Capt. Flint
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Everything posted by Capt. Flint
Jolie Rouge.... I agree with you on that a rapier required a different skill in its use. However, based on what history I've read, they were carried by some seamen as well as other types of swords. As far as pirates being from merchantmen. This too is true. As you point out, they were also from the regular navy. They were also from pig farmers and woodsman. They worked at a variety of trades, before turning pirate. There are also those who went straight into pirate. Like I said, I am quite certain that there were men who were ill adept with the sword. But, overall; based on what reading I have done, overall, they were quite skilled with a variety of weapons. I don't want to sound like an ass on this, it's just that I have a real passion for this topic and would love to keep this conversation going. Please share with us the books and sources you have , as I would very much like to read them. By all means, please keep your thoughts on this coming as well. It is becoming an enjoyable series of postings..... The Capt.
Just as a thought... I continued this topic on the..Boarders Away header in rabble Rousing. I just thought that it was a better place to continue this subject........ The Capt.
Capt.s William and Weaver.... Do you have any sources to back up your claim of seamen being unskilled. I would very much like to read them. Capt. Weaver. I would like to think that you have some other source besides the fact that seamen were pressed and whatnot. If you check your history, Under the Black Flag..... Blackbeard.... Pirates.. a history.... etc.... You will find a great deal of documentation to support that sailors and seamen were very skilled with the sword. Please pass on the sources you have, as I am much interested in this topic..... Thanks . The Capt.
Ahoy all... Fair Katey and I just got back from colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. I want to tell anyone who can make the trip or is thinking about going....GO... It was everthing and then some. While we were there, Lord Cornwallice occupied the town and declared marshel law. There were re-enactors for both American and British. It was a fantastic place to visit. The weapons.. let me say that again..THE WEAPONS.... To say they were impressive is an understatement. There were weapons from the original time period as well as reproduction weapons. The magazine had a few hundred weapons and the goveners house had over seven hundred weapons on its walls. Again, with both original from the time and reproductions. There simply is way to much to describe here. Lets just say, that it is very very impressive and well worth the effort to go there. For those of you who are purist and want to know what this has to do with piracy..... well.... While Blackbeard was killed in NC., his surviving crew were taken to Willamsburg and tried for piracy. I cannot recommend this trip enough. The houses, the people, the food, I mean everything was simply incredible. You will not be dissapointed..... The Capt.
Aye Stynky.. I got the address, just haven't gotten to the post office yet to mail the pics. I will more than likely mail them out in the next week. Thanks...... The Capt.
Capt. Willaim... I disagree with your assesment of shipboard fighting. First of all, they were not all free for alls. Also, the men were far from minimally skilled with swords. Some of them were extremely good with swords and pistols etc.. While I am sure that there were some that were not very good, many more were very good and quite skilled swordsmen. Now, one point is very accurate. That is that shipborad fighting was in tight areas and not much room to work a long sword in. However, despite this, rapiers were also a favorite weapon of many men to use. The cutlass was a well made weapon for shipboard use because of it's length. It was also a popular weapon of the time for army soldiers as well. If you study colonial history, you will see that the adaptation of a cutlass style weapon became very popular with the military. Rapiers became carried for ceremony, duels, and by gentlemen as part of their walking attire. However, that is not to say that is not to say that they weren't used by seam men as part of thier everyday weapon.... The Capt.
Patterns for coats, shirts and pants
Capt. Flint replied to Charity Sweetlove's topic in Thieves Market
Another hat source.... I found my cavalier hat from a catalog..Chivlary Sports.. or on line at ren store.com.. It is a plain round felt hat that can be made into a variety of different hats. With shipping it comes to around thirty dollars. I made one into a cavalier hat and I am making another into a tricorn hat. Simply fold the sides the way you like them and sew in to place. With my cavalier one, I just folded one side up and use a pin I bought from the ren fair to pin it up with and stuck a variety of feathers in it that I like..... Fun and easy and not NEARLY as expensive as the two that Katey owns. But, then hey she is a lady..... The Capt. -
Thanks Angus.... I really appreciate it. I also want you to know that I really appreciate all you do to keep this site up and running... The Capt.
I've seen Yellowbeard several times and adore it. I think that anyone who has not seen it, should rent it also. You will love it. As far as the film.... Island.. with Micheal Caine. I have to agree with it as being one of the worst films made. Yeah the pirate costumes, ships, and raid were pretty cool. But, I found the movie pretty boring and dumb. The story left a lot to be desired also.But, hey, it's just my opinion. I mean after all a lot of people here posted that they can't stand Cutthroat Island. Yet, I loved the film and have watched it many many times. To each his own...... The Capt.
Mad Woman Cheryl... I Can't say as I ever heard of the place. There is a fine irish pub called J Pats near Fort McHenry. Fair Katey and I used to go there a lot before our little one was born. If you want to try to get together, that would be great. Let us know a little ahead of time, so as we can arrange a sitter for our little Maggie. IF you like, forward me your phone and I or Katey will call you and try to set something up for next week. We are on vacation then. Perhaps you might care to join us for dinner one evening and swap stories. If then is no good, just give us a time that is good. It's always fun to meet someone who shares the same interest. Looking forward to hearing from you....... The Capt.
For those of you who are interested in getting piratey stuff as well as nautical stuff ie.. socks and shower curtains.. You can find some things from an on line and catalog company called PRESTONS by the Sea.. They deal with mostly general nautical stuff, but, every now and then you can find some things with a pirate theme.. Their stuff is pretty cool. Hope you like it........ The Capt.
