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Capt. Flint

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Everything posted by Capt. Flint

  1. Dearest Rose Jamaica named a birthday wish from this Capt. named Flint to all and a curse to others with the best o wishes to you may your cup runneth over Happiest of days Jamaica Rose. May you feel half as young as you are and be twice as smart as you should be...... Flint
  2. CapnWilliam... I believe the gun was loaded with ball. But, if you check the site, it might tell you more. It's been a while since we've been there.
  3. As far as the flip pic thing goes... It is a common thing in film pics. For posters, stills etc. It's not really a blooper, it's just the way they make the stills for the various ads. Reverse negative.
  4. By the way.. what did you mean about the 14. In sept . thats a Sunday. If you were refering to oct.. thats a tuesday....
  5. Actually Mad Mary.. We will be there in October also. We always make it a point to go near My Katey O's birthday. This year it looks as if that will be the Saturday of Oct.11. Let us know if you'll be there and we'll gladly buy you a drink to say hello. Looking forward to it...... The Capt.
  6. I know as soon as I post this, I'll remember more movies that I would post as my favorites..... but, here goes My absolute favorite movies are..... Wizard of Oz Seven Samuri Heaven and Earth Quiet Man The Shootist ( and a whole bunch of other John Wayne films ) Quick and the Dead Moulin Rouge Once Upon a Time in America(and a whole bunch of other Dinero Movies) African Queen Key Largo and my first home movie of my little girl what the parrott saw.... oops, wait, thats another line of films... oh well I mean AARRGGGHHH.... Flint
  7. One week to go shipmates... Fair Katey and I are very anxious. We cannot wait to meet all of ye. Fair winds and smooth sailing for those who will be traveling. We do hope that some of ye will be sharing a glass with us at our home afterwards. We have the grill ready and the board all layed out. Till then .........Flint
  8. Seven..... I just now saw your posting here. I have a package that I will ship out tomorrow.. Friday the 12. If that isn't to late. Let me know please. It will take a few days to get to you as due to the distance.... Flint
  9. John M Roberts.... I may.... and I repeat... MAY be able to find a way to contact Lords Armory..... Tell me the name you used on the purchase and the amount paid. Also I need to know whether you used check or credit card. If it was a card, wich one. I do NOT NOT NOT need any personal info ,such as numbers and dates... except the order date. I'm not sure this will work, but, just in case. Anyhow. if I can help, let me know. I'll try... no promises......... The Capt.
  10. First Luigi now Rumba Rue.... It seems as if the treasure chest is almost full. Glad to see ye back lass. Although, I'm not exactly sure what you meant by all of your post. But, be that as it may, welcome back. Heres a toast to someone who makes this here site a whole lot... ummmm... well... more piratey.. yeah, thats it......... The Capt.
  11. Fair Katey and I just taped it. It was wonderful. A lot of fun to watch if you enjoy the silent films. And of course....... we do..... Flint
  12. If this ol' pirate is going to sound sentimental.... then so be it. No Capt' Luigi. I wouldn't dream of punishin ye. I'm not your wife, or cabin boy, or even evil tiny. I'm just a fellow ship mate thats is awful gald you set your course for these waters again. For those of you who are not familiar with our Capt. Luigi here, well, let me tell you. He is a fresh puff of good ol' salty sea air here. If ye take the time to follow his post and chat with him, I am certain you will agree. By the way Capt. I'm not punishing ye, but, be on the lookout for me fair Katey. She missed you also, and there is no tellin what she has in store for ye.......... Flint
  13. Capt Knifehand.. If'n i read your bio right, then I shant be drinkin with ye. For I do'no drink with younguns.... But, i will share ye toast to all the lovley ladies, lasses , and wenches out there. For I believe that the existence of the ladies is sure fire proof that there is indeed a God. (of course they're also proof that theres a hell) The Capt...... And to repeat a sentiment...... It sure is good to see you back Capt. Luigi
  14. You ol sea dog. It's about time you came back. Next time you decide to go on shore leave, let us know . You were sorley missed. Glad to see you back. Welcome and fair winds Captain....... Flint
  15. TalesoftheSevenSeas... I LOVE the idea of Kate Winslet being the fem fatale in a pirate flick. Personally I also wouldn't mind seeing Lucy Lawless in one also, i'm just not sure about her being a heroine or not. Then again, it would be too much type casting to make her a tough pirate. But,oooohhh, she sure could do a heck of a job at it. I bet Diane Lane could make a great pirate lass. As far as villians go, who would be better than Christopher Lloyd. I think he would be an incredible pirate fiend. Liam Neeson would be a fairly good pirate also I think..... just one pirates opinion.... aaaarrrgghhhhh.... The Capt.
