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Capt. Flint

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Everything posted by Capt. Flint

  1. I was reading in an article not to long ago, that the wreck of Blackbeards flagship was found. At least it is believed to possibly be the Q.A.R. Then all of the sudden, there was no more info. Has anyone heard anything about this. Also, does anyone know where I can find any stories about it. Thanks... The Capt.
  2. I was looking for a fairly good pirate style cutlass to use at reinactments. I have found several very cheap pieces that will not stand up to even stage combat. I also found a few somewhat expensive pieces that will. ie.... museam, replica... I was hopeing that mabye someone knows where I can get a fairly good blade, that will withstand the rigors of stage fighting on a beach, for a fairly good price. Thanks... The Capt.
  3. I am sure that many of you have heard of this ship. If not, it is called the Kalymar Nickel. ( I hope that it is spelled proper ) They have a web site that you can get some info. as well as view various pics of her. There is also a listing of where she will be heading and how you can pay for her services for certain functions. Hope you enjoy it. The Capt.
  4. I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of the Howard Pyle Festival beging held in Delaware, on Cape Henelopin. If you have, I would appreciate some feedback....... Thanks
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