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Capt. Flint

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Everything posted by Capt. Flint

  1. barn e gat.... is it just about Decauter you wish to know about? If you want more, let me know. I have a lot of books on the war of 1812 as well as the revolution. I just cannot get enough to read about these subjects. Plus there is a fair amount of info I can pass on about Fort McHenry due to it's location near me. Anyhow, just let me know........ The Capt.
  2. The day has come and night is here without a message from you I hear Is this the end do you surrender shall there be no more of this adventure I'll await until the morrow to see if you reply if not then the game is done and it's victory is mine The Capt.......
  3. A Pirates Love Poem She was as lovely as a ship from her stem down to her stern Her head was like the bow kept high and her stern was round and firm Her bosom heaved just like a sail billowed and full of air Her legs were just like kedge anchors that got her from there to here Her lips were like me cutlass deadly, shiny and smooth and her hips could make you sea sick by the way they swayed as she moved Her kiss was like a match to powder and would cause me cannon to fire Her embrace was like a press for you couldn't get much tighter Her passion was like me flintlock never sure but hurt the same Alas I miss my one true love I wish I knew her name Boo hoo..."wiping a tear from me eye"... Someone pass me the bottle, I need another drink.... Boohoo
  4. I agree with you capt Weaver about it not being easy to keep them short...... but, thats part of the challenge. Try again.... Jolly was the roger that flew in the wind Black was the beard that grew on his chin And people trembled with fear as they sounded his name TEACH TEACH TEACH Queen Anne got her revenge when he ran her aground And Israels hands led the prizes they found so without much care he sailed the world round TEACH TEACH TEACH In Carolina he became undone But, his legend will live till kingdom come For king of the pirates he had become TEACH TEACH TEACH
  5. Thought of this one at work tonight. how do you think a ship full of pirates would react to rubberbands? I would love to hear what you say about this. The Capt.
  6. Round one...... With sails unfurled and pennant high the eerie black ship sailed on through nigh Her name was not spoken for her home port be hell and all trembled with fear as she sounded her bell A ghost ship..a banshee whatever you choose but don't challenge her guns for surely you'll loose So if you see the feared ship through the fog as some do with spectres on board to act as her crew Do not fire salute or wave from the shore unless the banshees scream ye can ignore Then perhaps.. just mabye if the gods ye do please then the dark black ship will leave you in peace
  7. Alas... I cannot claim to be landlocked, but, still drifiting the tides with only me fair Katey. I would love to get involved in a pirate group of any kind and have made several attempts at contacting some of the local groups. But, without positive results. So; if any of ye find your way to Maryland or nearby, give us a bellow and we will be happy to get together. Who knows, mabye if this site keeps going and we all stay in touch, we might just be able to plan a get together at some sort of midpoint for a lot of us. I thought about this for some time and would love to see it really happen. So.... until then......... The Capt.
  8. Ah Capt. Roberts it's so nice to see that you'll let your quill do the talking for thee my words have been sharpened and edged with great care so after this ye best be prepared for with much love and compassion that a pirate can boast I shall beat your ass from coast to coast Watch..... now I'll get writers block..... ( NEVER )...... The Capt. FAST IS GOOD, BUT, ACCURATE IS BETTER....... Wyatt Earp
  9. A friend and I were talking and this subject came up. Thought I would share another possible idea. Tanactin...... think about it. It will relieve athletes foot as well as another somewhat more personal problem. With life on board a ship full of men; this item would make you very popular.... Just a thought............ The Capt.
  10. Dearest Capt W. E. Roberts... I see ye have placed another of your whimsical poems following mine about Luigi. It was very nice. So... I hereby challlenge ye to a battle of words. (and anyone else who wishes to join in ) I will duel you with poetry. Lets keep them short, and we can start when you say you accept the challenge. If you dare. We can let our fellow pirates decide wich is the better of what we write. So...... To Capt. W. E. Roberts a battle of words if you dare one with humor and whit if you care we shall keep them short without great retort unless a lack of words you despair send me your reply without the excuse of old quills or ink ran dry and if you like a true challenge then perhaps you will see that to battle in the chat room is the place to be nothing prepared or ready at hand just what your mind can produce at a stand So I will await your answer to me with words at the ready to fire at thee poetically yours..The Capt. .
  11. MaNy HaPpY ReTuRnS FaIr ScArLeTt. A LiTtLe LaTe BuT WiTh JuSt ThE SaMe InWiShInG YoU ThE BeSt FoR YoUr NeW YeAr..... The Capt...
  12. ok me scalliwags. This one isn't exactly piratical, but, I found it funny. Zulicha was fair to see a fair virgin maiden was she and she lived in baghdad where all men are bad but none was so bad as she Her husband was very old with millions in silver and gold and he kept her locked in away from all sins for persians are very bold now on her head she wore a turban wich came from the looms of iran where no-one could see she kept a small key wich she through out again and again The first time she through out the key it fell by the old banion tree and she sighed and she cried as the door opened wide and in walked her lover zahie The next time she through the key out it fell by the old water spout and she sighed and she cried as the door opened wide and in walked her lover Mahoud she through the key out once again expecting her love Suliman but she sighed and she cried and she virtually died as in walked a whole caravan now the leader did bow his head low and awaited her wishes to know though most of you stay Zulicha did say that the children and camels must go Zulicha was fair to see a fair virgin maiden was she she lived in Baghdad where all men are bad but none were so bad as she........
