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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Well according to my measurements from google earth, it's only 40 feet wide from the inside of the bushes. Crap now that I'm thinking about it I won't be able to get 3 10x14 wall tents side by side. Back to the drawing board. Updates to come.
  2. Hey everybody check the top post. I've updated it.
  3. Green Line= Enterance Brown Line= Ropes to keep public out. Yellow = Wedge Tents; W1=Jack Roberts; W2=Souris Friend's wedge; W3= Storage only Blue= Wall tents; MS= Mickey Souris; OK= Haunting Lily and Edward Red = Flys & Hide Purple= Mark G's tent P = Power Magazine (Tent) (GREEN) LP = Light pole FP = Firepit (GREEN) Version 8.0!! Tents accounted for; Jack Roberts Wedge Souris' Wedge Mark G Pavilion Haunting Lily's Wall & Fly Mr. March's Wall & Fly Capt'n Sterling's Wall & Fly and wedge Marines Tent
  4. Hey they even have waxed linen thread there too.
  5. Yeah I did noticed that about part of the "stripy" garment was hanging out. I just didn't want to think it was a coat with stripy sleeves. Interesting...
  6. Thanks! I was just wondering about the one piece idea. Your responses make sense. Thanks again for the reed count. I'll be back.
  7. So I'm wondering, would it be wrong, if you had a correct pattern(one that fits the lady), could you cut the whole thing out of one piece of fabric? I guess the biggest draw back would be no adjustment with the seams. MMmm..... Also how much reed boning have you gals needed to do one set of stays? I need to order some for my lady.
  8. Sorry all. It was working just fine for me. My apologies for that. Thanks Syren for the repost.
  9. Waaah!! I haven't been to anything in almost a year. I'm so jealous but very happy for my friends who are going out and having a great time. Looks like fun. I just wish I could have been climbing the rigging with you. See most of you at Blackbeard.
  10. What is the "stripy" garment underneath what looks like a waistcoat? It's not his shirt. You can see that on the sleeves.
  11. Heheh, I guess I could have mentioned what it was made out. Editing my original post.
  12. Well I've been busy making myself a new more PC outfit. It's so close to being finished. So I wanted to share what I've got going so far. THE WAISTCOAT I've used a machine to sew the pocket linings, back and side seams, and the lining and outer shell. Then I prick stitched the outer edges by hand. The pocket linings and flaps were sewn in by hand also. Of course all buttonholes were also sewn by hand. (OI!) 15 in all. Waiting on buttons to arrive to complete. Outer- Linen: Lining- Linen FRONT BACK CLOSE UP OF FRONT POCKET FLAP and POCKET THE COAT This time I vowed to sew as much as I could by hand. Once again the pocket linings were sewn by machine, along with the sleeve linings. The last 3 inches so of the sleeve linings were finished by hand. Everything else... was sewn by hand. (rubs sore hands together) Waiting on the buttonholes and buttons to be complete. Outer - Wool: Lining- Linen FRONT BACK CLOSE UP OF BACK VENT CLOSE UP OF BACK SHOULDER SEAM and SLEEVE CLOSE UP OF INSIDE POCKET (I'm pretty proud of it.) Hope that make sense. Enjoy!
  13. That was actually a waistcoat but yes it did have lining. I apologize if I label it wrong. Also the new coat I'm making ( pattern is based on the 1706 slops contracts, although not the color) is also lined. Hope that helps
  14. Wow and to think I've pinned the ever living crap out of my sleeve seams. I could have stitch witch. DOH!
  15. Ok I guess I never noticed before.
  16. Weren't you clean for PiP '07? Dang, now I have to check.
  17. Having now looked at the Slop Contracts patterns and finishing up an outfit based (in cut only, not color) on that pattern, I feel it's a great starting point for new comers into the time period. I feel it really nails down the fit and cut of the period. You can't go wrong basing your pattern off of that one. Besides we are talking about a minimum garb standard. Not absolutely the only thing we find acceptable. Once you get the feel for that you can expand and move on to other, fancier treatments to the outfit. Perhaps a different pattern, although I think the Slops contract has it down pretty good. Just my 2 cents anyways and we're not in twill. So I digress.
  18. I think it was pink and blue or black. Look at this.
  19. Wow! They look nice! I love the fabric. Kind of reminded me of this fabric. The placard said "Brocaded Silk English (Spitalfields): 1720 -25."
  20. OI! Why do they always fall for the Capt'n? Seems every time they fall for 'im. Yes I think the harpsichord would sound lovely next to my flower pot. If your wonderin what that is, well you'll just have to see at PiP.
  21. Right now Tequila. Good Tequila that is, made into a fabulous margarita. Whew I've had a couple so far this eve.
  22. Harry you will be missed! I wish the best for you and yours. I hope to see you again at Blackbeards.
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