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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Well (Dang it!!! There I go pulling another thread off topic) critiquing is one way for others to improve. I know when I was learning how to play music if I wasn't critiqued I wouldn't have learned how to play properly. True we talk in a medium that can be easily misconstrued. For me it depends on what question is asked. You want to know if it looks good or are you asking if it is period correct? I will give 2 different answers depending on the question. If you don't want to be critiqued don't ask. Simple... Just take a look at the "You in Your Garb" thread in the "Crows Nest". I have never seen anyone really slammed for anything they post. Just compliments. Just my 2 pence.
  2. Metaphysics for making period garments??? Wha??? Ok....
  3. ooh, yes, please do. I'm interested for sure.
  4. I use picassa and I love it. Thanks for all your hard work Papa!
  5. Yes it does change our perspective on what was worn but it doesn't seem that common. Or perhaps it is more of a seafaring, naval, thing? At least looking at what I've seen in period illustrations it seems double breasted coats seem less common. But this isn't twill. Crap there I go spinning another topic off track."
  6. Skyy Vodka on the rocks
  7. I just got this reply from the V&A museum. It seems to me that as you move further into the century the shoulder seams start to drop. Yet another way to double check date and to help date period illustrations.
  8. Dates I need dates... work is usually slow during that time of year.
  9. LOL I love this thread.
  10. Ditto! What Lady Brower said.
  11. I was going to mention Dharma Trading Co. I've ordered several yards of fabric from them and I highly recommend them. Although from a PC perspective I'm not sure how PC the blend is. But this isn't Twill so I digress.
  12. Perhaps....
  13. hahahahhahahahahaha..... ok time to bring up this drunken thread once again.... I love the pub..... ok discuss.... lol!!!!! Sorry I had to bring it up.
  14. I take it this a boned garment? If so, is it fully boned like our stays for GAOP?
  15. That's ok he can stand and try to hide there. What he doesn't realize is that the Lt. March or I are standing guard on that side.
  16. I can't help with the cap but the slops I can add my findings and opinions. We know in the GAOP they had second and third hand clothing. So sure you can ragged clothing but does that fit with your persona? Like Capt'n Sterling told me, "clothing was new once." I know from experience that I won't "age or distress" my clothes. I'm too hard on them at events. Of this is from a historical perspective.
  17. Bravo!! Very nice my friend Very nice.
  18. Thanks Foxe. This will help me with my Quartermaster impression.
  19. A comfortable home just before the out skirts of town. A nice place for the wife and child to live while I'm away at sea chasing those nasty pirates. It wouldn't be as extravagant as Sterling's plantation but we don't need it to be. We'll just come and visit.
  20. Ahhh, the classic MTV rolling "boat" shot. Gotta love it. It adds drama and excitement, not mention you can't even see whats actually going on.....
  21. Moose is a nickname a friend gave me. I didn't have a character when I joined the pub. Now I do! (You can still call me Moose). No one says that Ivan Henry can't be nicknamed Moose!

  22. double post
  23. Here is the finished product.
  24. Video Engineer and Projectionist for corporate meetings. Basically a high end AV guy.
  25. Thanks it gives me a good idea of what we could be carrying aboard ship.
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