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Capt. Flint

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Everything posted by Capt. Flint

  1. Dorian.. I would think that the cats would love to deal with any bird you bring home. Preferably raw....... We run the roads to much to give any pet the love and attention they need, so, we settled for a small fish tank. They stay home though............... The Capt.
  2. McCrumb.... I checked out the web site you posted. It was cool to hear all the words to that old song. I need to get them in print, because, I'll never remember them. The one thing about the site also is; it proves that anyone can get a web site. That had to be some of the worst singing I have ever heard. But, it was fun....... Thanks ........ The Capt.
  3. Mad Maudlin McCrumb you say have you entered the challenge and joined in the fray or do you just post a phrase so that we may see that your humor is all "butt" tame ........ The Capt...........
  4. Well Bessie,, seeing as you say... your brand spankin new.. then mabye you need a brand new spankin. While whips are good hands are better when using pain to induce pleasure...............arghhhhhhh........ The Capt
  5. Does anyone have info. on top hats. I mainly want to know about when they were being worn. I already have a good source to get one. Still trying to decide if I want to get it...... Thanks...... The Capt.
  6. .....wait for meltdown and boom.... scuttle the ship, then scuttle the town... Even I would say that is going a bit far. The entire idea of adventure and plunder, is to have a place to do it and stuff to plunder. Dorion, I was thinking the exact same thing today. Your fine in the open sea, but, forget about ever getting close to port........ Now you could turn the entire thing into a sort of floating pirate paradise town. Sort of a floating port royal. .... I like the idea of that anyway........ The Capt.
  7. Two braces o pistol... back dagger and boot dagger...... cutlass or rapier.... and ax... I really enjoy fighting with sword and ax and sword and mace... Although, I do enjoy florentine style fighting very much also. Also.... WHERE ARE YOU MAD DOG? you were here now gone and have been gone for a while. Stop in and say hello, we would like to hear from you.
  8. Snickers... snickers......"lol" The only problem I can see with that is you are only allowed to take ONE. Think of the uproar you would have when that is gone and you cannot produce another. Otherwise, that would be a really great idea. As far as the aircraft carrier goes.... well I know there is a problem there with the one rule somewhere; I just can't find it yet. I like the way you think Pirate Munkee............ The Capt.
  9. Actually Dorian... Your avatar is somewhat small and is hard to make out the pipe. I myself like to use a churchwarden pipe with a curve in the stem. I haven't lit it since my daughter was born over three years ago. Fair Katey was a heavy smoker before that and since she was forced to give it up, and since I was never addicted, I simply stopped with her. Plus I really hate the idea of telling my little one that smoking is bad and she cannot do it, only to watch me smoke. You know.... mixed messages.... oh well..... The Capt.
  10. Redhand... tis ashame we did not know you were there. It sounds as if we were there about the same time I wanted to update those of you interested in a little bit of history I read. One of the captured pirates at Williamsburg, was Israyel Hands. It was his testimony that told the true story of how on one of Blackbeards final adventures, where he captured a ship and took her. Teach reported the ship to the authorites when he docked. It was his trestimony and wintnessed by three of his crew, that the ship was a derelict and that they found her this way. The courts examined the statements and after going through the red tape, the ship was declared a derelict and awarded to Teach, along with a percentage of her cargo. It was Hands testimony that told the whole story of her actual capture and plundering by Capt. Teach and his crew........ Ahhhh I love history.
  11. Ahoy all. I just thought that I would add something to Fair Katey's post... The museum is really fun. It's small but has a lot to see. Besides the usual, ie. guns, cannons, gold and silver, coins, etc.... The is a lot of other history there. China and silverwear, various other articles from ships life. A great deal of discoveries from various wrecks. Anyhow, just thought I would add a little..... Enjoy.. The Capt. A ship is grand and the sea is pretty but they can't replace my love for fair Katey
  12. Scarlet & Duchess... Ahoy and welcome to ye both. May ye find only fair winds and calm seas ahead..... The Capt.
  13. Joshua Red.. The answer to some of your queries.... it was in the script... The Capt.
  14. I hope you are not as bummed out about your name as you sound. The namesake you have is more than just a bay. For its name is a part of history with both our countries. If you want some real interesting reading, look up how the bay got the name in the first place. Just a thought. ... The Capt.
