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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Wow, that looks great Cheeky! I'm jealous of your mantua making skills.
  2. Cool! Thanks Patrick
  3. Of course this is all coming from a Period Correct point of view. If you just want to play Pirate and not really care about what they actually wore between 1680 - 1720, then go ahead and use the Simplicity pattern. Really isn't that bad of a pattern (At least as far as the shirt, wasitcoat, coat goes.) With minor modifications you can make a decent costume. Throw on some bucket boots and yell Arrgg! It's all about what direction you want to go in.
  4. Yay! for Bilge!
  5. In general the Simplicity "Jack Sparrow" pattern is not accurate out of the box. (or bag, as the case may be.) Some notes I would have for the pattern are, The shirt collar is to big, the way the construction of the shirt is made isn't accurate. A period waist coat will have a silt and "tails" (for lack of a better term) The coat would also have a silt in the back of the skirts. (For riding horses) Both the coat and waistcoat would have sharper neck lines, the rounded line is late for GOAP. Hope that makes sense. The pants are way off, if I remember front fall breeches don't come into play until mid century. Having said all that. What I currently wear (except the breeches and trousers) is based off that pattern. You could modify it, if your savvy enough. Have a look through here. Costumer Manifesto Also there is a lot of info in Capt'n Twill. Try a search there. Lots of info there.
  6. Well I hope this isn't a strict single man's club. Finding myself happily married. I wouldn't mind bonding with the men from time to time. So in return I'll pull up a chair. Thanks Patrick for the cigar, but I'll pass on the absinthe. I brought a Bottle of Ardbeg to share. MMMmmm, scotch, the peaty smokey kind.
  7. Oh yeah apple juice, has a foamy head just like that. I so stupid. The pheasant does look tasty though.
  8. Ahhh, beer... my affinity for this drink is quite well established. I must as of late my tastes have made a turn for the hops. (The ingredient) Dog Fish Head 90 minute IPA is always welcome along with the 60min (Haven't tried the 120 yet!) Sierra Nevada is always a fine choice. Had an IPA called Maharaja on tap, twas a 9% alcohol content giving this a good whopping punch. and yes Unibroue is always a good choice. Although La fin de Monde for me can be a bit think for my taste.
  9. Ahhhh, my work here has been most effective. As the work of a tabloid is to expose the truth. Seeing that William is the only one with a proper recollection of the events of those infamous 2 days, perhaps more "evidence" can be procured, in order to bring forth the truth.
  10. When was the last time you saw a pint of brew in a Long John Silvers?
  11. Try that!
  12. ack! It not working for me now too. I've tried to repost, see if that helps.
  13. Ah damn, thats a lot of drinking... and actually I just got up from bed. Dang it the time change is killer. It way to early here.
  14. Well,... (tugs at the cravat) You see I didn't even ask. The reason being I picked up a tankard from 1780 and asked him how much it was. 280 pounds! He went on to explain that a Victorian tankard was about 55 pounds as soon as you got into the 18th century prices soared. So I'm sure they were pricey and he didn't offer up the price while I was looking at it. So ah, don't um, I hope your not upset really.
  15. Ahh damnation now you tell me. Well last time I was here I haunted (Oooh good word usage, I like.) Ye Old Cheshire Cheese. That was cool pub. One of the oldest, been there since the great fire. I have one more night in London on Friday, maybe I'll attend the Red Lion. Got any more your aware of?
  16. Wow, been through a couple of those myself. I'm so glad you made it out ok. Definitely buckle up, tis a smart thing to do.
  17. Well damnation, another post. I figured I would drag this thread up and just say the same thing over again. Dam this British ale get to me every time. Ok I'm going to bed....... I LOVE THE PUB!!! HAHAHAHA I think I might regret this in the morning. :angry:
  18. I wouldn't mind at all getting an unfinished piece. Then staining and varnishing the rest yourself. A kit would be nice. Thanks for even considering a project like this.
  19. London, they have all the cool stuff.
  20. Like wot? Tis the picture not showing up fer ye?
  21. yes...but you look so pretty in it....your wife must be jealous!!! Awe, thank you Mad Dogg you're too kind. Of it should be expected coming from some who also cross dresses humself.
  22. Ahhh, some new additions to the wardrobe. The top hat and the pocket watch. For the more upscale Steamer in me. I'm still working on my greaser airship mechanic.
  23. current price for a good rabbit plate is about 59 - 65 dollars... a plate is approximately 12 pelts sewn together, tis about 4 feet by 2 feet... and barely enough for just the bottom of the petticote... still have to consider the train and the trim... Dang and I think my parents already culled their rabbits awhile back.
  24. I just was wondering what the outer fabric of your stays were and if you have just a shot of that. If I remember correctly dupoini silk is something to avoid. The slubbines of it kind of takes it out of period. You want something that is woven smooth with little slubs. So you should be right on. Thanks for you most generous offer on fabrics but Alas I have 2 rubber maid bins full of fabric and more that doesn't fit in them. I'm drowning in it you see. :) Thank you for your most generous offer. Perhaps I should refer you to this thread. Fabric Whore You see I already have problems...
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