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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Found it. Thanks Capt'n.
  2. I just saw this reply. So they'll be just fine as they look in the photos? Where's the "reply" I would love too read myself also.
  3. All right back to the drawing board...again. OI!
  4. ok thats not too bad. Should they be shorter? Thanks Capt'n.
  5. Ohh nothing it's just not what I was trying to make. So Open-kneed breeches same as breeches?
  6. ??? Open kneed? You have any pictures so I can figure out what to do. Or is it just like it sounds. I would think I would want them shorter and no buttons on the sides.
  7. I've cut them already and hemmed them. They would have been perfect before I cut them. Now I'm pissed. (Not at you Capt'n) (Runs around the house cursing.) Madogge I found the fabric at Jo Ann about a year ago. Check out Stripey Fabric
  8. WOT!!!! Son of a bi****. Say it isn't so.....
  9. The Capt'n said that they should be mid-calf.
  10. They are a little high but it sits well below the knee.
  11. Here they are. They are a mix of hand sewn and hidden machine sewn seams. With the rest of the kit. Some close ups of the details. Haha, I just saw I misspelled Trousers! LOL too funny.
  12. Pretty!! I like the hardware.
  13. Post some pics when you get the time. I know we all love to see others projects. Glad to hear it came out well.
  14. Coast Watch, how'd your hat turn out?
  15. Yeah true depends on the period. I just assumed we meant GAoP.
  16. I haven't seen any period descriptions or depictions of them I would think there not period but what do I know.
  17. Bump! mmmm... I surprised this has been stickied?
  18. Well by all means check this thread out. Lots of good info there. How to "Cock" a hat. I would think the most period way to stitch the sides up would be linen or silk thread. I would avoid leather if your going for a more period impression. Besides that would be a beast to sew through the felt.
  19. Yeah definitely be open to anything. I hope I didn't lead you astray with the Victorian ideas. It's just what I was using for inspiration.
  20. I'm still starting. Just start by modifying stuff to make steamy. I've been looking at Victorian clothing and trying to use that as a basis for a look. Of course that's the fun of Steampunk it really isn't anything specific. I'm still trying to get some ideas down. I've started with some cool props. I made a few goggles and a mechanics pouch. Still working on clothes but I'm in no real rush to get stuff done.
  21. Sadly, I found out today that he passed earlier this month while doing his job (Jack Sparrow's Pyrate Tutorial). Mark hit his head in a fall, but didn't pass until a day later due to complications.

    Mark was a comedian and a great prankster, but most of all...he was a wonderful guy. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.

  22. Which is why I never tried to claim it. :P

  23. Mr. Roberts ego isn't large enough for "the prettiest pirate in the crew" yet.

  24. sounds good when I get closer to the time to buy I'll come to you first.
  25. Can you do custom colors historyfanatic?
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