Capt. Flint
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Everything posted by Capt. Flint
Okay maties.... The Capt here is looking for some help from all of you. (if you don't mind Angus, seeing how this isn't exactly pirate stuff) The most fair and lovely Katie O'tierney has been married to your truly now for four years. I was thinking how nice it would make her feel if all of you out there could wish her a happy aniversery. It would make her very happy I assure you. Thanks to all of you in advance...... The Capt. From me to you my most fair Katie....... A heart is not full unless it is shared. In front of everyone here, I just want to say how much I love you and I look forward to sailing this great ocean with you for many more years to come.... aarrrggghhhhh.. The Capt... that is Robert
Ahoy all.... I just picked up the latest issue of Military History. Inside is an article on Cossack Pirates. It is a really interesting story and has a lot of information. Also, for any of you out there intersted in the Revolutionary war ( such as myself ) there os also a well written article on the strugle for Agusta . Enjoy .....arrrghhhh The Capt.
First of all.. The difference between pyrate and privateer is, not only witnesses, but, getting caught. As to whom came first, the capt. or the cabin boy.......well.... I don't think there is enough rum in the world to make want to know the answer to that one......... aarrrgghhhhh The CAPT. ..... never a cabin boy
Capt. Luigi... I am surprised at your question. A swiss pirate would plunder only one thing........ coca.... where do you think the "swiss miss" came from..... arrrgghhhh.... Also, I'll offer to give evil tiny speech lessons or simply blow him out of the water. Whatever would be easier. Just a joke tiny.... hahahaha arrrghhhh.. hahaha... arrrgghhhhhhhhh The Capt.
Rumrunner.... There are in fact a lot of places ( depending on what state you live in ) where you can fire a cannon. Although I am quite certain that the police would put a quick end to it, in M.D. it is legal to fire a cannon in your own yard so long as the projectile does not leave your property. On a realistic view, there are various military forts and bases where cannon fireing events are held. There is a lot of competition and it is a lot of fun. I suggest you try to contact your local community events listings and see if any of these are going to be held in your area. Also , if you ask people who own cannons, they can tell you where and when there will be such an event. Hope this helps..... THe Capt.
To our newest members.. I just wanted to say ahoy and welcome. It's good to meet you both, Luigi and Evil Tiny. Hope you have fun here.... The Capt.
Go Coastie..... That flag is to much. I loved it. It definetly says all that any true pirate would be thinking as they head into battle.... argghh The Capt.
Capt. Cat..... Smokey Mountain Knifeworks carries a Scottish Bascket Hilt sword for about thirty dollars plus shipping. I bought one to go with my outfit. I stripped the lining that it came with and replaced it with my own and repolished the blade. It comes packed in a real greasy pink protective coating. The sword comes with a metal scabbard and as long as you can figure out how to fix it to you hip, it works pretty well for just looks.... I hope this helps...... Happy slashing... The Capt. to the tune of the ittsy bitsy spider..... The itsy bitsy warrior came onto the field out came the duke and demanded that he yield out came his sword and he split the duke between and the itsy bitsy warrior walked off the field again
carronades and things that go bang in the night
Capt. Flint replied to crow's topic in Thieves Market
Ahoy me scaliwags... Dixie gun works ( they are also on line, but I seriously reccomend the catalog ) has a large assortment of cannons including naval guns and swivel guns. The Swivel guns are just around two hundred dollars. They also have a large selection of pistols and pistol kits including the Queen Anne gun that many find so popular. hope this helps...... The Capt. -
Congrats Angus. We all love the site and we are very happy for this. Fair wnds and rich plunder you ole sea dog.....argghhhh The Capt.
okay. I see that some of you... Joshua Red, have a hard time understanding what one item means. But, thats okay. Coastie... your imagination will be the death of you. Rumpir..... I think Jamaica Rose said it best, so I will leave it at that. Booga... YOUR DOG? YOUR DOG?.. okay, I'm confused. Are you afraid you will be lonely or get very hungry? Angus.... I'll just say this..... Your answer confuses the daylights out of me. But, because of the answer, I really hope you don't explain why. Keep em coming gang........ aarrgghhhhh The Capt.
Argghhhh... I have to go with Calico Jacks flag as my favorite. Although the flag attributed to Blackbeard ,I also find very interesting. .. The Capt.
Capt. William..... alas, I canot help you with that. The one book....Under the Black flag .... is in my locker at work. Sorry. I promise to look it up for you and let you know just as soon as possible...... The capt.
Ahoy all ye scalliwags.....The Capt. wants to know what would you take with you if...... you went back then ( say around 1650 thru 1750 ) and you are of course from now....... And please leave out phone. I mean, who are you going to call if you have the only phone? The idea is to think of something to take back with you that you think would be of great use. Not something that would get you branded as a witch. Also, remember, that whatever it is you take, you have the only one For me, it has to be... asprin. I mean, yeah air conditioning would be great, but, no electric. High powered rifles and modern weapons are good, but, no modern ammo to use... and visa versa.... Yes this list is limited to ONE ( 1 ) item only. So you cannot say modern medicine as a bulk answer. I think asprin would be great. It would help with most ailments especially jungle fever etc.....Anyhow, let me know what you think. Fair winds and rich plunder....... The Capt. ... fast is good, but, accuracy is better........ Wyatt Earrp
Ahoy there Capt. Scarlet.... We have reached a hundred and we are just getting started. Glad to have you aboard Capt. Scarlet. I happily await to see what you have to add to our forum. Well, what say you me hearties..... 100 already. I raise a glass of rum to all of ye. May the wind be gentle on your backs, strong in your sails and may we all ride the waves to fortune...... The Capt.
