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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. lookin fer a product on line we don't stock!
  2. I'll have to check into this Spartan movie I never heard a blip abnout it before! Grammercy oh! this new quote is it from Tombstone?
  3. Man does those pics bring back memories of the kids Wheeewww Am I glad they're all taking their own for pictures now! (did anyone see the resemblances to Pirate Phil, Mad_Jack And meself in those Santas?)
  4. The Calico Bass Make a blender full of yer best blended margarita with yer tequilla of choice and yer triple sec and mix then add a shot of southern comfort and a splash of coconut rum. in your glass add two shots of cranberry juice then pour the margarita over and onto the waiting juice. It works well with people gathered wanting to get loose but you don't want to wait all night cause they are all slow drinkers!
  5. Aye mick I be handin ye a round as well! Tattoo if ye be pleased and Scarlet there she be looking a little (shhhh.... in need a some attentions laddy) to yer new plunderin post....may be it short and yet well stated!
  6. So ye gots it right it's really the 11th there mateys! Come dressed in yer pirate garb and walks the likes of the parades route with a group of plunder bunnies and pilferin bilge rats!
  7. Mister P E W I was just walking by when I was overcome with the odipherous change of direction indeed! Would you happen to have an extra plate of that nice looking (is it a creole baked pie) simply smelles wonderful and a chilled white wine as well!
  8. sweetie pie if you like liver and it will make you feel comfortable having some there you bring it... I can't eat it though it's a kid thing that is so deep rooted.... I just can't do it captain she's in warp drive now!
  9. say! do you know why elephants paint their toe nails red? so they can hide in strawberry plants! it works you know! Oh yeh! have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry plant?
  10. ok! try this then! "The duchess of Kircaldy always smiling and arriving late for tea The duke was having problems with a message at the local bird and bee."
  11. it is an ex rated (and mis spelled fer the wee folk) response to: CaptainCiaran Posted on Dec 6 2005, 06:14 AM silky smooth Christine Posted on Dec 5 2005, 08:01 PM nair Barbados Sam Posted on Dec 5 2005, 07:53 PM Bikini Wax ball sack Sorry hon you did ask! anyway for Mad Jack I found this and again Mad Jack Thank you very very much! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/numa.php
  12. so christine after the movie were you crying again?
  13. I know this isn't the covers but when this thread took off I started thinking back to the few collectable 33 1/3's I have and two are the dave mason's "Alone Together" album which was a marbleized vinyl and of course everyone who bought the J Giles "Bloodshoot" album were treated to an entirely red vinyl album.
  14. I am simply excited beyond control in that the drive is really cake with a good set of disc music and nice weather whats a few hours anyway?
  15. Narghhh Jes make a hammock and put it into some barbie clothes!
  16. Ship of Fools... Jim Morrison on Morrison Hotel again!
  17. You know that is a right nice and tidy thought there BB! I don't know where it came from but it is one of those that will transcend time! I never saw meet the faulkers, is that it? I should liken to remember it fully anyways! Well writen and spoken for humanity is richer on it's merit it stands alone!
  18. Rummy tells me not to worry! so I won't! we'll just be sleepin in the sand ergh some pit ergh somethin I guess?
  19. I gots two gallons of grog already done! I gots a few of them thar call tickets fer another three half gallons of Duggans Irish cream as well! and i'll gets some cream and ice ta mix it with, I just bought a pound of "hot rum toddy" coffee beans from the carib! for the fresh coffee we'll be servin fer the party! Tattoo, morgans spiced, duggans and grog! ifin that not be enough best bring the brew eergghhh drynk of yer choice!
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