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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Well after getting my tent poles all made up, my parents are seriously considering coming down and joining us. So my question is how does everyone feel about my younger sisters being there? They are 16 and 13. So there not babies or anything. Just wanted to get everyone's vibe about that whole thing.
  2. I'm not prone to snoring but talking in my sleep, HA! Just ask my wife, I've carried on entire conversations with her (They don't make any sense) and I can't remember anything. But digressing back to the topic of tents, I just finished making my poles for mine. I went to visit my parents in Georgia this weekend. My dad and I spent all day yesterday making them. Of course I took pictures and here they are. Freshly cut trees. You'd be amazed how hard it is to find tall straight trees. Never really dawned on me until I had too look. My Dad didn't have a draw knife or bark spud. So we used a machete like a draw knife. Here is the frame. Now the finished tent. Still have some work. Next will be the PC ropes and such. The ridge pole will have to be sleeved. Broke my heart to cut it in half but alas I had no choice but to. I'm so excited I can't wait til PiP.
  3. I plan on jumping the ocean at the end of the day, and rinsing off in the showers. That seems like a good way to keep clean. I might wash my hair, my scalp can get pretty bad if I don't. I've got dandruff issues.
  4. Do you have any pics? I'm curious on how you did this. I might be doing the same.
  5. So thats what we have so far. I will update with a few more pages on proper lighting and other Ideas on how to shoot. Please don't take this as law. To quote a favorite pirate movie, "There more like guidelines than actual rules." Be creative and try new things. Don't be afraid to do something different. Most importantly HAVE FUN!! Let your energy for the hobby shine through. I can't wait to see the finished product.
  6. Left intentionally blank.
  7. Left intentionally blank.
  8. Pirates in Paradise – Video Shoot Part 3 – What to Shoot The Q&A session Following are a list of questions. As you are answering the questions, imagine you are being interviewed by someone off to the side of the camera. If you can have a friend or family member ask you the questions. Be sure to let them finish the question and pause before you answer. That way we have a good “in point” when we edit. If there is another voice in the background, it may render the shot unusable. Just give a beat or two then answer. Same when you finish, pause then ask the next question. So on to the questions. 1. Name, Age (If you want), Occupation? 2. Where do you live? 3. Why have you chosen Piracy? 4. How long have you reenacted the Golden Age of Piracy? 5. Do you reenact any other time periods? 6. How do your friends and family react? 7. Does your significant other tolerate or participate? 8. Do you belong to a “crew”? Virtual or otherwise. 9. How did you hear about PiP? 10. What part will you be playing at PiP? 11. Where are you camping? 12. Have you been to any other Pirate Festivals? Which ones? 13. Have you ever been to Key West? 14. Have you ever seen the ocean? 15. Which ocean have you been to or seen? 16. Can you swim? 17. Weapon of choice? (In your pirate character.) 18. Have you ever fired a cannon or flintlock firearm? 19. Any real life weapon experience? 20. Ever been in a knife fight? 21. Have you ever slept in a hammock? 22. Have you ever had a tropical disease? 23. Do you get sea sick? 24. Have you ever started a fire without matches? 25. Have you ever rowed a boat? 26. Have you ever hand sewn anything? 27. Can you carry a tune? 28. Can you play a period instrument? 29. Are you afraid of heights? 30. Do you know the jargon? 31. Why be period correct? (or not?) 32. What is the difference between historical and “Hollywood” piracy? 33. If you could buy a ship from the period, what kind would be? 34. What would the name of your ship be? 35. Would you be suitable in the rigging? 36. Have you ever eaten hardtack? 37. Can you tie a bowline knot? 38. Can you cook? 39. Who is your favorite historical pirate? 40. Who is your favorite fantasy pirate? 41. How many pirates can you name? 42. What do you do with a drunken sailor? 43. Say something “Piratical”? So there you have the list. Answer what you feel comfortable.
  9. Pirates in Paradise – Video Shoot Part 2 – Let’s Get Technical So here I’m going to give you some do’s and don’ts on how to make your footage as good as possible. Nothing will be worse than to have something great on tape only to have look or sound terrible. So just a few pointers on getting it right. A little extra effort can go miles when you’re done. Audio; When you’re doing your Q&A piece, speak clearly and with volume. Talk as if the person is across the room. Try to keep the room noise to a minimum. Try to shoot in the quietest environment as possible. If we get the TV or someone talking in the background, it will most likely ruin the shot. . If you have an external microphone, that can plug into your camera, even better. Try to place it as close to you as you can, without being in the shot. You want it closer to you than the camera. Video; When framing up a shot for your Q&A piece, try to keep the back ground darker than wear you are sitting. Don’t shoot yourself in front of the window. Keep yourself well lit. A common mistake made when shooting is to put your face right in the middle of the frame. A better way to do this is to put the top of your head just below the top of the frame. This will make for better shots and keep your video looking sharp and professional. (Diagrams to follow)
  10. Pirates in Paradise – Video Shoot Part 1 – Getting started. For those that are participating in PiP this year here is some guidelines on how to shoot and capture your moments leading up to the event. We are hoping to give the video out to those who participate and make it available via download or on DVD. More Details to follow. I will be helping out in the preproduction and production of the video. William and his crew will be taking care of the production and post-production process, now enough with that on to the guide. We are looking for shots of you and your crew working on whatever you do. Be it clothing, weapons prep, or to making your own tent. We want to have shots of it. Be creative in the way that you set up your shots. Don’t be afraid to try different angles and perspectives. Close ups are recommended along with an establishing wide shots. OVERSHOOT, I can’t stress that enough. Fill up 60 minutes and then fill another. Shows, like Dirty Jobs, have more footage than they know what to do with and still struggle to put an hour long TV show together. When you shoot something unscripted, like our video, you need lots of footage. After saying that, with the nature of film making (And TV for that matter) not all of your footage will be used. Please realize that we will not be able to use all your footage in the finished product. It’s the nature of editing we don’t mean it personally. We take what will flow with the story and leave the rest on the “floor”. When the project is finished, we will send your tapes back to you. Another thing we need to address is labeling. Please with your tapes have a return address, Name and if you want a phone number. On the actual tapes please put you full name. We will need the tapes to be clearly labeled in order to able to keep track of all of them. Ok, if you’re still with me, please remember we need your help. We can’t put this together without you. It’s your video as much as ours. The more effort you put into it, the better we can make it.
