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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Well then the thirty some Jack Sparrows pon ship be curiously involved with what to say huh?I am Diego Santana de la Vega I am an Elizabethan England reinactment participant 20-26 weekends a year. I chose Diego as the name of the first mate and cartographer of one priviteer Sir Francis Drake. Santana came from Carlos (tuff one). de la Vega was the Governor of a small mexican state that was once saved by Drake (found afloat out to sea he was) and later gave clemancy to Drake pon being faced with an accusation of piracy in his states own trial. Errggghhh somesthings likes that. Me name is so English Me thought pon Queens touch "the Spaniard" mayhaps be of easier reckolect.... It works.
  2. "In the Mood" Glenn Miller
  3. Two hundred ninety some posts and I dan't have the time to goes back and reads em all but alas I must say that if it's been said it fer certs can be said again. A woman with passion fer her virtues and stands at the ready to defend the very ground she walks upon is indeed the most outrageously sexy and recognizably perfect compliment to her femininity and humanity.....
  4. We stood there and we watched it burn down cause it just happened to be on the wrong side of town!
  5. Love the "lounge" Andrew Sisters "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B"
  6. poor otis dead and gone left me here to sing this song pretty little girl with the red dress on poor otis dead and gone
  7. being Spanish meself though with "letters of marque" from Elizabeth herself I can only summize that as you say then American women do they fake it alot?
  8. Well I know that was well and goodly o me pon me last post than but lets get back ta business here folks! Jeff Beck "I'm Going Down"
  9. Rum fer me mates the cork be broken and the scent it be real good.....
  10. Aye! Mark Leser! In the fact of the matters be, Me finds meself talkin in charachter mostly out of me own need ta perfect me habbit (???)Errgghhh was that Hobbit? Nay not, it be habit! Indeed! It be the way, the truth, and the life! (changed so as ta knots interupt a closely and worldly 'spression of faith) Ye be a pirate froms where me ole son? and am I remiss in 'avin a drynke wit thee?
  11. Hint! ....It be a wondrous beginnins to day!
  12. Captain Morgan "But why is the rum gone?"
  13. Stumped no longer it be the Corrs. And glad tidings o ye all! There's a bright golden haze on the meadow (repeat) "the corn is as high as an elephant's eye and it looks like its climbin right up to the sky....
  14. Tiss a wondrous piece! I was going to share a ballad I have happening but chose to turn off me speakers and take a stroll back into me memories and listen to me head play through "Think Of Me" All that can and should be said followin this piece is Bravi, Bravi, Bravissimi...
  15. Done with the swim, I see's the armory a glow. "What went on here I missed somethins I did?" Mary dancin wit her new toys. Phil and Christine in a goose fleshed embrace and Capt Morgan The rum isn't gone I pulled out a barrel and nye got through a pinch of it's encompass.
  16. Well then fer all o ye needin to know the Faire in Palm Springs was glourious though last year it be 100 degrees this year was 74 - 79 and while the southland was bombarded by rain we were dry (cept fer a very few small drops occasionaly hittin the ground) We saw more of the best piarte costumes ever there! I swear some picture (if they come out) will be posted fer yer tantalizin ways of need be. Glourious the only word can be said! Mark the calendars fer next spring to get yer cold tundra battered feet warm with us all! Bec's Amber Bock And Hooks red ale flowed non stop into the candle lit Saturday evenings festivities.
  17. Anita O'day and "Drop Me Off Uptown"
  18. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in! Oops wrong place!
  19. This is turnin into me favorite place to play! Me matey's are red hot and Damn if I know this last one ??: Rummy give a clue!
  20. Comes runnin in to the greats outdoors eh? I'm takin a swim!
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