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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. yes on harbor in fullerton mate! yes North o chapman about the 700 block north
  2. Laddy this was me first (what I now call me first) Big band album I ever bought! Grammercy fer the remind! Don't be rollin them bloodshot eyes at me! It were great I played the shyte out of it. "You can hear the boats go by You can spend the night beside her And you know that she's half crazy" Rumba (it's a different Boats) wouldn't want ta gets him in trouble ye know!
  3. I am really liking this thread! Human guinea pigs! A perpetual organ donor bank. This is good stuff! Someone could win an election with this material.....
  4. again here is that " haggis, come find one " site! http://haggishunt.scotsman.com/
  5. Aye Diego - and ya be a good performer when ya does! I have no qualms about working for women or working for men, as long as I'm working and love what I do. The mere fact that I can have fun working and do so without hurting anyone is Gods doing! "It is that which can be done that gets done! No matter who does it as long as it gets done right" unknown
  6. yargh! It (if I may be so bold so as to say this which is an expalnation of that which was attempted to be taught to me during a time in my life I am so lucky to have made it out of) be that, we, all humans are animals and though through education ( brain training ) we are losing grasp of the instincts our predessesors lived off of. Hunting and pillaging were where (in your medium of of place and time) you were influenced by the same moons tides and solar unity. The entire animal and insect kingdom is fully in tune to these changes but we have moved away from this. Humanity has gone week! Changes in barrometric pressure instagates eating more and more often. To say men are moody? yes! yes they are, as influenced once even sometimes twice a month by the moons and tides. It has nothing to do with job, security, love or anything its just the moon is close and pressure in the atmosphere jumped up and voila, moody is the result! I would love to be a mountain man but all that I know about survival is overfowing to a shot glass sized losing effort. We are trying to find "it" though. That one thing that walks right up and smacks you in the face? The secret (and I'm not saying I'm even capable of this but) it's knowing what "it" is and acting upon it before it slips away. Moody yes thank you! For Blackbeads sake. I guess I'm gonna need a name because: Rummy! I love you with every ounce of my body, mind and soul.
  7. Yargh Mick! Tiss a blessing she be from sunny Southern California as well! (though how'd ye know since she hasn't filled in her profile yet) But! all that aside! Welcomes aboard lass. Tis our fond hope that ye be with great friendship here and nay a bad day occur within these oh so hallowed grounds. The bar keep is Ray (I point) over there he be and the man polishin the glass he be known as Mr. P E W. right friendly and edumacated too! I be Diego and since yer buyin I'll be 'avin a Tattoo if you please? Grammercy weel then. Again to ye welcome aboard!
  8. wishin me mates (in the pub) on the thread "what are ye doing right now" a very merry christmas and a safe travel wherever it be ye go!
  9. (for all you scurvy dogs thinkin it) RIDE.... ALICE IN WONDERLAND
  10. A beer
  11. well then matey ye best wipe off the tables cause once the girls finds out that yer pourin their pints o rum they'll be a dancin ta high heavens! Tattoo ifin ye will then Mr. P E W and grammercy well
  12. I don't think that if someone deserved the death penelty "they" (the red tape killing america) should wait around wasting tax dollars feeding the rat bastards! Just effin do it! Do it now! Let them all die first without waiting let them rehabilitate with st. peter! While were at it I think rapists caught in the act should have "junior" chopped off at the root! Theifs caught in the act right thumb cut off caught twice left thumb cut off! Harsh? Tell em to go efff themself! Either be a part of society or start your own in hell!
  13. Our March is Booked solid every weekend so ifin yer gettin married out there best be gettin it on calendar (ehem mr. black spot)
  14. alright ye scalliwags though there be a few items of interest and affaires in February left off here is Rummy and meselfs schedule going four months straight: Gets em on yer calendar now, dates are confirmed! Feb 4th the dickens festival in riverside Feb 5th F O F meeting in Irwindale Feb 18th Arizona Ren Faire Feb 19th Arizona Ren Faire Feb 20th Arizona Ren Faire March 4th Arizona Ren Faire Pyrates Weekend March 5th Arizona Ren Faire Pyrates Weekend March 11th Pomona Irish Faire March 12th Pomona Irish Faire March 18th Queen Mary Scottish games March 19th Queen Mary Scottish games March 24th Palm Springs March 25th Palm Springs March 26th Palm Springs April 1st and 2nd Escondido April 9th and 10th Escondido April 15th Koronaborg April 16th Southern April 22nd Koronaborg April 23rd Southern April 29th Camarillo Scottish Games April 30th Southern May 6th Queen Bess Pirate days in Bakersfield May 7th Queen Bess Pirate days in Bakersfield May 13th Ojai May 14th Ojai May 20th Pirates days in Koronaborg May 21st Pirates days in Koronaborg May 27th United Highland Gatthering in Pomona May 28th Southern or above Damn! is that busy enough?
  15. p p p p p p p leeeeaaaaaaase Eddy! knock knock knock knock knock Two Bits! Say! Who did frame Roger Rabit?
  16. Ye know mate I can understand why in every sport ye hears the home crowd be yellin " Beat L A " it's cause were spoiled out here yeh its murder just living here and traffic is up the arse with wierdo suicidal kamikazi bus and eighteen wheeler drivers but today its going to get a high of 70 degrees with a low pressure system moving in from the north (spun off the trade winds so it'l be around a few days without blowin on by) and that means warmer then normal and some chance of rain! Let alone all games on t v are put on for our convenience at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm here so i can't complain much and you? Then hows abouts a small turkish coffee and one a them thar goodly lookin crepes?
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