Capt. Flint
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Everything posted by Capt. Flint
Okay me ship mates........ Me and Fair Katey are in our home and most of the renovations are done. So.............. when do any of ye want to get together. Give me a Friday or Sat. night that any of ye ( this means you Paisly and Mad woman Cheryl ) can make it....... this means everyone who can come. We would love to see all of ye who can show. BTW... Sat. the 13th is not a good night but most of the others are free. At least for now... I hope. damn.. I keep forgetin to check with katey....... oh well time for another shot if I'm going to stay here and ramble on...... Let me know............. The Capt.
Pleasantevening to all of ye here.... Fair Katey and I have settled on the new house and are getting ready to actually move in. We are planning a pirate party/ house warming after we get settled in. It will most definetly not be until March before we're ready. So........... PAISLEY... please tell us what is a good weekend for you in that month and we will plan it for then. That is, if you can make it luv. Of course all are welcome to attend. We have LIMITED sleep over space available. But, those who need it, are welcome. I will do my best to give everyone a more accurate date as soon as possible. I guess I better tell my Fair Katey O' first. Come join us me ship mates and celebrate with us. Our home may be small and our pockets not quite full, but, what we have we would share with good friends such as ye here. Check your calanders and let us know what is a good date for all who would like to come. If March is no good, just let us know. ....... Remember May is NOT!!!!!!! good.. The baby is due then. I cannot wait to here from you......... The Capt.
Congrats on your PHD lass. I would say drinks on me, but I think it would be more fun if they were ON you........ Good luck to your future.... Flint
Annapolis would be wonderful Paisley.... Of course if we all choose Baltimore, then we would be happy to play host and let everyone use our place as a rest stop and hang out after ward..... We are setteling on the new house in two weeks. So let us know when you want to do this as we are extremely time conscious right now. We are very much looking forward to this little get together, so say when......... Flint
I have to go with the schooner on this one. As for all me mates saying size doesn't matter..... just remember, that many a pirate took thier prize by attacking it ina canoe or dugout with muskets, rifles and pistols. I guess it's all in how you look at it.......... The Capt.
The only words I ever heard that were nicer than these was the word ..daddy... spoken by my little one. Thank you much lass. A true pirate in pink with a heart of gold.........
Heres to Capt. Westyn Elizabeth by name Heres to the fair lass Jennifer Luccia as was claimed Heres to Rose Jamaica known and hers to Katey whom I call my own Lovely ladies true gems at that But pirates all so watch your back Theres Mad Woman Cheryl and Rumbarue Mad Maudlin McCrumb to name just a few Like a flower theres Pirate Molly whos beauty is a bloom For when he set his eyes on her Stynky Tudor did so swoon MerryDeath whos humor does so surely please and let us not forget Tales of the Seven Seas And I raise my cup to the lass in pink Paisly you are so fair For though we have yet to meet there are none who can compare To all the ladies I did not name Do not be crossed or grim For its hard to remember everyone when your three sheets to the wind So heres a toast to all of ye You are treasures, rare and priceless I say And without each and everyone of you This site would not be the same.. just a new years well wish to all ye lovely and wonderful ladies out there. The Capt.
Paisly luv..... we would love to meet up on a given weekend coming up. Why don't you e-mail me what is good for you and we will see if we can make it. We are moving at the end of this month so.... that is out. If you would like to wait for early Feb. we will have an open house at the new place and we could all get together then. Karen and i are allready planning a pirate party at the new house, just as soon as we get moved in. Either way.... let me know..... Flint
Ahoy me fellow seadogs..... I saw this gun kit in Dixie gun catalog. It is a large skeleton or jailers key, that is also a matchlock gun. It is very inexpensive and I think it would make a great converstaion piece. What I want to know, purley out of curiosity, is ..... is there any truth to the history of such a weapon. Dixie was unable to answer the question. So I thought I would ask me mates here. I'm not worried about it being authentic or acurate or even functional. ( although the catalog does list it as a fireable weapon ) I just am curious to know if this type of piece ever did exist or is it just fantasy...... Thanks shipmates.... The Capt.
