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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Deputy Dog, Under Dog. Sylvester and Tweety, The roadrunner and Wile E Coyote, Fred and Wilma, Betty and Barney, Bugs and Elmer, Boo Boo Bear and Yogi, Casper, Felix, Popeye and Sweat pea, eyes totally red and cartoons on, homework waiting ta get done. (wake up wake up) man that was a wierd dream I thought I was in toon town.
  2. jes having fun mate be blessed in knowin it all be a rouse
  3. I have but not anymore.... I mean not any less but certainly not any more... Just kidding... Arrrgghhh de harrrghh hargh! lets all sit down in a circle and discuss what, why, where or when pot is ok? Marijuana or cannibus sativa (if its from the western hemisphere) and cannibus indica (if its from the eastern hemisphere) Some people say it is the way the truth and the light. Everyone knows that is simply not true, marijuana is the anti christ. I've heard in the tests performed at u c l a in married fathers it causes primary non functionability in that they all 100% did not go straight home from work this has been called the fear of the barking wife dementia. During the same u c l a tests with women it seems as though only thing that was asked for was diet coke this effect gives cause to the burning of the hot smoke on the throat and in those women since those tests were performed over forty years ago these women are now battleing M S and brain tumors. There have been many are other tests identifying symtoms too. At Georgia U in the south eastern united states, marijuana is verified as not only dangerous but hazardous to those that come within twentyfive feet of an exhale. Now you all know and I know that contact high is really a B S thing sold to reporters and politicians that never inhaled. So! We won't go any further with that! Also in Tallahassie! One very prevelent symptom was identified in family members, it covers the rights of fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins to think they are married when they are not! I hope you can see that thats about enough on this sublect. Tonights homework is hasish how its made and where it comes from there will be a test tomorrow.
  4. Well, I'm an old blues man And I think that you understand. I've been singing the blues Ever since the world began.
  5. mrs mrs jones mrs jones mrs jones mrs jones mrs jones ye got a thing goin on
  6. New Game try this one
  7. I be thinking that Gary is over on the nantucket side o the country there lass. Mayhaps even in the waters of the nova scotian sound..
  8. I stills gots tickets ta sell so don't buy any and any decent offer be considered ye know! the main gate tickets can be used on any weekend but the meal tickets have to be used on that presidents day sunday! at two pm. Grammercy
  9. Palm Springs loves cabin boys! (aye then It be a right fine time for the lad)
  10. ok here you go! And if you promised your love so completely, and you said you would always be true. You swore that you never would leave me baby, What ever happened to you.
  11. heres a game even Bugs Bunny would like: http://www.bassfiles.net/parachute.swf
  12. I'm going to take a guess "Too Many Puppies"?
  13. funny indeed
  14. Aye then derrier furniture is within the seats acceptance of the beholder no aluminum or steel tubing nylon arm rest built in drink holding arm rests chairs or directors chairs but all the bean bag chairs you want ok?
  15. Mail ye say, are ye sure ye not be meanin ta say male then?
  16. aye indeed it be. sound it be as well
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