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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Bloody F'n Brilliant!
  2. DUDE!!! Totally sweet!
  3. BUMP, for you Michael! Thanks for bringing this up. I too have a new pair in the works.
  4. Happy Birthday, hope you do get well soon.
  5. V&A has a Gentleman's oufit? Mmmm, musta missed it. Maybe it was for the new exhibit that now open.
  6. Whats so wrong with Timmy B? I like the look of his movies. Is he just hard to work with? That I could understand.
  7. Yeah I think that is coming from the bar tack on the ends. Any pointers on how to tighten the stitch without puckering? (Both on the bar tack and buttonhole stitch.) And yay ok Maddogge yer right, that'll be on the next one! And yes to Lady Barbossa and Capt'n, I'm beginning to believe that a hand sewn garment is soooooo much sturdier and better made than a machine one. No wonder they had second and third and forth hand clothing. The damn things would never wear out! At least the stitches anyways The fabric would give way before any of my stitches would.
  8. Here is some of my latest buttonhole work. Yay!
  9. Yep, I would have to agree with you Michael. Those do look sharp. I do like the higher heel of the loyalist's shoes though.
  10. ooh like the jacket!
  11. Yeah excuses, excuses. Wow! I'm sooo glad your still with us Jim. I'll be praying for you. I certainly hope you can regain your strength. I hope to see you at PiP again this year. Glad you made it so far.
  12. YAY! I just hope work for me holds out. So I can take the week or so off.
  13. Hey PyratesKeepe, Try Capt'n Twill. Its where we talk about more historical things. Like what you've posted. Give it a glance. Welcome by the way.
  14. Hey Mary put me down for 100. Thanks!
  15. I found this about a year ago. Thought I would share. StormWinds
  16. I guess I shouldn't tell him where I live....
  17. When are you coming down to Florida?
  18. So who ever is playing Leia gets to sit on your lap?
  19. Wait...you mean that thread wasn't inspired by this one? You could be Bib Fortuna, who was also there and also a Twi'lek...but I sure don't want to see videos of you belly dancing. (No offense. At least not unless you invest in a gallon of Nair...) Haha no actually it wasn't. I took a Facebook "quiz" "what Star Wars Character are you?" and I was Princess Leia. So hence the mutant photochop pic. Besides I shave anyways.
  20. Prince Leia I know someone who could play Leia. :angry:
  21. Check my Facebook Capt'n. I don't care. It's too damn funny not to show it around.
  22. Ok I was bored. That's how it happened. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ok I've warned you...... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . See what I mean. Just Creepy.
  23. I only want to read it if said book has all the dirty details of the now infamous "Night in Barcelona". (Runs and hides from the wrath of Sterling. Of course I'll hide on the blind side.)
  24. sniff... damn it I miss all the fun...... Great photo's 'Dogge, if'n I do say so myself. Wish I could have been there. PS Sorry Capt'n after see'n Mr. March, Dogge and Billy, you do have some of the hairiest crew around.
  25. Well did anyone take any pictures? Jeeze..... I'm glad we as a crewe did well. I wish I could have been there. Maybe during this summer...mmmmmm.
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