  13. Now my dear Capt. Roberts.... What kind of influence should a pirate have , other than a bad one. Mabye we should go back to discussing Shakespear....... The Capt
  14. Luigi ..a captain of a right tough crew but he seems to have lost a cabin boy or two so, since his birthday is here please lend an ear and help him find one that is new now he needn't be smart or well bred and kind but clean shaven and blonde is so hard to find so if all else fails remember whats swell is a sheep and a bottle of wine HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU OLD SEA DOG may your new year be full of plunder, women , wine and song....... The Capt.
  15. Capt. W. E. Roberts..... Thank you for sharing more information than we wanted to know. I'm glad you like your liquor ....straight , stout and cheap..... I just like to hold mine by the ears. But, hey ...everyone is different. I'm sure Luigi cannot wait for you to come to the festival.... Have fun.. or pain or ..uhhhh???? well, whatever you call it..... The Capt.
  16. Tis better late than never.... I think. Anyhow... congrats and well wishes and all that other stuff to you Capt. Roberts. May the next year of your life be even grander than the last one..... sniff I always get so sentimental with birthdays, sniff........... aarrggghhhh... The Capt.
  17. I like Capt. Williams a lot. How aboutjust a good old skull and cross swords saying aarrggghhhhhh... The Capt I'll have more ideas later
  18. Charity Sweetlove... your sick, twisted and perverted if you like what you wrote. It's nice to know, I'm not alone.......still laughing.... argghhh.. The Capt.
  19. Hurricane and RumrunneroftheSpanishmain......... HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY..BIRTHDAY.....HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ..HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... tada....... can you tell I'm a dad... that song was brought to you courtesy and without permission of bear in the big blue house. or was it the wiggles. oh well I can't remember. Either way. Hope that you both have a great birthday and may you find more treasure than you can ever dream of... The Capt.
  20. Golden shellback.... I was just having a little fun; relax... Also, remember, I am not sure the Angel Sword that you mentioned here is the same one I am talking about. They could be TOTALLY UNRELATED. I just wanted to make that clear. AAArrgghhhhhhh.... The Capt.
  21. In the book... The Naval War of 1812.. by Theodore Roosevelt..... He goes into great detail of the Wasp and her encounters including what you have said here. He also goes into great detail about a lot of the ships and sloops etc... and the battles they were in. He gives info. on tonage and guns. fire power etc... Its a bit of a slow read, but, gives incredible detail about the battles and ships..... if you interested.... I know about the Wasp being lost and the theories about how and why; I was just wondering if any research has ever been done in locating her remains. I never heard of anything and thought mabye someone here did. Thanks for your help..... The Capt.
  22. Hey Redhand... where did you hear that? I would love to find out more about Lafitte. Especially if what you say is true. I have a particular fondess for this study and would love to know the source of your info.. Thanks . The Capt.
  23. Why I love sailing...... just to be a bit more on the serious side ( for once ) I truly do love sailing as it reminds me of my wedding day. My most fair Katey O' and I were married on an 80 year old schooner, out at sea, at sunset, in front of Fort McHenry. The Capt. of the boat performed the ceremony and yes it is perfectly legal. It was a glorious night. We sailed around for about three hours and had the reception right after the wedding on the boat. The wind was blowing and there was a slight chill in the air as we set out, but, on the return, the air calmed and warmed up and it was simply the best day and night of my entire life..... and that is why I love sailing. How about the rest of you? Is there one special sea adventure that your particularly fond of? Let us know.... if you want.... The Capt.
  24. Golden Shellback. I do not know of the web site you posted about angel sword is the same one I am talking about. I do know for a fact that the angel sword from the local ren fair here that i previously mentioned was seriously ripping people off. They were importing blades from mexico and then selling them to people as their custom swords that took so long to get. They also were discovered trying to pass off a reproduction blade for thoudsands of dollars to a person as a genuine antique. Personally speaking..... I think that several thousand dollars for a sword that takes a year to make better be the greatest thing the world has ever seen. In their hey day; swords did not take this long to make and they were very very functional. Now days still functional swords from many vendors can be delivered in a much shorter time than a year for a lot less than 3 to 10,000 $. However, if you think that this is such a good deal, I can find you some great swords for say ohhh ..... $2500 and can get them to you in 6 months. For what it,s worth..... the swords I used were built in a few weeks and have been used in armor combat repeatedly. They are beautiful swords and have held up against some serious abuse. They ran in the neighborhood of $200 ( some more some less ) They return true every time and have never broken or bent. There are other vendors out there such as one named Shark;who has swords for $200 to $1000 ( again some more some less ) and takes a bit loinger to get them made. But even he does not take a year and is far under the thousands dollar range. I guess it's alll a matter of what you want and what your willing to pay. And what you can afford to pay..... Smooth sailing..... The Capt.
  25. Th war of 1812.. As best I can tell from my reading, it is the one from 1810 to 1814.... It,s been a while since I read about it and I just cannot pin it down. It could very well be the ship rigged sloop of war in 1814. Let me do some more research and get back to you with the specific. The one thing I do know is that the first Wasp is definetley not it. I'll get back to you..... The Capt.
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