Capt. Flint
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Everything posted by Capt. Flint
Based on just about every book I have ever read on the subject; all the facts you all have listed are true. It is documented that Teach was stabbed multiple times and had around 5 shots in him. It is also claimed that a highlander is the one that layed the death blow to the ol' capt. I have different books that say two different things though. Some claim the highlander used a broadsword. Some say otherwise. None claim he used a heavy claymore sword. I have also read in many many books that sword and pistol were used in tandum. That the pistol was indeed fired once and then either tossed for a second one or used as a club. As far as what types of swords were carried then . I know there are several books out there titled .... The Sword.... Unfortunately, I cannot remember the author of the one I am refering to , but, it is an illustrated book and very large with a white cover. It goes into detail about the different swords used and when they were popular. It is filled , and I mean filled, with photos of many authentic pieces from the time, accompanied with dates. If anyone can help with the writers name , please tell us. Let me know what you think about this. I love this topic............ The Capt.
I am currently re-reading... Blackbeard by Robt. E. Lee. ( not the civil war general) It's an okay book. I wouldn't personally recommend it. Looking for something new....... The Capt.
You pose one heck of a question. My entire wardrobe and accesories cannot really be priced. All of our clothes were made by my Katey. My boots ran about six hundred. A couple of hundred per sword and I have several. My hat was about thirty. My guns range from 85 to a few hundred. Then there are various daggers and knives etc. I hope that is some help. Plus the fact that I am still getting more and making more stuff all the time. Such as .... I made my own baldric for about 30 in leather another 15 in buckles and Katey bought me a pair of gloves for around 55 .......... Best I can do mate........... The Capt.
Hands on experience can come in many forms. Personally speaking; I have not found fencing to be to much like other sword fighting. However, it can teach balance and cordination. Both of these things are essential to any sword fighting. Also, be careful of choreographed fighting. While it may help with some technique; it can impair your ability to fight in a more natural form. There are people I have met and fought with who studied fencing for many years. They also had a hard time adapting to straight up sword fights. The same for those I have met who have done nothing but staged ( choreographed ) work. That is not to say all who use these techniques fall into this trap. Just saying that through my own personal experience; many of those I have met do. Find the books and do the reading. But, also try to find those who use NON- choreographed fighting to really gain experience. Also it is very important to NOT fight the same people all the time. The only way to get better, is to find new people who are better than you are and learn.. It is a really fun activity that only gets better over time. Let me know how you make out.......... The Capt.
Jolie Rouge.... There are plenty of books out there. But, books and even here, it is hard to learn without real hands on training. There are a few basic, and simple elements that I would be happy to pass on to you. one... Always keep your head back and your body upright. I know this sounds common sense and easy, but, trust me it takes practice. two...A basic stance to start with is a boxers stance. Have your body a bit to the side and keep your hands up. This will allow you to have your sword ready and your other hand can be used as a blocking tool should you need it. three...try your best to not watch your opponents body. A good swordsman can use body language to fake you out and land thier shot first. Keep your look on thier face and sword. And remember a blocking move keeps you alive to fight. Do not always go for the fast kill. It doesn't always work Also, remember that a cutlass is a single edged weapon. Use it for both slash and thrust. Also, in true fighting, the hilt would also be used to punch an opponent with. The flat of the blade was used to also hit someone with. And it is always good to try to block another sword with the flat of the blade. To sharp edges hitiing each other will seriously damage the sword....... hope this helps........ The Capt.
Thanks Dorian.. I appreciate your info. I also saw where these pieces were rare. It was just that I never read or saw them in flintlock form.. Thanks for the help................ The Capt.
For a felt tricorn, i have no idea what you would do, other than let it dry out. For a leather one, I recommend using mink oil. .... The Capt.
The only duck-foot pistol I've seen ( in kit form or complete ) , by several different dealers, was in percussion. Can you please pass on where you saw this gun in flintlock form. I would be very interested in seeing it.... Thanks.......... The Capt.
It's one thing to get smart, it's another to get cocky, but, it is entirley another thing to get plain arrogant. A pirates death dream I am the stalker who sails through the night I dine on your sorrow I breathe on your fright When you feel lost, all adrift and alone There you will find me, plucking your soul Not all at once, as a glutton to feast But, little by little Piece by piece And when I have finished you'll feel all hope is gone Then I will leave you And set sail with a song And who am I you ask.. to make such claims who can boast with such pride for causing sorrow and pain An answer you seek, but, none will you find My indentity I'll keep After all it is mine And if this small news... upsets you so Then I'll thank you now for my gift to go And if tommorrow arises remember to look For as soon as you do I'll have you String.. line ..and hook
Allright lads and lasses....... The pirate weekend is on Sept. 20-21 . Here in Maryland at the ren fair. If any of you wish to get together for that weekend, please say so. The sooner the better, so I know whether to take off work or not. If not then, then I will work on another date. Katey and I are looking forward to seeing how many of you can make it. The more the merrier.......... The Capt.
Capt Weaver... sometimes you can really confuse the powder out of me. But, then again, thats partly why we love you so much. aaarrrghhhhhh Mad McCrumb..... while the challenge was issued to Capt. Westyn... read it through m'luv. It also said to any others who want to join in also. Your poetry was fun. You do not need to stop. Hope you had fun playing....... The Capt.
