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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Good morning fellow pirates of treasure cove. business is: We are to be biggins (the tax write offs to faires and such are now a real thing) I need everyones email addresses and phone numbers Petee and his buds have gotten me their numbers but I would like to do mass email mailing directly to you all instead of asking you to read it here and respond so HELP? fill in my blanks as soon as ye can mates wont' you? see the pub here only lets me send three messages a dayinto individules email accounts through them here we need issues addressed and volunteers counted. Please assist in getting ahold of you favorite buddies here as well. ><> I mentioned that we can be a guest guild in Koronenburg.The Biggins likes the idea and we would need three weekends of staffed participation there to move this forward ..... HELP! We have (it would seem) no way to get ahold of the tent company! I faxed to the phone number they list on their site as it is now a fax number but there has been no response in two attempts HELP!
  2. oh yeh i knew it were them thar dogs at night
  3. whats wrong is I can't drink any alcohol for another two weeks mate so I'll take the rain check if you please Grammercy
  4. that'd be most honorable much thanx just how is the parrot?
  5. The absolute worst month of my life is now gone and has been done! Huzzah!
  6. jeramiah was a bullfrog
  7. Judgement At Nuremberg
  8. yes that was it the fabulous baker boys but then I realized that that movie wasn't the one! grammercy Caraccioli! Grammercy.
  9. Good man ye have there Pearl, good man indeed!
  10. this is the brothers bridges movie huh! God what is the name???? they played pianos.....Mission! Paging Mission! (sorry) carriogiola no! Sorry that wasnt it.... Never mind.
  11. it'd be a terrible waste of me hard earned money ta jes be thowing these tickets away. I could spend the moneys on the new guilds needs and all. I'd hate ta eat these tickets along with all the crow I been bein force fed lately.
  12. THE DATES HAVE CHANGED In the topic I have the wrong dates !!!!!!!!!!! the dates are October 13th, 14th and 15th 2006 this is from the Clark county parks and recreation department that puts it on!
  13. Hey folks the new dates Aren't set yet on their website those are still 2005's dates so I'll contact the lazy rat bastards (again) and find out.
  14. I will be in corona again this weekend in the morning saturday at koronaburg so bring yer nasty gloves we'll be cleaning out the back in behind all the area (its filthy and its full of bugs and more bugs and filth and dirt) then as we get the four areas cleaned out and all the toppled over thrown down and forgotten piles of schlamuncker we'll bag and dump most all of it then we'll wash it all down with the hose. We'll need a few rakes and a few push brooms. I think I'll rut the dirt and plant some grass seed too! 9:am till ? noon I think. ifin ye can make it come roll yer sleeves up and get dirty with me.
  15. take it away Aunty! The floor be yours.
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