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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. uummmm..... that's down right amazing..... and there is a Mrs. F?!?! I didn't know..... and she's quite handy with a needle. (Actually better than me for sure!) Bravo!! Wish I could see them at the next event but alas.... Foxe you're too far away. Still most excellent work. They look great!
  2. Well it looks machine stitched and if they're buying leather in bulk that might help the raw material price. It's also not dyed which of course adds cost.
  3. Haha! Just you wait Capt'n Scury, just you wait.....
  4. Wot!?!? No pictures??
  5. Cry'n?...... there's no cry'n in Pirating!! LOL

  6. Oh thanks all. I'll check those out.
  7. I've been trying to find info on ships stores myself and I haven't a lot of info. I need to start digging deeper. I have read that the Royal Navy has PC paperwork on "victualing" ships but no one has compiled the info. So I keep searching.
  8. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehe..... That should explain it....
  9. Sutler John you still have those pewter mugs available? I might be interest in 1 or 2.
  10. LOL I hope not but you never know.
  11. Hey I'm not on the list.... allow me to correct that. Crewe of the Archangel: Jack Roberts Brig Keira
  12. Wow that looks great! Any details on it's construction and material content?
  13. Finn: HA! Sterling: What the heck could they possibly sending you?
  14. Sleep.... ha.... not for awhile.... had a 5am call time this morning for work. That was not fun but pile it on. I've got some ideas too for next years camp.
  15. Yes good work to all. Cookie you did a fantastic job of it mate. Thanks for a great event..... I miss you all something terrible.
  16. Keep pickin' brains my friend and welcome! Sorry if I was a bit brash in my last comments. I just don't like having to preface everything I say with, "Of this depends if you are trying to be Historical or not." I have no problem doing it in the other areas of the forum, but in Twill well it should be assumed that it's meant to be a historical discussion. That is all. Please forgive my abrasiveness.
  17. No offense taken but I just haven't seen straw hats being that common. I'm not saying they weren't worn. I just know that felt hats we're worn, so I stick with what I know is used. This being Twill I'm going to argue this point, why not go with what you know was worn instead of speculating what might have been? Of this depends if you are trying to be Historical or not. If you're just doing a hollywood style pyrate then wear whatever you want. Otherwise you have to look at what we can research. (I shouldn't have to make this designation in this forum.)
  18. Port Royal very much a Pirate town in the late 1690's. Thanks to Sir Henry Morgan acting as Governor. Once the earth quake happened the town never fully recovered and (if memory serves me right) the next big Pirate boom town was Nassau. (Please correct me if I'm wrong. Do a quick Wiki read of the history of Port Royal and that should give you a good Idea of what it was like. (Not that Wikipedia is the greatest resource but for general stuff like that, it can give you a good idea of what things were like.)
  19. Also the idea behind the American Colonies was to provide the Homeland with raw materials. In return the finished products would be shipped back to the colonies for purchase. Various taxes and polices were implemented to try and suppress the colonies and keep the "economic model" working. Which of course led to the American Revolution.
  20. In it's hey day Port Royal Jamaica was right on par with the London fashions.
  21. I would recommend a felt one. Since this is in twill I'm looking at this from a historical perspective. I haven't seen evidence for a "Straw Tricorne" or "Leather Tricorne". So for a tricorne (that's a modern term for what is called a "cocked hat" of the period.) I would stick with the felt. Plenty of blanks can be had at a decent price. I've heard of the leather caps like MarkG speaks of. Although I can recall seeing any. Foxe did find this a few years back Leather Hat but that doesn't seem real common. For a PC impression I would stick with a Felt tricorne.
  22. Just finished these for some of the Archangel events. I wanted to let everyone see them. They are printed on hand laid linen rag paper, using a period correct font. Thanks to Sterling and Mission for your help on them and Silkie for the Mastheads on the newspaper.
  23. Hey Dutch were is this being held again?
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