Because it was in the script...........
Capt. Shaunassey... I am so glad you mentioned Grace O'Maley. Her story is extremely interesting and I have only been able to find a little written about her. If anyone has a good source for any of her story; please pass it on. She was a fascinating lady of her time and I would love to read more about her. For those of you who are not familiar with Grace O... I strongly suggest you find out about her. You will enjoy it I am sure............ The Capt.
Zorg... WAYYYYYYYYYYYYy back when this site was still a youngin.. there were a set of articles written up and posted here. If they still exist, then you can find them with a little research here. A great many of us agreed to said artticles. However, being as we are pirates, and were drunk when we read them, and were drunk when they were written, and don't read too well as it is,,,,,,,, well, I guess that sort of speaks for itself. In other words, go ahead and draft a set of articles. I am sure that we will give then the same consideration that we gave the last set.... The Capt.
Unfortunately, there is absolutely no proof that as to wich, if any, of the skulls that are held, actually is Teaches. There is extremely little known about his background. So little to the point of almost complete conjecture. DNA testing cannot prove that anyone is related to Blackbeard, because there is no known sample of his dna existing. I would bet, that a man who bedded as many women as the old capt. supposedly did, would have gotten one with child. At least I like to think so. The truth of Blackbeard as far as who he was before he was a pirate, and if ever there were any offspring, will remain a mystery forever. But, if ever ye meet a strange looking, and rather hairy fellow, around North Carolina ( or who knows where else in the world ) that has a habit of saying argghh when he talks; well, who knows? It sure is something to think about though, isn't it?... Flint
Merry Christmas to all my fellow sea dogs out there. May the frosty winter sea be kind to all of ye. May the season be filled with joy and may the new year bring better fortune for all of us. Does anyone have any references on how the holiday was spent while on board ship. I know that various regular navies recognized the day and would make special allowances for it. But, I have extremely little info. on anything about that or about merchant ships or pirates as well. If any of ye has some knowledge to share, the old capt would appreciate it...........Merry Christmas and Happy New Year........... Capt. Flint
I couldn't have said it better Longarm. The history of how many times Teach married is questionable. It is known that he married more than one woman, but, how many is still at bay. As to children; nothing is known. There was one wife who claimed the Capt. gave her a child. But, she and her story pretty much end with the claim and the rest is lost to history. It would truly incredible to find out that a person was related to the old pirate. But, that will never happen. A mystery can be a good thing, don't you think?..... Flint
Interesting topic Hawkyns. I try my best to do re-enacting acurately. I dress the part as real as I can ( that my funds will allow) My weapons are real. I do not carry show pieces or wall hangers. Now obviously my swords are not sharpened and I don't attempt to actually kill my oponent. But, my guns are real and I can hit my target. My swords are real and I do know how to use them. I have done events that range in time from 1100 to 1800. I have dressed the part of nobleman, working class, full armor swordsman ( NO foam sword ) to casual pirate and merchant capt. I say that whatever anyone chooses to do, have fun. Just remember to respect the next person and give them credit for whatever type of character they dress as. There are those who love to play fantasy. While in a way we all are doing that, deep fantasy is just not my thing. But, I think it's great for those who want to do it. Either way. I think it should depend on what type of event and who is running it. Just a few thoughts from Flint...... The Capt.
