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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Johnny Lang's "Rack 'em Up"
  2. I fergots! Me eyes were the first ta go, then me hearin, but! I can't remember the other thing!
  3. Harry James's "Two O'clock Jump"
  4. Capt. Morgan! Let me fill yer tankard once again! (i looks around and says) matey's it's this Captains birthinday this day Scott ergh not no matters then. A toast! (hold 'is tankard high) "to life and liberty". (mumbles to meself, even if ye have to take a life to keep yer liberty)! "Capt Morgan heres to ye!"
  5. Indigo Swing's "Somewhere She's Out There"
  6. Ifin ye be in So Cal ye might mayhaps be wishin that ye be headed fer the Springs this weekend, Fri, Sat and Sunday. (shhhhh!) It's faire season!
  7. Devour, is that a good thing? Me thinks of a coupling and then... well you know .... a preditory black widow,? Mayhaps you should ney change your avitar Fancy? A limerick then for ye all to ponder! Older than dirt it be and I remembers it from me yout (Bronx accent inserted here) One bright day (in the middle of the night) Two dead men (got up to fight) back to back (they faced each other) drew their swords (and shot each other) now if you think this tale is tall? Ask the blind man, who saw it all.
  8. Magic Carpet Ride Fancy you go girl! I still play Blood on the Tracks all the time! I guess because for so long I too was "tangled up in blue"! Here ye go mateys "And Gollum crept up and slipped away with her"
  9. "Maybe she'll pick him out again"
  10. "He hears the ticking of the clocks and walks along with a parrot that talks. Hunts her down by the waterfront docks, where the sailors all come in."
  11. I love all of you, too! the lot a ya does a wondrous job of giving the worlds average of humanity per number of those (both known and unknown) a good name!
  12. Ah! to be stumped then! From The Doors a little shanty of one of all sailors worse nightmares of the deathly calm when ya jes sit "Horse Latitudes" the area fairly close to the equator where the wind doth begin its movement and changes weather all about the planet.
  13. Damn! That last post by Fancy kind of remeinded me of the Grinch song! Did it not? "you're a sweet one Mad Jack" as she licks her lips she does! Huzzah!
  14. Random thoughts? What's that? like random chances occuring in such things as situations and outcomes and or the random act of those with luck or not? Ok! Sure lets play! Random Thought 1 Stampede!
  15. That would be "Crazy on You" So I be thinkin of few that begets more but then again the time's short and I can only offer less, at best. "when the still sea conspiers and her sullen and aborted currents breath tiny monsters true sailing is dead awkward instance and the first animal is jetisoned"
  16. God bless you Captain me stomachs done by country I read garths name and puked
  17. sweet patata pie ... cajun style
  18. As I type, Indigo Swing "She Dreams of Me"
  19. ARRRGGHHHHHH! country. Humph!
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