A job well done Angus........ As always , your special attention has paid off well. The site looks great. HUZZAH............The Capt.
Ahoy there Jennifer.... be ye from Washington State or D.C . Just wonderin.............. The Capt.
Here's a third one Mad McCrumb.... and this one is for free.... as it's long and just for fun.... so blast ye, you'll never get me Four persons were placed on tryal for pyracy. The judge asked them one by one.......... Tell me seaman William it says here ye used a whip Aye judge that I did.. and made good use of it I see. And tell me first mate Stevens it says ye used a sword Aye judge, that I did..To cut me foes in four I see. And tell me Capt. Flint it says here ye used a gun Aye judge that I did..To steal plunder and run The judge was in a quandry..... Three men he asked and three answers he got but not what he had thought For each had gave an answer.. that would give them the hangmans knot Then he asked the fourth one.. to answer his last query Mistress Mary.. it says here that no weapon did ye carry Yet, the deadliest of all the rest is yours the boldest of the bold Tis true judge, Mary spoke my weapon is far more deadly though not a whip or sword or gun it be to say the least it is not friendly Then to the awe of everyone Mary parted her thighs the judge, the guard indeed the whole damn court where dazzeld with suprise For as Mistress Mary raised her skirts she did so then present a girdle made of gems and jewels and riches not yet spent The court did stare in awe and shock as Mary lowered her hem and as the judge did raise his head he saw a gun pointed straight at him Why what happened did surprise the court and held everyone in a fright the tables were turned and they were now caught in a nasty sight The guard was held around the neck with seaman Williams whip and first mate Stevens held the lawyer with his sword ready to prick Capt. Flint held the gun and to the judge he shrugged and sighed Well judge , we'll be leaving now come Mary ..say goodbye Fair Mary kissed the judge on the cheek and then she said to the judge on high you see m'lord for nothing is stronger than that what be a ladies thighs ... Have fun......... The Capt.
Here is another , just to keep up to date Pieces o eight.... gold doubloon They all doth speak the same for no matter where I roam they seem to call my name Strands o pearls, diamonds and rubies no matter what the gem I'll steal, I'll plunder or dig them up I'd sail through hell for them In the end I'll be rich as rich as man can be unless the hangman gets me first then lost my treasure be So if ye a mind to wander and my tale you do espy grab a lantern and a spade my fortune is your to find aaarrrgghhhhhhhhh
McCrumb.... when fair Katey calls from the bed , I listen. As I find her company preferable to typing here.... ODE TO AN ANCHOR An anchor is so lovely It'll never let you down Be ye pink, tendor, cutter or sloop It will always hold you sound They come in many shapes and sizes And are placed throughout the ship Starboard, port an even kedge They'll never let you slip An anchor have so many uses More than just to hold the ship Why it can even be dropped on a cabin boy As long as he stands beneath it Oh my lovely anchor I'll never be untrue Alas I sees a kings warship Quick, cut the bugger loose
Your words do you well McCrumb with kiddies and Reginald on hand We'll see if ye rise to the challenge or fall on your arse in the sand The rules are very simple keep them short and not to foul for though pirates we all be we must be mindfull of the crowd Now the fun ones are the best but a drama does well too now make ready to be boarded me guns are aimed at you see you later............. The Capt.
Seadog here mate... I grew up on the water and have been drawn to it my whole life. I know fair Katey also played on the beach a lot growing up in Cal. and all. Even starting my little one right. She is only three and already loves the sea. She cannot get enough of being on a boat and loves to fish and swim....... The Capt.
McCrumb.... I have several books with various historical flags and banners. The one you describe is in none of them. I am quite sure that there were many banners and flags that never made the history books, because they were simply not known about. I am also very certain that my books do not list all the known ones. So... when you do find it, please pass on the info. This is a subject I am very much interested in.. Thanks.. The Capt.
capnwilliam...... I cannot speak of what ranges allow in your area. The best thing to do is simply call them and ask. I know the ranges I have dealt with have all allowed black powder. Some were more strict than others, but, they all allowed it. Best o luck... The Capt.
Aaargghhhh.. you old sea dog. Another year older heh. Well, as I always say....... may the wind fill your sails, may the sea be friendly and may ye find riches and plunder galore.......... The Capt.
Now now Stynky.. don't be givin the word that I'm a bad'n just because of where I live. I was only tryin to give the lass a welcome feelin.... The Capt.
i appreciate the comment.............. ok . First remember we do not all always use " pirate talk " when posting. But, in this case, I would say......... Glad ye liked me site. She's not a bad dingy at that heh................... But what you posted was actually fine.. The Capt..... you know this would be easier in the chat room
Now Mad Mary.. As far as relations go; as Capt. Flint I will boast to being related to the governor and or any other high ranking politician that is not in town to save me neck from a rope party. It is also good to see that you will lighten up, although, I'm not sure I remember that your weight ever came into question. Perhaps you may want to stick to the whatever part...... aarrrgghhhhhh ...... The Capt.
Mad Mary, being new to the party is fine and the reasons you got interested are fine. But..... I never heard anyone playing pirate apoligize so much. Relax. Enjoy the site and post what you will. If you truly want to learn a few things, then post some questions....... See ya. The Capt