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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. I can back up Sterling's claims. I've gone through 3 pairs and each one had the same problem. I could not get the balls of my feet through the opening. After trying for 2 years with 3 pairs I've given up and sold them off. After hearing about Mr. March's and seeing Mistress Diamond shoes, I agree with the good Capt'n. They need a different cobbler. As a side note my Fugawee Condords are slightly uncomfortable but have held up through 2 PiP's and lasted 3 years and still are ticking.
  2. Pretty much the same principal I live on. LOL
  3. Men with muffs..... What would like to find evidence for is a "wool tube lined with fur". So the muff would be wool on the outside and lined with fur. That I have enough pelts to do. Lady Barbossa, I didn't stuff it with anything. I thought about it. Perhaps I should have. Although the fur itself is pretty warm.
  4. Probably not sailors but the fine lady that it's going to could have bought it with this sailors money... oh wait Capt'n never pays us. So never mind..... I was reading up on the usage of furs during the Colonial periods. Because the people had close contact with the Indians, fur was more readily available and cheaper. So I would deduce that even a common woman could have had some fur available for use. As a side note. If you look at the first picture you can see were the fur was caught up in the threads. I've gone through and pulled that out. The seam isn't as visible now. Kate..... You referenced fur lined muffs... I was looking for something like that for our period. If you have copies of plates you could email me that would be awsome!! I have 2 pelts of gray and 2 of white but they're not big enough to make the entire muff out of fur. A wool, fur lined muff would be an awesome way to use the rest.
  5. Boddingtons Cream Ale Chased with a dram of Ardbeg scotch.
  6. Thanks Salty! And yes tonight we should in the 20's. That's pretty freakin cold for around here.
  7. Oh dear god.... what have I done..
  8. Precisely Callenish.... But seriously we are in for a freeze tonight. I have turn off me sprinklers.
  9. The muff is fur lined. I figured it was warmer that way. Well we have freeze warnings lined up for tonight here in Fla.
  10. With all this cold weather gear I'm making here is yet another item that I just completed. A Hand Muff. I obtained some rabbit pelts from my parents and just put this together this afternoon. It's not for me but I modeled it for you. Now I need to shower the fur off me.
  11. It's also why hemp fabric is so expensive to buy in the US. We cannot grow it locally in the US. It would be such a useful fiber too. There are those that fear if the "fabric" variety of hemp would be legalized that there might be a loophole opened for the "smoking" variety. Oh well. I guess I'll still have to pay thru the nose for hemp fabric.....
  12. No worries Capt'n McCool. Tis exactly how I started down the dark path of PC garb.... Heck I still have me boots. Don't worry about the farby. If PC clothing is what your after, you'll get there eventually. It took me nearly 3 years to get there and I'm still working on it.
  13. Also Capt'n McCool, no question is stupid. Especially when trying sew. Some things aren't as obvious. So ask away.
  14. Sorry for may latenees into the conversation mister Cross. Yes that looks great! I have yet to try this style of button. Mainly because I'm not a fan of the look. They look great nonetheless. Can't wait to see them.
  15. Yes I will Capt'n McCool. Just for everyone info when you sew eyelets, use an awl. Do not cut the fabric but use the awl to "open" the weave of the fabric. Makes for a stronger eyelet when the fibers of the fabric are intact.
  16. Well after the waistcoat that I just finished I found myself with extra wool left over. So I decided last night to whip up and a pair of breeches. At the request of Mr. Cross I'll post some pictures of said breeches. Still a work in progress I need to cut and finish the bottoms and sew all the buttonholes on. So enjoy!
  17. My generous Capt'n has provided me a pattern. It's based off the 1706 slop contract in cut. Not necessarily in material and color.
  18. Look at the red X on the second picture. You can see a chalk line wear the vent would start. Tis also where I will start the lacing.
  19. lol!
  20. Well I've started to work on a wool sleeved waistcoat. For those times where I might need some extra warmth. I figured I'd post my progress on here so everyone could enjoy. Part of the reason for starting this thread,I wanted to show whats on the inside. The guts you never get to see. Here is the front inside out showing the pockets and interlining. Now it's turned out and pressed waiting for buttonholes and prick stitching. I still have to finish the sleeves and sew pocket flaps. Close up the pocket.
  21. Well it could still see that happening to make sure that the "booty" was distributed evenly. Alas I have no proof of that actually happening. Also I've noticed that a lot of silver coins are not very regular in their shape. Just look at the coins from the Wydah exhibit. They're all over the place. Some are square others round with an edge "bit" off.
  22. Damn... I think the Archangels are getting a reputation for this.
  23. mmmm... could be period to use perhaps....
  24. I hope not to derail the tread but another thing I have in question, when did the English start referring to the pound as a "quid"?
  25. Thanks Lady Brower. I've done that for her petticote. I didn't with the Mantua because it was made out of scraps I had laying around and it's kinda poorly made because I whipped it up in an evening.
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