For those of you interested in creating your own horns for black powder or drinking vessles, I wanted to let you know that you can get blank horns from Tandy Leather. They are on line or you can order a catalog and order from it. Also, they have many stores all around. You may want to see if one is in your area. I do not know the prices of these blank horns, as it is not a big interest of mine to make one. but, I know that some of you had posted about where to get them, so I thought I would remind you. Happy Hunting........ The Capt.
Okay.. I'll repost this one too. I want to work on trying to find a date and time when as many of us as possible can get together and meet. Perhaps a place where we could set up an overnight camp. Do some open fire cooking, story telling, drinking etc..... Anyhow, what I need is for everyone interested to post where you live ( city and state) and the best months out of the year for you. Also, if you can travel at all, that would be good to know. I will try to find a place that is some sort of mid point for as many of us as possible. I know that we are pretty well scattered, but, I will do my best. This will take some time to work out, so do not expect this to be ready for a while. The more input I get, the easier it will be to make happen. Who knows... Mabye when we get the details all sorted out, we can ask The most fair, and lovely and deliciously piratical Jamaica Rose to post it in the NQG newsletter. ( brown nosing intentional )...I'll take care of the details gang.... The Capt.
I had posted about the newest version of... THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO... I loved this flick. The fight scenes were excelent. I really like the knife fight on the beach and the final sword fight at the end. But, even the learning how to fight that happend while Donte's was in prison was good to watch. If any of you get the chance, I seriously reccomend this film. It's the new one with Guy Pierce. You won't be dissapointed.. The Capt.
What be happen'n wit the Sunday evening live chat?
Capt. Flint replied to Stynky Tudor's topic in Scuttlebutt
I was wondering the same thing Stynky.. I too show up a lot, also late.... usually around 11:30pm. As that is the time I get home from work When I do spy our fellow members here, none are interested in doing much chatting. Perhaps it is simply the late hour of our arrival..Alas. what is one to do but, sit and drink and ponder the question more.... nahhhh... The Capt. -
Mad Woman Cheryl.. I am also from Baltimore. What part of this town are you in. Drop me and Fair Katey'O an e-mail and lets get together one day. As for any plans for a larger get together; I am working on it gang, just give me a little time. Oh, and M.W. Cheryl.. I have tried to find various groups in our fair town for re-enacting, and the ones I have located have never returned my e-mails. So, I am still trying. Let me know if any of the groups contact you. We have a local ren group that we belong to. They are here in MD. as well as Arizona, California, Ohio, Illinois, etc. We have members in several states. But, none that are sea going let alone piratical in nature. Who knows; mabye you ,me and Katey, could work together to start a group here. I would be happy to work on it with you. Like I said, give me a holler and We will all get together..... The Capt.
Angus ... thanks for restoring this page. I really appreciate it. Oh yeah... you get thirty lashes for knocking us all down a few notches on our postings.... But, oh well, what the !@#$....... Thanks again.. arghh.. The Capt.
Whatever........ ... I did recommend a sword. hopes it comes in handy..... The Capt.
Stynky tudor.. Deer Creek products has no web site. Thier number for a catalog or order is.. 765-525-6181.. thier address is p.o. box 246 Waldron, Indiana 46182...... As far as photos go, I have photos of the gun,, baldric and other things that people have asked for, but, I have no idea how how to send them. Some people have tried to help, but I need better instructions on what to do. Soon as I figure it out, I will gladly send them. I haven't even figure out how to send a photo for my avatar image. The Capt.
A lightweight??? if an entire bottle of rum qualifies one as a light weight, well..... then call me extra light..... To you Capt Luigi.. I would say you get the following pussywillow cat on hard skin root passed out pleasure frozen rum sickel the king and rye the host and mrs slur and what else I'm not sure but I will think of more later.... the Capt.
Allright me fellow seadogs... When this challenge was started, we asked that all of you act as judges. Now, we thrown enough broad sides to warrent some sort of reply. Come on now, break out those ink wells and give us a reply. Awaiting to hear from you...... The Capt.
Capt Roberts..... I am sure that your job is the cause of your non reply. I will give you one last poem and then we shall see when we can get the challenge going again..... Lil Jacky Rackum when found great ships attacked em he always knew the way to go he earned the nickname Calico pillage and plunder were his show Lil Jacky Rackum Lil Jacky Rackum when with women he would sack em' with Anne and Mary by his side he did not have to far to ride for a wild time upon the tide Lil Jacky Rackum Lil Jacky Rackum when captured they would stretch him to execution dock he went and with three tides his life was spent now no more the seas he shall frequent Lil Jacky Rackum
Capt William.... There are many different swords to be used in the large time frame that you posted. My only reccomendation would be something along the line of a scottish basket hilt sword. If you want one for just looks, Smoky mountain knifeworks has one that you can get for about 30 dollars plus shipping. Good hunting.......... The Capt.
Stynky Tudor.. i saw several shows about firearms on the history channel; you must have just tuned in at the wrong time. I watched them cover the wheel lock in some detail. Also, to add my own points of interest... I have a 45 caliber flintlock that I built from a kit bought from deer creek industries. It is a fine gun and shoots well. I am hopeing that I can save enough money one day to buy the brown bess kit. The Capt
Ahhhh Capt Roberts... You must remember the original challenge... They are to be kept short. I see that you and Capt. Weaver have a hard time keeping that part. I never said they had to be very good, although it would be better to read good ones, but, they need to be short. With that in mind...... aahhheemmmm ( starts to sing the following) There was a mighty sailing ship called the Abigail on many a day she could be seen settin off to sail now the story goes that she was named for the captins daughter in truth it was his mistress love that he named her after. another beer and I would sing more, but, alas me throat has gone dry....