Well... please inform me when this is going to happen. I have been trying to get a discussion going for some time now, but, can not get any response to any topics. I have worked on a forum chat , but, with the same results. I am defintely up for this, so please keep me informed.... Thanks........ The Capt.
Ahoy and welcome Capt. Bayle! It is good to see another of us here to fill the ranks. I look forward to hearing your discussions and reading your post. If you are intersetd and able, I have tried to see if anyone here is up for a chat night on Wed. night at 11:30 pm eastern time. Or, perhaps you may want to get a chat going at another time. Fair winds and smooth waters................... Capt. Flint : :
capn william.... I am very interested in the subject. I know very little about Jean Lifitte. I would welcome more info about him. As far as privateeres verses pirates; well, there is a lot of debate and discussion about that. Some say that the only difference between the two was a letter of marque. Others claim there was no real difference. Then you have many who started out as privateers and "turned" pirate. I personally believe that there was a true difference and that a true privateer made a real difference in the events that they were hired to participate in. What say the rest of you. Lets hear what you have to say on this subject. Also don't forget to share whatever info. any of you have on Lifitte... argghhh..... The Capt.
I agree with Coastie. I am very interested in any era on the subject. I like to see how it evolved and how it grew with the times. How changes in technology played a part and along with that technology, how it came to an end. Although, in reality, it does still exist today. Lets hear what you have to say on the subject and get a discussion going about it............. The Capt.
Jamaica Rose.. The Crews in question are BRETHERN OF THE BAY...jbmacek@yahoo.com... e-mailed them twice and got no reply at all MERRICKS PRIVATERRS...jvmerrick@erols.com.. e-mailed them and was told the server does not exist RUMSKULLS... Rumskulls@rumskulls.org... Again, no reply. Also... if you can bear with me most kind Rose... I want to know if N.Q.G. is a group which can be joined or is it simply a news letter. If the latter is it, then can you please tell me who is No Quarter Given. Just curious dearest Rose. I really want to become an active participant in this. When we performed for the Delaware pirate festival, we were told that one of the groups there were no quarter given. I didn't think to inquire about it then, so I'm sort of left hanging in the dark so to speak. You have been a big help to me before in this ,so I promise not to bother you with it to much more... Thanks for your pantience.. Soft winds and rich plunder... arghhhhhhhh The Capt.
As far as real pirate articles are concerned; there actually is a surviving copy at a maratime museum. I'm not sure wich one, I think it is in England. In one of the books I previously mentioned.... Under The Black Flag... there is a great deal of talk about what real articles contained. Amongst other things, there was a breakdown of what would happen to anyone if he broke any of the aricles. Such as deserting your post in battle or stealing someone elses share of any plunder or hiding plunder before it could be doled out etc.... There was also a breakdown of compensation if injury should occur in battle. It would specify as to how much one would get depending on what type of injury was sustained or what body part was blown off. Each part had a different amount. Even to the point of a right arm was worth a different amount than the left one. I'm sorry I do not mention the writer of this book. I don't have it in front of me and it is almost midnight, so I don't really feel like looking for it. I gave the title and if you search my previous post, the full name and writer are given. Hope this helps with your question..... Argghhhh The Capt.
Argghh. In all my reading on the subject, ( and thats a lot ) , I can't say I have ever found any evidence that there were swiss pirates. I'm sure that some yodeler wondered down the mountain and fell on a boat, but, I just can't find anyone who ever put it in writing. So..... what I'm saying is ,that there may of been swiss pirates, but not in any of my books. How would one be a swiss pirate? Eat a lot of meatballs and swill hot coca. Don't laugh. Coca was a very popular drink when it was new. It also became a source of great revenue for those who invested in bringing it to Europe. Enjoy your Ricola...... argghhhhh... The Capt.
I need a little help please. I have been trying to contact the crews that are listed on the N.Q.G. website from Maryland. Only, in return I get ..message did not go through. or in other cases, I simply get no response. Can anyone active in N.Q.G. ( hint Jamaica Rose ) tell me if the crews here are still active. I have been wanting to join the N.Q.G group for sometime now, but, can get no info. on the matter. All I get in return to my inquiries is ...sign up for the news letter. Thanks for your help........ The Capt.
Any leatherworkers know how to make a baldric?
Capt. Flint replied to moricktowain's topic in Thieves Market
I'd be happyto Bos'n Arrow. I have a scanner here and would gladly do what ye ask. I know how to use the scanner, but, I do not know how to send the images here. If ye can be givin me STEP BY STEP instructions, I will gladly show you the pics. Or...... if you have a little patience, I'll ask my wife ( who is very knowledgable about this thing ) to work it out. Hang in there........ The Capt. -
Aye Coastie... your plan sounds good to me. The only problem being that we never seem to have enough of us here at one time to do the job proper. Load your guns with chain shot and give em a good blastin when we sees em. I'll be sure to give em hot shot to help finish the job. Mabye we can take em hostage and trade em.... arggghhhh ... what you think Costie.. let me know... The Capt.