WOT! Maddogge complaining about being in, not looking good, somethings not right, do I look fat, I don't have my armor on, look how big my muscles are, don't shoot me in a dress video stuff again. We've seen this act before.
Damn, that makes me wish I was into home brewing. Sounds wonderful! I'm not clear on recipes but its seems to me that it would be very hoppy.
Am I correct in thinking this?
Sure I don't mind the link at all. Tis a pleasure to help further our cause. It was a grand opportunity to be able to even visit.
I'm glad I found some items to help.
The door slowly slides behind him as he removes his gloves tossing them in the corner. Gas hissing through the works of the airlocks.
Stepping into his quarters glad to be out of the greasy engine room, Colorado wipes the sweat from his brow.
Plucking his trusty goggles from atop his forehead he wipes them down from the days work.
Needless to say I just got done with my first pair of goggles. I love the way they came out. Perfect for my Greaser Mechanic persona.
I just wanted to share.
Take your time with shaping the hat. Its a repeated process. Yes you will have to work fast before things cool off but multiple steamings and shaping til you get what you want. Don't be afraid to tug at things a little. (Don't gorilla it though. :) The felt is pretty resilient. You can always buy hat stiffener if it goes really floppy.
In regards to weatherproofing, I've used a shellac diluted with denatured alcohol. You do have to watch it though it will shrink the hat. (I think I mentioned my method earlier in the thread.) Also if you put a thick coat on it will make hard as a rock. And if you lose some shape to it using this method, it will take gratuitous amounts of steam and time to reshape.
By the felt getting rough you mean fuzzy? You can always take a razor (Like the one you use for your face) and gently shave the felt.
What is your method for steaming? I try to make sure I have a "stream" of steam that I can then maneuver the blank around to soften the area to shape.