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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. (cupping me hands and yellin to the racers goin away) "Ifin ye be done wit yer foolins around. I see the tides comin in and a particularly nicely shaped wave be breakin around that thar point". Me wonders how those porpoises do that stayin in the wave like they be part of it? Someday I'm goin to try that! Me thinks what should we call that? Mayhaps be wave swimin er something? How much o'that tropical drynk ya got left there Capt. Morgan?
  2. Me loves that song too "a pirate looks at forty" I remember hearing fer the first time when I was about to turn forty, I learned the words and fer my mothers birthday I did in fact sing it to her. When mom's don't know what to do they are so cool they reach up in their sleeve and pull out a hankie er a kleenex and sniff and blow and sometimes a little tear they too share. So fer Christmas I bought the yellow disc fer her me thinks she listens often to that song too. Me Mother, Mother Ocean she be.........
  3. So Buckets! Ye be a listener and not so much a writin type! Well that is just dandy it be. Somewhere somehow ye might be inspired to get yer voice and 'ave somthin to say that be worth us all be needin a good listen up. We Damn the deck scatterers and hoist up the main sail. Let's do some dangerous piratin and we can litter the seas wit our foes own blood and chum up the sharks fer they be needin a goodly meal of our enemies from which all we steal.
  4. Many thanks fer that great dinner ye cooked there Capt Tito. Hit the spot. Bein empty of tank and needin a bit o nourishment. Grand thanks be to thee. Poor Mary, lets go steal a few men outside the back door o the tavern oer there?
  5. Loose fittin fer me is me breeches of choice, with just enough room for interest to be of concern! Baggy seat fer ease of movment and extreme positioning fer certs. Impressions in the minds eye: and a sash to tie around the waist band to hold'em up. I hates it when I wake up and they're around me ankles I do.
  6. I'll fer certs ave a drynk on that! Wait! I'm drynkin to "fer not drynkin"? What time is it? It's got to be four-thirty somewhere? I'll drynke to that.
  7. strong of body, mind and spirit! Tiss the way it always should be, but ifin yer likin the strong of men while upwind and strong is what ye call the scent, I fear ye then Captain Laura. I once sold a man (we found adrift) as a slave in Barbury. His paperwork did point out in black that along with being of poor work ethic :) his personal hygiene it too did lack. :)
  8. Within context of answer this be: ifin at faire and the costume is rare enough fer you to be (well) free as me friend Lady Laura says we stare ifin yere lights be pointin at thee But I must rely as me instincts do dare fer wonderous lips be the weakness i see then too as I must detail i am aware of a brain and a repoirte' with me.... tips lips brains ankles Oh! I left out ankles Damn she's gotta have nice ankles.
  9. I thank thee fer the wonderously appointed plate CaptainLaura and here is that grog of choice, it be a mind wrecking strong batch it be. Lil lass Mary, Yer eyes they be swollen! Is there room to sit and share a tale of the sea (ergh! is that tail of the sea?) These shrimps are of a most deliscious appeal, Here lift yer haed and open yer mouth and take this bite. Yer not allergics to shell fishes then?
  10. Me here's of a time (early 1800's) when this thar fellow one Charles Dickens was of the writing fever and sent a quandry of them thar San Fransisco peoples needin to re-inact a Christmas living in the past times be from Satueday November 27th through to Sunday December the 19th..... It be sponsered by Guinness and Bass and Beck's too. A little Christmas Carol and Pirating be fun! It's some sort of Dicken's festival! The Great Dickens Christmas Fair Saturdays and Sundays, November 27 - December 19 Advance Tickets: Adult: $15.00 | Child (5-11): $6.00 - ADVANCE TICKETS NOT SOLD AT COW PALACE BOX OFFICE - Day-of-Show Tickets: Adult: $20.00 | Child (5-11): $8.00 Senior/Student/Military: $17.00 Call 415-897-4555 (9am - 5pm, Monday thru Friday)
  11. Arrrgggghhhhh! Lass I see yer having a fine fare indeed and me bein witout a plate would be willin to trade with thee might there be enough even for me? I have right here a flask o me best though it not be spiced it be rum i'd share. fer a trade o some eats I am quite hungry and in your care. My name is Diego, (looking up to everyone here) May I join you all? What say? Then we can go back into the Pub and I ave a few more dubloons and drynks er on me and together we can party untill dawns light we see. I had me nap and I've bathed in the sea a goodly amount o grub is me hopes and waiting fer me.
