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Capt. Flint

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Everything posted by Capt. Flint

  1. I just finished reading this book for the second time. .... The Atrocities of the Pirates..... by Aaron Smith.. The book is well written and although short, it does give a good amount of detail. Aaron Smith was a mariner in the early 1800's who was taken captive on a pirate schooner. He was later taken prisoner and sent to trial. What is also really good about this book is that it gives you a very nice follow up as to what happened to most of the major characters in the story. The fact that the primary character is also the author, helps with the details. I also think that many of you will find the bibliography interesting. It list some very interesting titles that I think are worth searching for. I haven't found any of them yet. If anyone has heard of some of these titles, please share them with the rest of us. Sorry for the over use of the word interesting..... argghhh. The Capt.
  2. Ahoy all... I promise not to do this again. I am going to set Wed. evening ( 11:30pm eastern time ) as a scheduled chat night. If anyone wants to drop by and chat , that would be great. Also, if anyone wants to host a special topic, that would be cool too. I will do this every Wed. Evening as long as possible. I know that this may be late for some of you, but, for now it is at least a start. I just thought that this is a great way for us all to meet and get to know each other. And while i know that I am a late nighter, please let me know about any open chat times that any of you are going to do. If i get the chance, I would love to stop in...Take care.. I mean ... argghhhh.. The Capt.
  3. Princess bride is good.. Capt. Blood is great... The Three Musketeers is funny ( especially with accents from New York ) The Sea Hawk fencing is very .. well.. very often...... But I find the Closing fight scene in Cutthroat Island to be really cool... They fight.. they climb.. they fight.. bad guy gets shot with cannon.. Now that is serious fencing... The Capt
  4. Ahoy all.... I am suggesting a chat room date for wed. ( as in tomorrow ) at 11:30pm my time. That would be eastern time .... Maryland .. Etc... If anyone can be there.. great.. Just thought we could all show up and say hi. Talk to one another and find out who we are. Looking forward to seeing any of you. The Capt.
  5. Based on what reading I have done; there is no real proof that this was as wide spread an issue as some people think. According to some writers and scholars, it is no more or less common than it is today. Personally, based on all I have read, I think that it most certainly did happen, but, was not in any way a " way of life " for the men at the time. Just my opinion.... The Capt.
  6. I am an amateur leather worker. I have made MANY MANY things for myself and others. I have made a baldric for myself. I based my design on baldrics that others have and several pictures. I found that it helps to have a second person to help do the fitting. If you know of a seamstress, then the work is that much easier. ( as far as the fitting and measuring goes.) It is true that basic skills will enable you to do this project. As far as connecting the two pieces. I have seen them sewn . I used copper rivets. It is strong and gives it a rather rough look. I started with a 7 foot belt that I bought at a ren fair. Then I measured how long I would need each piece and made the cut. Then I used spring clips to hold the pieces in place as they were fitted to me. Marked them on the underside and laid them out. Pre punched my holes and then riveted. The rest was just a matter of adding buckles and punching holes etc....... There is one thing different about mine. I made the part where the sword goes in my own unique way. I thinned the belt out and folded it back on itself; fitted a small buckle and puled the leather through it. The buckle is now attached without actually being fastened on in any permanent way. It is basically free floating. This allows you to change swords of almost any size. It really works well. Trust me, I have put it to the test. This was done with the help of a very capable seamstress. together we came up with the idea and made it work. Like I said.... if you can find a goood seamstress, they can help. The Capt.
  7. Greetings Crow... welcome aboard. It's always good to see new folks here. Hope you have some interesting stories or recipies to share. Looking forward to reading your postings..... arrrggghhhh.. The Capt.
  8. Ahoy me scalliwags...... The Capt, here is proposing that we all try to find some time to chat . What say ye to looking at your calender and finding a good time to join in. Personally for me any night after 11:15pm is good. Yes I know that for all ye who work days, this is not good. ( I work nights ) Elsewise I say we look at the dates and the time when most of us can meet, stop in the forum chat and lets all say hi. Looking forward to seeing you all there...... The Capt.
