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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Ajayi came up on the deck after the second gun fired fearing he would be needed to fight back anyone dumb enough to try and board this ship. And he was ready to put his best effort forth too! He thought about how much fun it would be cutting little navy men in half!
  2. fIt were forty seven women that came to my first archery class. We only had eight bows made, but everyone was able to try their hand. Not too many had the muscle tone to pull the heavy strung bows back with any force at all. Though there were four sisters from the sugar farm near to the far other side of the island where i found out embarrasingly late they have been hunting with bow and arrow most all their life. I let them take over the class after three of the four of them center shot better than six to my two! The fourth threw rocks with an accuracy I have never seen before. Rocks?
  3. a couple of things I can only dream would go in that biggins has many games we use in yards to teach games to children castles. a rope ring toss and a few more too. I was just posting something and thought why not..... So, how about "nova albions pyrates of the charred sail" or "the library?" where being quiet is for others..... Rumba we'll put yer sign ta good use though, that be fer certs, on the way through to the back (shhhhh) where me cooler is!
  4. So where we gunna find one? And did you see the bounty on the little bilge rat?
  5. the first time I ever heard either expression (Geek / Nerd) was forty years or more ago. Pencil necked geek! But I too remember by definition Ozzie Osborne making the saying very popular in the early seventies. (you know when he did that geek thing on stage) but nerds were pocket protecting geeks in high school they were ALL on the chess team and in post trig classes as well. Most were developing entries for the science faire by age nine. Pencil necked geek or a pocket protecting nerd? I believe they be similar but they aren't the same.... Thanks Oz
  6. I've been working on this all day!
  7. we are all talking here the presidents day three day weekend right? Any way Rummy went by the K O A and says its an ant hill looking for anything like tumbleweed in order to find some shade. So I guess now were looking for a hotel! Would love a jacuzzi and a non smoking, king size bed ! Any ideas?
  8. Woody allens "everything you ever wanted to know about sex"
  9. Desperado I actually learned how to pluck that out on a piano key board and played and sang it to my sister one christmas after her fifth divorce.................. Love that song actually I wish someone in Hollywood would have gotten a screen play done around the whole album it would have been a great storyline to interweave the musics own story with a good plot. Ok Ok "Everyone was hangin out Hangin up and hangin down Hangin in and holdin fast"
  10. Well not to put a dampener on anyones day but it's going to rain here today and I thought I'd put on the Phantom! Dah dah dah dah dah dah! da da
  11. everyone should by now have this link in their saved favorites! http://www.noquartergiven.net/merchant.htm...E%20SPECIALISTS
  12. Have a great time and don't forget to look for leatherneck and carl and well... have a great time!
  13. like between hermosa beach and marina del rey almost due west of L A X but south of Imperial Hwy
  14. New pyrate group is forming. For working renaissance faires and pyrate festivals all over southern California and too any group building (like a satellite) that might need a purpose under the umbrella we would like to offer. We don't have a name yet but within a month we will know if we are to be covered by existing insurance and move forward on this so if ye might be thinkin about it tell me I need a stack of your reasons to take to the board of directors of the group that should (might) sponser our efforts here in pyracy.
  15. (snif....... snif....... snif) DRINK? Did I hear a drink? Tattoo why of course!
  16. How's bouts Whiskey Bar or Horse Latitudes and even Moonlite Mile! Oh yeh I be theskintrader@yahoo (I know I know now Barbados sam will certainly be calling me the pimp daddy pirate huh?)
  17. 's been a week! What is it? OOPS
  18. 's been a week! What is it?
  19. Since its here! (a wear to find a certain shirt thread) I am too looking for an inexpensive ruffled front off white shirt with ruffled cuffs as well!
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