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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. I've learned this year that I need better bedding. Sleeping on the ground with nothing but a blanket and myself doesn't agree with me back. Something like an air mattress or a cot of sorts helps tremendously. Of everything else everyone has mentioned is good also.
  2. Please do!!! If that's what it takes, then be it!
  3. Nice show Mooseworth. I love it when I'm called "Sam Adams". Oh well...
  4. Well it seems now I'm stuck on the arm darts. I can't just figure them out. Ahhhh..... mental block.
  5. Wot, nobodies got any pointers on how to pleat and work the front facings?
  6. Thats a good question Mooseworth. I've never really thought about if the tacks were PC or not. mmmm... (runs off to search the interwebs)
  7. Well I'm starting on a new myself. I hope to have it done before PiP so Brig can were it. Ahhh, I'm so nervous. Any closeups of pleats and front facings would be nice. I likes pictures.
  8. Good to see you this weekend!

  9. There wasn't any WiFi in 2007. Last time I was there. I used my "aircard". A webcam would be cool.
  10. Right!! We should just stick to the Philosophy of Authenticity. Much less heated conversation.
  11. "Fumigate below" ???? What does that mean?? She passes gas or starts to ummm, err.... smell?
  12. (Crying)
  13. Right Capt'n, North I-95 Robbie, north.
  14. I saw those. They look great!!
  15. I think I might cry if it was the Scotch. Mission you like Scotch?
  16. Ummmm... Bud Light "Golden Wheat" The worst part is, I kinda like it.
  17. A little later but try this... Eighteenth Century American Almanacs
  18. Hey I had supplies!
  19. Well I tried... See the details on your performance below. Physical Health Good heavens, this is colonial life in 1628, not the Donner Party! Your Company is falling apart at the seams. Many colonists will die shortly after your arrival in the New World. Your decisions regarding the health and welfare of your Company members are plainly and simply disastrous. You can feel relieved however, that you probably won't have to endure colonial life for that long ... you probably won't make it to spring. Morale Your Company is a bit fearful of what the future may hold. More than a few of your colonists doubt your decision-making abilities. You will need to strengthen your leadership and raise your Company's spirits if your colony is to succeed. Supplies Your supplies are not as robust as they could be, but your Company is in decent shape. During your voyage, you made some rash decisions, and wasted some valuable supplies in the process. You will need to be more prudent in the future, or it will spell certain disaster for your colony. Ship and Crew Your ship has come through the voyage to the New World battered and bruised, but most importantly, in one piece. The ship's crew sneers at your attempts to control their behavior, and seriously doubts your ability to build a colony in the New World. Future Success Your careful rationing and thoughtful decisions will serve your colony well. You have arrived in the New World with a limited but sufficient storehouse of supplies. Your Company will be able to build homes, plant crops, and trade with Indians until the next ship of colonists arrives.
  20. Well I enjoy trying to relive the past and seeing how people lived long ago. Twill is the place to do that and discuss the finer points of it. What I don't like is when someone comes in and says that we're all idiots and we can't know for sure and you can't tell me how it "really" was. Ok true we might not be 100% correct or overweight or not the right height. That shouldn't deter us from giving it our best shot. Something about living it (or at least trying) helps me to respect where we've come from and gives me greater appreciation for the lifestyle I've been blessed with.
  21. Like Foxe said that is what Twill is for. I try very hard not put a Historical standards lens on other areas of the Pub. Sometimes the threads I start have a Historical slant because that's what I make most of the time. Like Foxe said Twill is the place to argue the living crap out of the details. I'm sorry you don't post much anymore Foxe. It's good to hear from you though. Glad you still check in from time to time.
  22. Looks so good Dutchie! I wish I lived closer. I'd come by and help.
  23. LOL I'm coming as a Somali Pirate complete with an AK47!!
  24. Cool thing about the wooden shoes. I've heard about them but not researched yet. Please post the info you've found and lets start a new discussion. I would love to know more about them. Because if they were worn often I would probably wear them. Please post what you've found. I'm really interested. Even if I don't wear them, I would love a pair to have on hand to show people. Referencing the polyester Errol Flynn look comment, to me having a 1770 waistcoat for a 1710 pirate is just as bad. (I'm not trying to be mean here, just stating my opinion.) After studying many period plates and patterns I can see the differences in the cut of the clothes. When I see things out of period it just looks wrong. I guess if your going to do something with any historical accuracy go all the way. It's taken me 3 years to finally get something fairly close. Something I can feel comfortable saying is an accurate representation of what they would have worn back then. I've found a group of people that feel the same way and I play with them. Doesn't mean I can't play with anyone else cause they have different standards. I'm sure Liam you've found a group that feels the same as you. I feel, here in Twill, that it's what we are here to do. Nick Pic! Some of us get a kick out of knowing that our seams are correct. Our prickety stitches are on. Not everyone does but that's how some others play. To Red-Handed Jill; The can be damned! Open the worms!.... ummmmm, never mind. What I was trying say was I feel this,Twill, is a safe place to let the worms out and roam free. Trying not to take things personal. I agree with you that a good portion of reenacting is about replicating the skills involved. I don't have the privilage to learn how to sail. Nor have the space to actually fire live ammunition for target practice. (or even own any weapons to do so. ) Someday I hope to but I can't right now. But I do work on what I can. Such as rope work and thoughts and mind sets of the period. As to a lot of conversation about the clothes and no actions. For me when I don my kit it feels like I'm jumping back in time. For me wearing a facsimile of period underwear actually helps me to "get into character." Not for everyone but it works for me. I know the Archangels discuss a lot about the skills and mindsets and how to present them. I know of several threads here in Twill discussing plenty of other things besides clothing. Just look down the first 2 pages of the Twill section. It does seem to dominate the conversation cause it the easy thing to point at and correct. Skills and mindsets take time to develop. Heck the whole historical pirate reenacting scene is relativity new.
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