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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. B H P I guess that'd be better than "The High Risk Potent Seamen" Biker Lets Party! Got plans New Years Eve Yet?
  2. Hey mate Captain Gary be right a nicer group of givin sharin folks won't be found on this coast. It's atween involvements time (holidays) many of the crew are working the dickens faire in san francisco right now. Busy and respected they be, so, if ye care to be with good people without drama rama politics be assured I give em a two thumbs up! When we get north they give us free reign to come in and paaarrrrrtttteeeeeeee makin us feel right at home in camp and that feeling, well, it just simply aint gonna be beat.
  3. Hey Mick? I been wonderin since yer day one! Stranger than what in these parts?
  4. Michael how are ye doing? Seems a quiet response to new years from all a our friends south with ya in Stranglehold I hears Experience is stuck workin on new years day and that be a right dreadful shame! I thought with sure fire reckless abandon I'd be singin shanty's by the fire all night with the likes a you good man! We are all displaced about you both not being able to make it. Rummy was truly bummed as well. Soon mate soon we shall party like it's 1699!
  5. silk stockings and then drool!
  6. a fact gone on with frightening realizations of sight and sound one that can't be found in reality but instead walks the sidewalks of the twilight zone!
  7. yargh and JIB is in Minneapolis with ye as well! ye might liken to join a nice non profit group and incorporate ergh somethin (morph) into a pyrate guild with him there! Huzzah!
  8. So word on the street is we're not dressin up like pyrates! Oh! I get it, its a fine deluxe dress to the tee's night of finery and pimp! I got this so down! Angora top coat, fedora and black wing tip boots honey! White satin tie on a black pinstripe double breasted suit with a black on black shirt! Somebody hold me down! The cameras will be certainly charged and ready fer postin on Monday!
  9. wong pegleg arent you the no show from the fresno faire where it was we never saw your cute little bunny ears out and about? If ye be coming south fer the new years celebratory drynkin and merryment ye too be a pyracy.com whacko like the rest of us we'd expect ye ta come! Bring yer bed roll!
  10. so ye had a windy time of it there in the desert huh? Pala was kind to me I won twelve dollars after all was said and done!
  11. The mens class of swordfighting had grown to forty-seven men and they were all practicing very very slow making certain the sword side foot never left the ground during the initial blow. If by slowing them down I was able to show the foot when and if it were rising or the elbow when and if it were dropping. They were good in all, ready to move on! I went over with them stance, low center of gravity, top to bottom blow, feet on the ground and elbow up. This was a long road to hoe. How much time would we have? There would be only two returns to teach: easy and hard To do the easy return simply let gravity take your hand downward I said. While your arm drops, reverse your hip motion. Lock your wrist as it is on impact, let the sword fall until the moment just before it is at the side of the swordside knee. Simultaneously you will have completed straightening your hips At that point your body follows so bend your wrist toward your shoulder. Your arm's momentum will carry the sword to where it should be. Finish this one fluid motion by returning, at last, to proper stance. Feet in a right angle, shield toe pointed at the opponent, hips and shoulders in line over feet, head still, upright, and centered, elbow up, and sword falling down your spine. The hard return is little in difference. Instead of letting the arm drop, I showed them the fighter pulls his swordside elbow straight back as though he were elbowing the person behind him. Finish the return as above in the easy return. The advantage here is that it's a little quicker and a little more aggressive I said adding. It does not matter how you return the sword as long as: one, the hips twist back to the start position; two, the sword ends up behind you; three, during the return, the fighter can move, defend, and attack. And, of course, the return should be made as quickly and smoothly as possible. I recommended they stick to the "easy return" and perfect that first. Then it came to me if these men would ever have a decent chance (what only 60 percent cassualties) I will begin to address this not as a sword fighting class but a killing class they'll never be able to last long with experiance so I will teach them how to kill.
  12. Roadhouse Blues Aye Matt edumacated in the streets of San Francisco 1966-70 at 710 Ashbury St. Lets just say I am Gratefully alive mate!
  13. hey micky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind hey micky yeh yeh hey micky!
  14. through the looking glass
  15. Aye Mr. P E W grammercy it's nice to be seen and you good man you are well and good as well? Ahhhh! Fine dining at the Kate if there were better it'd still be second.
  16. ya see I tells ye all it's a one drink (one, uno, singular, alone, by itself, ONE) one cup drink, let it do its magic. The second cup will take down a charging rhino! I loves one time and enjoys all the others in additions to it but never, never attempt milk shake suicide by drynkin two! Ye know in Hlooister I filled up Devlyns and Scarlets tankards for breakfast and they were (shall we say) quite involved with the likes of strangers at northern that day and Rummy told you all about her attempt at going for two cups that day as well. God rest ye merry gentlemen there's more for you in store! Hey Phil how's abouts penning a few christmas carols the way only you can?
  17. Thanks mate I stole the avatar did I
  18. Laddy, thar be a stack o them graphic artists about within this here rightly pub. I in fact was an art major but found it way too competitive so I went in to sales. Nargh I just be kiddin ye. I actually changed my major from art to theology but ended up in energy and power resources with business and psychology of sports minors. I dream in black and white and thusly my drawings are just that, one color. Everything I ever attempted in the color spectrum looked like a third graders paint by numbers painting so I don't paint. I draw rarely now but from time to time the basic skills and depth perseptions and point of views are still there if needed. Again to ye welcome to the pub!
  19. that aint Dr Pepper that's Jägermeister! huzzah
  20. Dude I'm allergic to mint Normally for as abnormal as I am, I don't make drinks, but I do pour a mean assed nasty root'n toot'n shooter!
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