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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Or have thrown in jail as terrorists!
  2. Thats part of the idea of the video. When its completed we are trying to have an online version for free and a DVD for purchace. Then use the video for advertising anywhere else.
  3. I would like to plan on something like that. Give us better options on timing and different positions.
  4. Where is Will? Haven't heard from him since PiP. Hope everything is alright.
  5. I would like to remote fire them. So maybe we can get some electric matches. Fire them using that. Run some along the ground and such to a central location. Fire them from there. Question are they water proof? Then throw a couple in the moat to get the return fire.
  6. That would be great! Although the more research I do it seems I would need a pyro license in order to make anything that blows up. We might have to go a pneumatic route. I'd rather not go that way just because of trying to lug an air compressor out to the field and charge up the cannons but it would be safer.
  7. So in regards to the secondary "hits" (meaning when shoot a cannon moments later you have a ball of dirt shoot in the air.) Does anyone have any experience with that? I could try to see if I have any contacts in the industry and see what they say. I'm sure we could come up with something.
  8. Bedding down for the evening. I pondered my surroundings. Laying in me hammock staring at the grain of the wood. The lanterns being doused one by one. Casting various shadows as each one went. I hoped to start a new adventure, "I was sure to die in that prison." I thought as I drifted into slumber. "What a happen chance of good fortune has come my way." Listening to the creek of the timbers, sleep overcame me like a fast rolling mist.
  9. And now you see why I made you do it 6 times. Thanks for all your patience while shooting this.
  10. Dang it! There's an edit blip toward the end. I will fix that.
  11. Sean you must see the new video!
  12. I line with my personal philosiphy, under promise and over deliver. I have put together another piece for you all to enjoy. Have fun! http://s68.photobucket.com/albums/i36/aman...capeattempt.flv
  13. Absolutely!! Not sure if there is any copyright issues though for using the music from the PoTC movie. I don't wan't to get anyone in trouble.
  14. Check the updated link. I gave out the wrong one at first.
  15. Ok this is not the whole video. That will take lots of time. What I do have a taste from PiP '07. Hope you all enjoy. http://s68.photobucket.com/albums/i36/aman...01revamp3-1.flv
  16. East Coast, I'm having some upload issues. Does anyone have any suggestions on where or how to upload a video?
  17. Just think, by the end of today I will have your "Trailer" done for the PiP 07 video.
  18. I have one better than a picture, I have it on video.
  19. Who heck is F.B. II? I'm a bit jealous. Besides its AAAAAA man JIRia.
  20. Thank yee Capt'n. I'll let me parents know. I don't think its anything needed in haste. I might have you mail it sometime though. I'll let you know.
  21. NOT THE WHOLE VIDEO!!!! Just a sneak peek. How's that.
  22. That all I did this year. It just seemed right. Starting to dump the videos on me computer. Maybe I'll have time to put a trailer together by the end of the week. I'll keep you posted.
  23. Here are few of mine. PiP Pictures
  24. I would like to keep the chatting down to a minium. So I'm numbering the mine. Then I will post a comment thread for the chatting. Mine will be up soon.
  25. Yes more stuff going on in the careening camp! Perhaps after the battle, you have demonstrations going on down there. To keep the flow of traffic with what is going on. I would try not to have to many conflicts so people move with the event. Come in the morning see a few vendors. Watch a battle after grabbing lunch. Head down the the camps for gun and surgery demo's. Maybe period cooking demos too. Just a thought. We had a blast!! I'm still just excited to have gone and I can't wait till next year.
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