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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. this be the certain most important start. Let me hear only ayes for: Pirates of Treasure Cove! Nays?
  2. Fer someone who hates country I could sure write some doozie lyrics! Come on Bonnie tell us and start another! Always the answer should post in three days and then move on or as you see everyone quits palying even the one who posted the well known lyrics
  3. more than I need and nothing i want
  4. I scored a hunsky on me first try but it took eight eggs to figure out the bowls not moving.........
  5. I carried around a bottle of Tattoo mixed with Vanilla rum till it were gone. I then went in and mixed Mango Rum with Vanilla rum and when that ran out I mixed Pyrat rum, coconut rum and vanilla rum and then went to shots of Glenfiddich and then Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve then I went to water and passed out about 2:30 The New years party was great cept the most important person in my life didn't show in fact didn't even call I knows over even when I'm hammered.
  6. Usual Suspects
  7. Dating: When everything is never enough!
  8. I still had me boots on and in them was the coins fer buyin the three cannons I was here on the island for I woke just minutes afore and heard the door of me cell shut and lock and that is what woke me from my troubled slumber. Ifound a meal resting near the foot of me cot . Lucky I didn't kick it over in a dream. I heard my gated entrance begin to open so I hid to pounce and waited the cell door opened slowly. just adjacent to the prison doorI broke his neck and scooted out into the main yard of town. I walked out and into centerstage. I reversed and went back in. Trying to make for another exit when open came the back door and I heard shots fired i was spunaround from a sudden warmth and impact. I reached for my neck i was spurting blood i slumped and slid down the wall realizing the shot the seemed to miss my heart was just as lethal. My sight went white, I left my body (well it seemed as though my consciousness left my body) and I flew (not flew) hovered above myself as if watching an adventure hidden from sight by those taking its place in time I knew as I watched the armed guard come over and stand above me they were going to do nothing to stop the blood squirting from my neck and my sight diminished and gone I was.
  9. Since ye failed to distinguish the men pirates from the women pirates I be acquiesced ta say on a man no care. But, on a woman, on a woman I be thinking bearded lady huh? no thank you!
  10. fills in yer profile and gets over to the initiatin rites and pub management section take out a new thread and introduce yer mangey muttness to these here fine assortments a nice crews in the tavern and buy us all a round eh? (Boats ye be a right kind lad a yergh own too) (Whose fingers were where?)
  11. Being marked for certain death or the equivelent of isn't the sort a thing to say kids very well is it? treasure cove is the place and the pirates of treasure cove be us then what say?
  12. I have always been a pirate, I believe in the pirates ways. I live the week for the weekend to dress up and go to faire and share the excitement with kids. I think I am touched, you know, one taco short of a combination plate? I wish I had gotten into faire when I was, (lets just say thirty years ago). Johnny Depp sure brought out the need for expression in many though and Disney has always done pirates (he musta been one himself), First he did Treasure Island, then Pirates of the Caribbean the ride, then space pirates and then P O T C the movie. Disney has done well with pirates indeed.....
  13. No no no no no no no no I couldn't take it any longer and lord I was crazy
  14. can someone tell methe story of the pirates "Black Spot"
  15. Stynky weather and a list of no shows made the prty a close knit and finely tuned assortment of different drynks and a foods gathering gathering quite near to the home town buffets offering. Good company made the time fly along with me rum mixtures allowing fer quite the hangover sunday. Whoa, Pics are great I promise but I onlt took a few of em so patience mates they be coming ahind a full head a steam. Thanks to all the warmth and caring given GRAMMERCY WELL Happy New Year
  16. Just in case you (all me mates) might ever ergh never need a particularly large pyrate flag I just got five from this nice guy and at a really good price too! http://www.flagsimported.com/
  17. And ye'll get plenty o' gas from the Mexican food!! God I love dipping chips in frijoles con queso y salsa
  18. Ok can we start here? High Seas Traders NEW A Pyrates Life For Me NEW Treasure Cove yes The Age of Discovery yes Pyrates of the Black Spot maybe The Pyrates Library maybe Cyber Pyrates of the First Order: maybe The Free Mariners maybe Sea Rovers Maybe S T O W A W A Y S Maybe Pirates in Fun Pants (the name we can all call ourselves) Is that from the sound of music? Anything with Dogs thugs misfits losers fighters drunks trouble makers or rebels is not a good marque. The dark side isn't where we want to head into, so we'll just leave that whole direction for the wanna be's. lets get the needed feedback on this I am going to be filling out applications shortly and we will need a name parents will be proud to bring their kids by remember we will be passin out lists of readable books with our name on the top!
  19. I not be ignorin the likes o all ye (me mates) I sees, I reads, I listens, I does. I am in the contact mode presently to get the info on an encampmnent there> I could have posted this last week but the lady I know and have worked for is on vacation till next week and her supervisor addressed my e-mail to her saying it sounded well and good but the fact is she would make the call upon her return. We await! I can't immagine any cost. But we shall see???? So getting back to the guild Captain Redwake has made the suggestion to minimize the list in the other thread so I dumped a few I hope I didn't step on any toes in so doin.... Ifin I did Just tell me to chum and jump.
  20. you set up on thursday! the city plunge is open at seven am and the showers are the best in all the faires locations including Ojai! The camping is in yer vehicle across the street from the faire entrance. So looks like we be seein you in Palm Springs eh? And! it's open after dark to partay! Siler and Clark are there the spaniards are there! What more can ye ask for? We'll take luncheon meats and make sandwiches to start each day off with a full good stomach. and fer din we can go to this mexican place in garb three blocks west.. then return to the faire and close it down.... come on Rue the biggest expense 'll be gas.
  21. You know the saying that when a man dies he's rated by the number of toys he has or something like that. Well we've all listed our weapons, favorite movies and music. Lets list our most precious and selfishly never loaned out toys. I'd start but if its mine I share it everything I have is my friends to use (wait except the new bottle of Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve)
  22. Thanks Matt be a pleasure ta drynk with the likes of nicety fer a spell. Grammercy well then. (turns to Sam) So I take it ye figured out hows ta mount a tractors seat on a bike eh? Jes kiddin mate good fer you though a 100 miles o ridin a bike....... So is there music? A backpack full o tattoo? Oh! I gets it ye just pull in ahind a nice tight bunnies arse and cruise fer about 99 miles huh?
  23. No Mission its the scotch straight up, the water and ice on it's own: sip gulp sip gulp, water then scotch, sip gulp...... I jes got a brown bottle of Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve fer Christmas from one o me customers wish ye were comin out fer the new years party! Happy New Years anyways mate! Huzzah!
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