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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Ah! I see. I'll wait then for Harry. Didn't realize the fort could be indisposed at that time.
  2. So I'm starting this thread in order to bring some... order... to the camping situation for next year. With our numbers growing greater every year it will be necessary have some organization to maximize our camping potential. I will start with an over head photo of the grounds. I've mapped out a crude area where the paths are (in GREEN) and camping (shaded RED). Please let me know if I'm missing any paths and extra camp space. Thanks. With that I will start to map out where stuff should go. Perhaps along with your listing in the ROLL CALL 09 you could list your accomodations along with your tent(s) Sizes. William can you do that? Thanks to all.
  3. Agreed Capt'n! Which is why I'm beginning to look into that now. Before the Son of Pig tosses us to the waves. (Which might be kinda of nice.) Pyrate, maybe we should hang him nxt year. Oh Hi, (turns and sees Will towering over him)
  4. Well perhaps if we had the Quartermaster we could have setup a little better. ( Looking for William) Ooops! I guess that kinda incriminates myself don't it? Already starting to download a sat photo to get the lay of the land and see how we might accomplish things.
  5. Cheeky, The Westin's website is saying the the group rate is sold out. Thought you might want to know.
  6. No you don't. (Or we both need our heads checked) I was so excited to make the new shift's for the girls this year. So much so that I finished the both shifts by hand!
  7. Nice Avatar, Robert! Now you should try and claim the 'prettiest pyrate' on the crewe!

  8. Your still rubbing your feet thinking, "Gee I can't WAIT to get back next year." (Ok I'm not saying that right now, but I'm sure most of you are. )
  9. I've always loved this picture. Would this work also? Maybe minus the frilly collar thingy.
  10. Wow! I would love to have a tent like that. I've got an inkling to do that. If'n I can find the means. And yes based off of my experience at PiP 07 and Blackbeard '08, better camp furniture would be in order. Now that I have a house.... I have a whole garage to mess up! By the way Jim. Should you find your self going to Hampton, I know that Brig and I are planning on it. Maybe we could ride up or something. It's still aways away. Lets see.
  11. Interesting to see more than one with the Red/ Green combination.
  12. After Hijacking a thread in the Pip forum. I'll repost my latest response to Mr Dogge here. (I'll delete my original posts.) Hahahahaha..... Bawhahahahahah..... I don't think I even need to avenge my honor. You've done it already for me. Not so pretty now ehh... Doggie? Now Mr Aluitious can play the Fop!
  13. Maybe we could get a Buccaneer sub forum in Twill?
  14. Now Mr Aluitious can play the Fop!
  15. Sorry for the Hijack! Click here
  16. Yeah but remember I had them first. Good to be the QM!
  17. Not if I have anything to do with it.
  18. You i wonder if my wig would work also? With a hat like missions? Do the coffee can trick that Patrick's done?
  19. Cool, glad to here something like that would work. What about what I was asking about the pants? And Yes a first glance it does look like that.
  20. I saw those but I was thinking about trying for more a buccaneer/ commoner impression. Very fancy though. I wouldn't want to pull my focus away from the GAoP too much. Besides I'm waiting certain capt'n for patterns.
  21. I wasn't planning on making it out of leather. Just using it as a guide for a pattern. From what I've seen in plates, it seems to be the correct look. Looking for a second opinion.
  22. Oh course barring anything major. We will be there next year. Jack Brig and the little one. I'm going to do my damnedest to get there next year.
  23. Don't tell the Quartermaster what? Oi, the last time I miss an event.
  24. I'm looking at possibly making something along the lines of this... Just looking at the cut, not the fancy adds. Will the sleeves be slashed on both sides? Would this work? I'll use the shirts I currently have. I'll probably make some baggy trousers to go with it and my boots. (Whoo hoo! I can use them after all. ) The pants will be a kinda of drawstring type (I'll probably still button them.) Kinda of gathered into a waistband. Length will be past the knee about mid - lower calf? Will the leg closure tie or button? Thanks!
  25. Happy natal day my friend! Sorry I missed you this year. Next year for sure.
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