  11. Here are a couple of pics of what I've been working on for the past few days. Using Reconstucting History's pattern #706. They are 100% linen. Mighty comfortable, very cool to the skin. These I made before the others. 98% wool/ 2% lycra. They were a pair of drawstring pants I wore for last year at PiP. I'm really happy with the way came out!
  12. I'm going to be praying for a cold front. We just missed one for PiP last year, by a week.
  13. Well I have to admit I don't have any professional experience with sword play. I have choreographed few "light saber" fights for a spoof I filmed years ago. They seemed to turn out well, but no real experience. I am pretty good at picking up choreography quickly. I would love to be in a sword fight of some sort, although I understand completely if I'm deemed unsafe once onsite. As to the borrowing of blades and such, I certainly am not relying on others. Just if there is some free time and a blade or 2 (or I can bring some sticks if nesessary) I would be fun for me to begin to learn the basics. "Mickey", , I love it!
  14. Well sounds good. Problem is I don't have a "banger" nor have the funds to put into one. But I would love to practice off the battle field.
  15. Just give them a call. I called them yesterday. They said you might want to order 1/2 up because there isn't a "toe cup" or something like that. I'm going to be ordering from them this week.
  16. Aye, I'll be praying for you and yours. My condolences, Silkie.
  17. Got any pics of your fugawee's Pat? Which model did you go with? I'm looking at their site and its really hard to tell what shoes are what. I'm looking intowhat I can tell are the concords. I've tried to get email GoF and I've PM'ed him here but I can't seem to get a hold of him. I don't know if he has any more.
  18. Aye, me and my wife will be there. I don't expect my parents to make it. So take them off the list. But I am working on a friend of mine who was there last year to try and come back down with us this year. Barring Anything serious happening, my wife and I will be there. (and dang it, I wouldn't have put so much work into it already if I wasn't going. )
  19. Oh please let not turn this into a pissing match. There has been so much good to come out of this thread. Lets put our ego's away and try to just present new information and argue the point. I have enjoyed this thread so much. When you look at the whole thread we went from "no tattoo's in the GOaP carribbean" to "Although uncommon, tattoo's where around on a few of sailors of the time". How many time do you get see an almost total reversal of previous thought. How exciting! I can't wait to what others bring to the table. Lets not lose sight of what the thread is for and lose momentum in the discussion. Please I understand I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I just don't want to see the discussion die because someone said something wrong.
  20. Depends on your impression. From what I can recall, if you are between 1680-1700's ties are still in use. They start to faze out around the turn of the century. I could be wrong but from I can remember that seems about right. Kass? GoF? maybe you can pin point it better than I. I'm getting ready to buy a couple of Concords from Fugawee. (1 pair for me and 1 for me wife.) They're close but not quite right. Anything more correct gets really expensive. I've already bought boots so I'm not about to plunk down a whole bunch of money just yet for really, really accurate, but someday I will.
  21. Thank guys for the replies. My parent own 36 acres in Georgia. I have plenty of access to anything on their property. So I'll be chopping down some small trees here soon. Thanks again.
  22. Nah its not to hard really. Just make sure your sewing machine can sew the canvas. I have a Singer and I needed to get the biggest needle for the machine in order to sew through the canvas. Check your manual for the info. On to my question. What diameter poles should I be looking for? I was thinking like a 2'' - 3'' thick for the ridge pole and something a bit smaller for the shier poles. What do you all suggest?
  23. Oh please don't go away. That not a good way to be. Get in on the discussion. Here we're just hashing out things. It what "twill is for. I will admit, but I do not speak for anyone else but myself, that in my pursuit of authenticity it has spilled into other areas of this site. Take the thread in Plunder Your garb I have gotten carried away with my authentic side. I feel that I've pulled the thread in the wrong direction and I feel bad for doing that in a Plunder thread. Most of the conversation in that thread is more "twill" like. And believe me I'm far from being the most of the authentic here. Heck I still have boots, and I love the look, but alas it's just not to be. So I will plan on having both my "fantasy" outfit along with my "authentic" outfit. Just because I can't let go.
  24. Yes the shier poles are the coolest. I plan on going up to my parents and cutting down a couple of smaller pines they have on their property. That will be a lot of fun. Also due to the rain and wind at the time I was inrush to just get the canvas on and snap a pic or 2. I was really surprise how well it held up, even with pvc pipe! Maybe if it stops raining here I'll try to set it up again and get better photos
  25. Well here it is, about 90% finished. Still have some hemming to do at the bottom of the door flaps. The temporary frame. Just to get things fitted and adjusted. Now with the canvas put on. Due to the fact the heavens were about to open up on me, I couldn't do much more than this right now. (The wind was blowing pretty good too.) Here's a close up of the pole opening. I probably made it a bit to big but I can always sew a flap of sort to help keep out the rain. Now we can discuss and comment and ridicule if need be.
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