  15. Ahoy Chesapeake.... I live here near the bay that bears your name. I grew up on that bay. I have fished it, gone crabbing in it and swam in it and just about anything else you can think of. I even lived on it in a boat for a brief time. Can you tell us why you were named for it. As far as the book Jamaica Rose has spoken of; I have it and have read it. It is a well written book and is filled with a great deal of information. I reccomend it to everyone. You will want to speak with my fair Katey also. She grew up in California and would love to swap stories of home. Anyhow, welcome Chesapeake. I hope you are as wonderful a person as your name....... The Capt.
  16. Fair Winds and welcome Iron Bess. There is plenty here to talk about. I look forward to hearing whats on your mind.... The Capt.
  17. Ahhh Capt Luigi.. A human chess game with pirates ehhh? I can see it now. " Bishop takes Knight " Knight pulls flintlock and shoots Bishop.. Then takes King hostage for ransom and has his way with queen as he pilages the rook. A true human pirate game of chess if ever there was one. The Capt.
  18. I thought it was arghhhios....... Compliments of fair Katey... The Capt.
  19. First .... lets kep the hats in this section. There is no need for the administrator to start a new section. On that I am in agreement with you Stynky Second.... When applying oil to leather. Specifically minks oil or other made for leather oil, I was speaking of how the oil will help soften the leather enough to make it easier to work with. Lastly and for the final time... The hat I am refering to in Chivalry Sports.... renstore.com..... Is listed and described as a FELT hat that runs $29.95. It is listed as FELT and can be shaped or cut down to the brim size and shape that you may like. This is the hat I bought and used. It works well and is very easy to take care of. Each chivalry sports catalog has this hat on a different page with a description. It is brief as it is only a felt hat that you shape. I just thought thhat those of you looking for a hat might find this source helpful, and inexpensive.... The Capt.
  20. Redhand.... There were Virginia continentals also. There was a stragglers copr there as well. Fair Katey and I have been wanting to get involved with the Williamsburg group and thought that the stragglers unit might be the way to go. However, if anyone else is interested in creating a unit for this event, I will contact the appropriate persons and find out what we need to be able to participate...... The Capt.
  21. The hat I am talking about, that I actually purchasedd and use, has no wire running through it. It is a plain round brim, felt hat. It can be cut down if needed oras I did, simply fold to the shape wanted and either pin or sew it in place. As for the cavalier style I use, I folded one side up and pinned it with a brass Green Man pin from my local ren fair and added feathers. Like i said, the opne I have has no feathers and goes for about $30. If there is a new one with wire, I am unaware of it. Dorian... I wouldn't know how to talk with you if you weren't a smart arse.. As far as the frilly hats go, Fair Katey has two of them. One cavalier and one tricorn. Though the hats may be frilly, the price tags weren't. They came from a ren hat vendor called Tall Toad. They make great hats, but, at a hefty price..... Enjoy...... The Capt.
  22. Commander Ullrich... You can get swivel guns at Dixie gun works for a very reasonable price.. I believe around $250 each plus shipping. Hope that helps.... The Capt.
  23. DuCouer.... You will be most welcome here. We are a very open minded group of people who are intent on having a good time. The more the merrier. I am working on a weekend during the local ren fair out here. During pirate weekend. I will let everyone know the date just as soon as I can find it out. It is usually in the middle of Sept. I'll get back to you soon. The Capt.
  24. Capt/ W. E. Roberts.... for a stiff hat, I reccommend that you use some good old leather oil and rub it in to help soften it up. Also, work in mink oil. This will help soften the leather to make it more pliable and will also help it a lot with moisture resistance. However, understand that by working any of these products into the leather, they will darken it. How much will depend on how much of these products you use.... Hope it helps.... The Capt.
  25. I've taken this test several times. It is a lot of fun. I am glad to see that it was found and linked up for everyone. My said I was Bloody Flint Read... another time it said I was Iron Roger Read... it is fun to keep changing your answers and seeing the different named you can get.... The Capt.
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