  16. For thos who asked..... We will be in attendence on Saturday. Looking foward to seeing you there......... Flint
  17. You read my mind Capt. Weaver.. I logged on here tonight with the primary intention of asking that very question. We'll keep a watchful eye along the horizon and a good ear to the wind. If anyone has any word PLEASE share it with us. Flint :angry:
  18. Just finished re-reading Treasure Island. Am now reading ... Battles of the Revolutionary war... For anyone who has not read or re-read Treasure Island; I strongly suggest you do. It's been twenty years since the last time I read it, and it was so much fun finding this book all over again. Just started the book about the revolutionary war. So far it is pretty good.
  19. Cushy Bottoms.... lurkers are always welcome. We would love to see you there. We will plan to meet everyone at the blacksmith shop. It is pretty centrally located and is very easy to find. We will check in on or about every hour to see who arrives. That is to say, we will check in there every hour for the first few hours. After that, we will try to see who shows up at the white heart tavern. If all else fails, find out when the shakespeares skum show is playing and we will see you there. We never miss skum, they are fantastic........ The Capt. also. If anyone wants to let us know when they will be arriving, we will keep an eye out for you and met up directly. Let me know what all you want to do and I can give those who don't yet have it, our phone number and we can discuss everthing.....
  20. It was very popular with the middle and upper classes. According to what history I have read on the subject; it was used in part to help block the odors from others. Hence, the various scents and oils. Don't forget, bathing was still a seldom frequented sport. The oils and smells were also in part to be more pleasing to the person who snorts the stuff. I know it still exist today, but for the love of me, I don't know why. I have only seen a little bit about snuff in what books I have read. So I am sure there is more info. on it somewhere. Hope that helps....... me
  21. You couldn't have said it better TalesoftheSevenSeas.... It isn't a problem to wear hand spun wool and to be as authentic and historically acurate as possible. Not a single person griped about that. It is a problem when you want to judge and critisize another without knowing the reason they are attired as they are. It can be due to budget, help or lack there of in getting thier garb made, or the simple fact that they may be playing more fantasy than reality. So just deal with it. It is even a bigger issue when you want to jump on a board such as this and not just voice your opinion, but, lash out at people who you don't know and jump on thier case without even seeing how they are. We chat, share ideas and opinions and give out info that others might enjoy seeing. There is no anamosity here and it needs to stay that way. The Capt.
  22. We can't wait to see everyone who comes. For any who plan on hanging out afterwards; Fair Katey and I will have everyone over the house for a wind down and some friendly chit chat. As well as food, drink, and an all around fun evening. We are really looking forward to meeting all of you. And someone please!!!!!!!!!!!! bring a digital camera... The Capt.
  23. Hawkyns.... Yes ... an old pistol was found in a hidden part of an old house and it was still loaded. You can see the pistol on the photo page of the web site that my lovely Katey O'Tierny posted about the Delaware shipwreck museum. I cannot remember if it is under ports o call or raids. But, have a look and you can find the link she posted. There you will see the pistol. I'm not sure if they tell the story of the gun on the web site or not. There was an old house that was part of an area frequented by pirates and rumrunners etc. The people who run the shipwreck site were called it to check the place out. They discovered an area behind a wall or something. There they found al sorts of artifacts, including the pistol as mentioned, still loaded....... The Capt.
  24. Thank you Mad Maudlin.. keep your blade in it's scabbard. I've never backed down.
  25. I just finished re-reading ... The Crossing, by Howard Fast. This is an absolutley excelent book in my opinion. I highly recommend it to everyone. Just started to read a book about shipwrecks and pirates around Cape May. Forgot the writer, left the book at work..
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