  12. So I am standing there in the lazy surf having had me swim about and realizin fer the first time I don't remember where me stack of clothes I left be??? I have a keen sense of smell, but having been drynkin fer two days wit me new crews and charactures fer certs. Me thinks to look fer the rock i set them on and lo, thar they be to me right about ten paces. But, that smell????? I know that smell??? It be shrimps on the bar b and mayhaps some sweet and hot sauce gettin down into the fire is the cause fer a bit of hurry up. I dress carrying me boots and me blades I see now upon edge of lagoon a gathering of friends be sittin and eatin. Hmmmmmmmmm? Reachin into me right boot I find me flask and shakes it????? Full indeed! Mayhaps a barter of some kind lies :) ahead?
  13. Lookin up from me table in the corner, I realize I have been sleeping.... Some o me new friends ave come in and seems a quietness has the group caught in a trance, an unlikely place not visited to often here in the pub. I raise up slidding me chair back silently pick up me bottle and walk (as if on a cloud) over to them. (i snort) startleing them all " 'ere mayhaps this be of some help to you all? I am going out to the beach fer a swim. Save me a sip". Turning to leave I am of thought, so I pivot adding "which way is the water"?
  14. It is a goodly question and fairly to be addressed by individule. That is: I work main gate at most these wonderous departures from reality. I meet, greet and piece tye inside main gate getting first shot at all incomming land lubbers without direction or script. I sets em a tone conveying the theme of said fun within these hallowed grounds of mischief and merriment. An example of which I been known to share. Say a couple (man and wife) come in the gate with a post pubescent boy (offspring) I saunters up and puts me arms around mumsies and daddies neck and draws'em in real close and in a most seadog fashionable voice tells em (in a shared whisper it be) "you best be keepin an eye on the boy fer the gypsy's been rippin the ears off of them young ones this day". Now they both laugh and sometimes dad says "they can rip my ears off too" conversely when a mid teen girl accompanied by mummy and daddy comes in I grabs em mums and dad and tells em to "keeps a hand on the young one as pirates likes em youngs they do" and they all giggle. I sometimes ask "how much for the little boy"? "I can fetch quite a price on the sea fer one that knows hows to work that is". Now really, all i have to do is look for weapons that are not piece tyed but it is without exception the greatness of all fun is to interact with both those that are decked out in full costume as well as those in street clothes. I sometimes walk up to women in costume and ask if they, "might ye be carrying any other weapons other than these which God has so graciously adorned thee with" whilst staring at a most glourious valley of bounceable flesh. Now I simply contact the promoters and they give me open faire and camping priviledges fer four hours of work but it's like being really on stage as it seems it is simply truly magnificent.
  15. Sorry I be not into toys but on that thar attached site I did see a beauty of a ball buster! I do in fact think that thar be a naughty dollar to be made dealin in pirate boarding axes. Any of you scurvy dogs be knowin of a decent and kind blacksmith that can make up a couple hundred o these two sided one blade and one point in black metal on oak handle?? I can only guess of the swift sell out on line once the news of there arrival got out there. Any of you bilge drynkin rat dancin metal workers out of work?
  16. sorry i am late and seems late as can be fer i was in the desert with me guns and me blades and workin the gates as security. (argh! a pirate doin security) it's like bringing the lambs to the lions. I have only a few experiences where a better faire is had and in Las Vegas it was Grand. Built around a five acre lake over a hundred and a half vendors, live entertainment (paid bands) every night four nights (afterdark) three pirate guilds firing there cannons cross the lake. It to me was a must this year and i'll be back oh lets see (fer the rest o me life) faire is magical when the sun set and the candles do take over the 16th century is such a wonderous place at night. Thie store had bass ale fer 9.99 a twelve pack we were tossin a few back just fer fun. but the shyts and giigles came from the wenches who were havin most of the fun (in droves they be) huge gate and big crouds guilds paid in full before even leaving! that doen't happen very often. next year try and get there fer certs. It is a must come hither.
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