "Reputation Points". It seems that the only way you get them is members rate your posts! 1 point (Plus or Minus) per post per member. So get to rating your friends. At least that is how it seems to work. PS Stynky if I'm wrong please correct me.
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