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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I'd party with joe satriani but i'm listening to: briefcase full o blues
  2. I figured in three days somebody would say something about my shyte???
  3. I fixed yer list! Aye me brother, those are indeed do'able fer us, I jes didn't get that far down tha' list fer long range plannin'. We 'spect ta be at lots' o faires in 2006 so I hopes ye don't mind some company at th' gate harrasin' the mundanes Mr Sam As the girls all say yoo hoo! thar be a dred day approachin ........ Nut I don't have anything ta do with it! I just bought a (new to me) 2003 E-150 two sets of captains chairs fully loaded all electric, trailer towing package all rigged and out the door $15,000. White with grey insides the guilds flagship just raised anchor! Huzzah!
  4. I see this as the two weeks notice: Notice that we be partyin and unles you be joinin us our new years eve party in pirate garb is going to be better than your new years eve party in pirates garb.... Neeeener neeeener neeeeener
  5. Truly Bloody Mary I have never seen a flag picked up and carried in better terms of true endearment to ones own beliefs of sound mind and body ye be blessed with an A fer certs lass! Huzzah! to me mates fer puttin it all out there!
  6. There ye have it a day late and a dabloon short. In less than 17 hours ye join sign on say hey and goes from bilge rat to deck swabbie even a fore I gets ta knocks ye about. So! Welcome aboard lass. I see yer well on yer way fer given this scurvy crew yer nature, so I'll jes be havin a shooter a Tattoo and again welcomes to ye!
  7. What Lady Barbossa said, adding only the freedom of choices. The love of life and the company of friends that give and love to give. There be a unique comradery in trustin yer back with the likes of a mate, I liken it to family.... Me brothers and sisters, bein all for one and one for all. You see the muskateers were pirates they just got sea sick and stayed on shore. It be the wind fillin yer sails, slicing the seas surface with the bow, the sound of thunderin cannons and the smoke lingerin round the deck. The drynkin, the eatin, the singin and of course the plain simple truth sharin it all. Sharin the feelings ye get when this life gets so close to fullfillment legally, there just aint nothing liken to its complete and wondrous exhilarations. Grammercy Bloody Mary, grammercy well indeed. Hope ye gets an A
  8. Aye lass, Renate ye say! Nice name, a first fer me as well. I be Diego! Monsignor Diego Santana de la Vega at your most esteemed service. I should liken to introduce you to Ray. Fer he be the bar keep here in the pub and welcome you to the likes of all the noisy gongs and clanging bells you'll be certain to be better than entertained by here as well. Welcome aboard lass and please pass the salt. (turns to ray) Another boiled agg mate!
  9. a box of sees candies. I take that back it wasn't even a box it was a coupon to go and get a box......
  10. How does someone make the disgusting shot glass drynk called the brain tumor?
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