  9. sixtyseven.. I have posted two books that can answer a lot of these questions. One is from the world illustrated history.. it is simply called "pirates". The other is " under the Black Flag.... by David Cordingly Both of these are excellent sources of information and can answer every question you have just asked.... The Capt.
  10. Rumrunner.. I have found a good hat with a lot of versatillity for a reasonable price at.. chivalry sports ( ren store. com ) they have a felt hat that you can shape, pin or leave as is for almost any style. It runs somewhere around 25 or 30 dollars plus shipping. I bought one around 4 years ago and it has held up great. Plus the added bonus that it is a light weight hat helps keep the heat level down. Also they are one size fits most. ..... Let me know what you think..... The Capt.
  11. sixtyseven.... Ahoy there .... I have always had two good sources for music.... One of course is a really big music store. What i mean is , avoid walmart. target, etc.... The bigger the store, (usually) the bigger the selection. I found a good source at, borders books and music ,just for an example. Also........ almost any ren fair. Every fair I have ever been at has a great selection of music. Both of these sources usually cost more, but, they do have what a lot of us want. arrgghhh. Hope this helps. by the way... welcome to the site, it is nice to see you... The Capt.
  12. Welcome aboard Black Bellamy... Keep your eye on the horizon. Beware any ships signaling friendly flags or signs of distress. For if you don't look out , they may make you next..... Glad to see a new member. Have fun . Hope to hear what you have top add to this site.... The Capt..
  13. The crew spent a full day looting the merchant ship of her cargo. To the Favor went extra sail, rigging, rope etc. They also took various tools instruments and any maps and charts. They also loaded pipes of wine, vast quantities of silks and ivories, gunpowder and tobaccoo. They loaded a fair amount of silver coin and plate. Not bad for one days work. Along with her cargo; three of the merchantmans crew "volunterred" to join the favor. One was a carpenter named Johnothan krick another was a cooper and a regular mariner. All three signed the articles and became part of the Favor. The now smaller crew of the merchant ship were set free. free to retuen to whatever port they chose to. The crew of the Favor knew that upon thier return, an alarm would be raised. But, so what? The sea is a large place to hide as well as to hunt. They were already hunted men with prices on thier heads. One did not choose this life willingly without knowing the risk. So on they sailed. The ship and crew of the Fortunes Favor. In search of another sail and another chance for riches and plunder. It was during a period of idleness. No ship in sight, nor had there been for nearly two weeks. The crew had managed to capture nothing, but, a feeling of restlessness that comes from no action. Finally, on a calm night; while the crew was still fairly sober; the Capt. quartermaster, and mate summoned the entire crew to a very important meeting. Men, said Flint, I have a proposition for ye. We've been lying about in these waters for nearly two weeks now without a single ducat to show for it. I have a plan that could make us all rich men. The men leaned forward to hear this grand idea. Suddenly the quartermaster spoke up. We set sail for Hispanola. We head for the isle. of Tortuge where the harbors are good and opportunity even better. What so special about that , one of the crew shouts. Now it was Flints turn. He had thier attention, and he was going to keep it. I'm talking about riches and jewels. Gold and silver beyond your wildest immagination. I'm talking about us being rich. Richer than we ever dreamed. More wealth than ye could spend in a lifetime. Gold ducats. Pearls and rubies, silver plate and coin, pieces of eight and etc.... Now listens up. We're not enough to take on the tresure forts or handle an entire convoy. But, what I be suggesting is that we sail right up into the harbore there and act the part of an honest merchantman. It was now that Flint told them of his plan. To single out one of the treasure ships. To get her separate from the fleet and take her. On through the night, the capt. and the quartermaster sat up and told of thier plan to make them all rich men. They told how they would take a ship at night with canoes. Use a large boarding party and sail the entire ship out from the fleet. On and on they went As the bottle passed from man to man, so did the idea of the raid. As each man warmed his spirits with the rum, the more his courage warmed to the idea of attacking and taking a heavily armed treasure ship, in the middle of a convoy, with a regulation warship around them ............ so much for page two.. hope you like it so far.. page three soon......
