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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Gollums lovely twin sister
  2. Scarlet had a great idea since we have to put a few items of certain patron interest into the program of events scheduled through out the day (they are handed out to patrons as they come in the gate) we should have a powder monkey auction where parents can all bring their children at a certain time and we'll auction them off to the faire goers there. I think parents could use it as a way to make their kids behave through out the day! You know a little motivation rather than bribing them with ice cream and it would prove fairly entertaining for all!
  3. scampi (in a nice white wine and garlic sauce thickened with sour cream and serve on garlic toast)
  4. 10:00 am Job Fair Day February 11 at 10:00 am Work weekends in a 16th Century Renaissance Village Actors, stage managers, setup, maintenance, food service, retail, ticket takers, greeters & other costumed & non-costumed positions. Crossroads Old World Renaissance Festival Weekends April 29 - June 11 Cutthroats Pirate Festival June 24-25 - July 1 - 2 Apply in person: 14600 River Rd Corona, 92878 951-735-0101 www.renaissanceinfo.com 10:00am application shoot for Extreme Makeover Home Addition! We are applying to Extreme Makeover Home Addition and are making a video to go with our application. Extreme Makeover Home Addition has rebuilt a city. So why not us! We need people to show up in garb and willing to be on camera. But.. You or any member of your family or household related or not may not be an employee, officer, or director or Producer of Endemol USA, Inc., The Walt Disney Company, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. ("Network"), ABC, Inc., or any of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, consultants, contractors, advertising, public relations, promotion, fulfillment, and marketing agencies. You will be required to sign a model release. This could be a great opportunity for our Village of Koroneburg.
  5. any way the wind blows! (gong)
  6. shootout at the fantasy factory
  7. its a nice day to start again
  8. Palm Springs March 24th, 25th and 26th * Escondido April 1st and 2nd * * = booked Escondido April 8th and 9th * (Bakersfield Pirates faire May 6th and 7th I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well) Ojai Spring Event May 13th and 14th * Three weekend guest guild in Koroneberg May 20th and 21st, May 27th and 28th and 29th (memorial day) June 3rd and 4th* (each Saturday is open till 9:00 pm) Cutthroat Pirate weekend(s) in Koronaburg June 24th, 25th* and July 1st and 2nd* (two weekends now) 11:00 am to 9:00pm saturdays (San Diego (Balboa Park) August 5th and 6th I have been waitin to approach these friends but I know if we want to be there they will love us there as well) Tall ships Aug 12th 13th 19th and 20th These dates are last years Pirate faire in Ojai Sept 23rd and 24th * Las Vegas October 6th,7th and 8th (we need pictures of the guild yard to send in with the application) (though I don't think we would be denied) Escondido October 21st and 22nd * Escondido October 28th and 29th * There are lots of faires in between many of the gapped dates its just I don't know as to yet how many of our list are actually willing participants to read and take part in the whole pectrum of promoting reading and games, hopefully this list will help us as a gruop define the meaning of participation? If everyone would put on calendar what dates and where they would like to be helping and ggate listed it sure would help if you took the initiative to fill in all the questioning blanks here.... I updated as an edit and realized afterward it needed to be seen today so i'm qouting the edit
  9. Poop, at this point we are invading pirates! The coucil wants to see us in costume and wants pictures of our guild yard now! is your guild taking part? Are you sir offering then your services as a guild member to the Pirates of Treasure Cove? if so we the Pirates of Treasure Cove will have the neccesary pictures of our guild yard and it's members to send in with the application to be a guild there in Las Vegas after the second weekend in Escondido thats April 10th, I am trying to get the encampment area right next to the Biggins and too trying to use the backup tarpaulin for a tent covering. You see mate everything has a price on it time, energy and then the money.... please be patient and assume nothing at this point....until further notice, we be invading pirates!
  10. Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks
  11. in honor of the klingon bretheren on another sight maybe! How bout a song played on the radio before the year stardate 764.291 ???
  12. Saturday meet and greet is very exceptionally well done (remember! the faire stays open after dark!) working the gate at opening till noon is best time. Remember everyone to be gate listed you must get there before faire opening! After faire opens you will pay to get in it's not our rules its the rules for everyone, guilds, vendors and participants (actors).
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