A lady so refined would celebrate her birthday with a glass of champaigne, a special dinner out at a fine restaraunt, a evening filled with fine entertainment and finish with a night of passion...... But.... Mad Woman Cheryl, would have a bottle of grog to wash down the shank of meat she was chewing on. Followed by getting thrown out of the strip club, and finish by knocking ol'e Bill to the ground and having her way with him just before she passes out. I doubt if Bill would want it any other way.... Happy Birthday fair lass. A December brthday is truly fitting for you as you are a person who brings light and joy to all who are lucky enough to meet you....... Flint
I got so bleedin drunk celebratin, that I forgot to post Happy Birthday; you ol'e sea dog you. hic..... oh wait, I was makin a toast, hic. Wheres the butter? or do you want jelly on your toast.... hic what was I sayin. oh yeah.. happy anniver....oops.. hic. oh wait , here it is. Stynkys bying. wooo hooooo........ hic..... Congrats my friend May you never know hard times may you always find happiness may your greatest treasure be that wich you find at home. Flint
Another topic of interest concerning Teach , was his "habit" of getting married. I read somewhere, the he was married to more than three women at the same time. I cannot find out how many were actually known. It may be well over three. It was also known that he would get married, enjoy his new bride for a while and then donate her to his crew, so to speak. They would in turn use and abuse her. Afterwards, Blackbeard would move on and fall in love all over again with a new sweetheart. If I remember correctly, his last bride was but nineteen years old. He treated her in his usual way and sailed on shortly after to his destiny with Maynard and his death. Any input from anyone on this subject concerning the Capt. I would like to know if anyone has any sources about Blackbeard on this as well as other facets of his life. The Capt.
Capt. William... thanks for talking about Blackbeard here. I wasn't trying to swat your viewpoint, just make one of my own. No offense you ole' sea dog. What I was trying to say is , that Teach created the image and from what very little first hand history there is on the man says, he had no desire or want to tone it down. I understand what you mean about being trapped. But, that would seem to imply that the person wants to set it aside sometimes. In Teaches case, it just doesn't appear that way to me. Just a thought....... Flint
Oh well.. so much for cutlass combat..... Flint By the way.... Morgans long term plans were to get rich and stay alive. According to whatever history still exist on the man, he had no immediate plans to become gov. of Jamaica. It was later in life that he saw his opportunity and took advantage of it.... Kind of like a regular pirate would heh?......... Flint
Just wanted to let everyone know..... I started the topic of Blackbeard under it's own title. Thought we could move cutlass combat back into cutlass combat. The post were great and I really like them. It just seemed we went a little astray. So feel free to pick up all your talk on the old pirate under it's own heading........Flint Happy Thanksgiving
I thought that since there was so much chatter about Blackbeard, I would move it out of cutlass combat and into a new topic..... In response to the last post, Blackbeard did not fight for sugar and indigo. His real reasons for fighting will never be known. As far as falling for his own hype; well, he created it. It was a common practice during the time ( and Teach used it also) to creat as terrific an image as possible. This would hopefully make raiding a ship easier. As folks would be so afraid, they would surrendor without a fight. Blackbeard is an incredible figure in time. Almost nothing is known for fact about his younger years and he lived as a pirate for only a few years before his death. Yet, he was so successful at what he did, that his name has become synonymous with the word pirate. His legend has lasted over the centuries. His evil ways and vile habits have given way to a figure of myth. Not bad for a thief, murderer, rapist and villian. If hollywood would make a current movie about the man, you can bet ,that it could not be historically accurate. Too little is known and the man was so evil, that they would not dare to show the public his image as a historical pirate. Anyhow, it's just a few thoughts from an old tired sea rover........... Flint and...... Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be safe and have fun
Many thanks to all of ye for rememberin me special day. It warms me heart to see so many uhhh, well,, uhh, "kind" words, from so many drunk errr uhhh I mean special people. Hey Westyn... can't me wenches be grand and me days be merry? Just a thought................ It's always good to discover new things on ones birthday.. I found out that after two bottles of champaigne, all hard cider taste the same. see ya on the seas........... Flint
Flint was the capt Fair katey was crew and none would dare dispute but Katey handled the guns and got the job done and left the poor capt holding his boots this one is for any and all parents..... I am in charge and give orders to all and the had better be obeyed but me oldest crewmember is four and you can be sure that it is she who commands the day