  14. Littleneckhalfshell.... The term comes from the book...Under the Black Flag..the romance and reality of life among the pirates... by David Cordingly...... page 120 refers to a pirate ship commanded by Capt. La Bouse... The year was 1717....it is quoted as saying that a broadside was fired with a double round and partridges, and a volley of small shot.. The writer goes on to explain that this means each gun had two cannon ball plus a bag of partridge shot and was accompanied with a volley from musket and pistol. Thats pretty much it in way of definition... Hope it helps...... The Capt.
  15. Littleneckhalfshell..... I also was puzzeld when I first heard this term. As best i can describe it, it is similar to grape shot. I found the term in a book called .... under the black flag...... Not in front of me, so I do not know the author. An excellent book. The writer explains about an encounter between two ships, one of wich was pirate. he decribes how a comand was given to load ball and partridge shot. He then goes on to describe what that meant. As I said, near enough to my understanding, it is similar in nature to grape..... glad you enjoyed it.. next page coming soon....... The Capt.
  16. Her sails caught the wind and she rose with the waves. The sea sprayed across her decks and she plunged through them. She was a strong ship fast and sleek. Twenty mounted cannon and four swivel guns. A formidable match for just about anything she would encounter. Sail ahead, came the call. The crew started to scrambble to thier post. Clear the decks for action. Chain shot and partridges, bellowed the orders from the quartermaster. Peter Kingston was still a young man, only twenty nine. Tanned from his life at sea and very strong from his labors on board ship. Put a single ball across her decks when we get closer,called Peter. Lets make a straight run for her Peter, called the Capt. She looks like a fat merchantman just put out. A black flag was hoisted along with a red pennant. The distance between the two ships narrowed fast. Wait! They were spotted for who they are. The merchant ship started to make a run for it. More sail were added. Her bow lifted as they filled with the wind and her speed increased. But, it was to late. Forward gun, FIRE! Ordered the capt. Flint Rogers was a fair but disciplined capt. He was elected by the crew as captain because he was also very daring. He was willing to challenge practically anything they came across. An el;ection became necessary after the old Captain met with a disagreeable encounter with a load of small shot from an enemy gun. The shot from the forward gun sail dangerously close to the other ship, but, landed harmlessly in the water. Sea spray washed across the deck and the men of the other ship. It was enough. They dropped thier sail and slackened thier pace. Flint brought his ship within hailing distance. Send over your captain and your manifest, he ordered. The merchantman was now thiers and they made ready to take whatever plunder she had to offer. A small boarding party was readied and sent over to take command of the ship. And so goes another day on board the ship known as Fortunes Favor. Scourge of the sea and feared by all who knew of her.. Her crew, like the ship, were a formidable bunch of rabble, ready and willing to take on whatever life threw at them. They were a mixed bunch of men from all over the known world. England, France, the Colonies etc. These men found a common thread among like minded men who chose a life at sea. They were a brotherhood formed out of the necessity and wants, for the freedom to choose thier own destinies and let the world rot behind them. They were the crew. But, her captain was a part of them also. Not lord over them. Together they were the heart of Fortunes Favor. This ends page one. Any input or stuff you want to add, please tell me and I will try to add it in.. Hope you enjoy it... I will ad page two, just as soon as it is written...... The Capt.
  17. I forgot all about ... The Buccaneer.... I thought it was a great film. I also thought that Yul Brynner did a fantastic job. I love this movie and try to watch it every time it comes on. Which, in my opinion, is far to seldom. Thanks for reminding me about it. I love the outfit Brynner has on when he comes to get his men ouit of prison so they can fight with the Americans. It was a great costume with an even better color. But, I have always been partial to green. I cannot believe I forgot about this one. Again, thanks for reminding me about it....The Capt.
  18. Ahoy all.. The Capt. here wants to know what be ye favorite pirate, oops,, uhh I mean privateer movie of all time. if ye don,t have a favorite, then tell us a few of your best picks. Personally speaking, I enjoy a lot of them. My favorites are... Capt. Blood.... The Black swan.... Against all flags... and, even Cut throat Island.... Also has anyone heard of a new pirate film coming soon, staring Russell crow. I heard some rumors, but no hard facts... Let me know....... The Capt.
  19. Ye pyrate articles be long and winded. But, If I actually read them like a proper gentleman should, than I would better understand what ye be sayin. I saw a mention in there about sex, so I took a peek and saw not a wink of it anywars. With that in mind, I be agreein to before said articles. Until somethin better comes along. Than perhaps we can have an all out war and blow somebodies bleedin boat out of the water... The Capt. aaarrggghhhh
  20. Just saw the blade you mention. It is incredible looking. Thanks for the link. I am pretty sure that I will be bying one of these also. Again, thanks........ The Capt. argghhh
  21. I have a C.D. that you may enjoy. It is called... Scottish and Irish Sea Songs... by Carl Peterson..It has 12 tracks and is very enjoyable..... If anyone has other cd,s , please share them . I am always looking for new music....... Thanks. arrgghhhh The Capt.
  22. Ahoy me hearties..... I remembered a couple of books that I have that you might find interesting and helpful. The first is.... PIRATES..terror on the high seas from the carribbean to the south china sea... by worldwide illustrated history.... this is a hard back big book, with lots of pictures and great descriptions. The stories are brief, but, with good detail. The second is ... 20,000 years in fashion... by Abrams... This is a very thick book and rather on the expensive side. The only way I got it was to special order it. It is incredible in the amount of clothing it covers and is filled with incredible pictures and expressive detailing about all of it. it has everything from basic clothes to hats, shoes, underwear, even bags and accessories. I found it well worth the price. It is a huge help to any serious re-enactor..... Until another time.. the Capt. arrgghhhhh
  23. Hello all.. Wasn't sure where to post this so I used the general topic section. I have a couple of books that you may find interesting. ......... The Atrocities of the Pirates... by.. Aaron Smith It is a short book but , with lots of info. Another is Shipwrecks, Sea Stories & Legends of the Delaware Coast... by.. Seibold & Adams.. again, a short book , but, filled with some great stories... Hope you enjoy them... The Capt.
  24. Simplicity has a really good patter n with colonial breeches. They work very well for pirate pants. I heard that Mcalls also has a very good pattern... Hope it helps.. The Capt.
  25. I have this recipe that is very easy and you might enjoy it. It will work well both at home and at any event you may be at where you will have to do outdoor or camp style cooking. Take a large piece of foil and spray it generously with non stick spray. Place in it whatever fish you like and sprinkle it with lemon butter and a little oregano. Then slice some of the lemon in rings and place on top the fish. Wrap the foil tight and place on grill top or fire grate. After about five to ten mins. Flip and cook the other side. Cooking time will depend on the size of the fish. Now, make a pocket with another piece of foil. Make certain it is large enough to hold a lot of vegetables. Chop up a good variety of what you like. What works good for me are... potatoes, broccali, onion, carrotts. Chop them up chunky and add handfulls of them to the foil bag. After a few scoops add a dash of garlic powder, a thick pad of butter and a dash of salt, lemon butter powder anda little oregano. Do this after every few scoops in the bag. Then seal tightly and place on grill. This should be on the grill first as it will take longer to cook than the meat. Afater approx. 15 min. place bag on heat , but not directly on fire. You will want it to keep cooking. When this is done you will have a wonderful complete meal to soothe any sea rover. Sausages also work well with this recipe and you wont need to use foil with them. ( or lemon etc..... )
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