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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I got in late on this one! I'll take two to go and you can hold the mustard!
  2. Eric Clapton "You Look Wonderful Tonight"
  3. Won ton (not soup) a marra!
  4. "Young Lust" off the Wall.....Totally
  5. Geeze Rummy ye 'ave more musical genres of taste than any I evers met but what aboutt this one that slipped by? poor otis dead and gone left me here to sing this song pretty little girl with the red dress on poor otis dead and gone
  6. Lady Day "Good Morning Heartbreak"
  7. We are waiting for Red Barn to get back to us to allow us a chance to work a couple of the scheduled weekends in Novato. Hopefully on each side of San luis Obispo and we can do three back to back to back and only lose two of me weeks of five vacation weeks I have available.
  8. Argggghhhh! We indeed me lady be worjkin gate and enjoyin one of the most wondrous faire locations in the west right there with ye! All o ye comin in please stop by and say hey won't you. Oh! all a ye Captain Jack Sparrow wish ye were's? He was there last fall mayhaps ye can meet 'im as we did.
  9. Z Z Top "Jesus Just Left Chicago"
  10. To fake! Or! Not to fake, that is the question? errrgghhhh! what I mean is the likes of some won't knows the difference anysways.
  11. Another one from Henry Gibson on Laugh In: Spider spider on the wall don't you have no brains at all don't you know that walls been plastered? come on down you little......spider you
  12. Elton John "Funeral For a Friend"
  13. Defeat went over defense before detail!
  14. Darts be as old as the centuries of the need, be they not?
  15. "Sexy and Seventeen" Stray Cats
  16. Oh little bird with yellow bill sittin there on me window sill I lured you in with crumbs of bread and then I crushed your little head
  17. I know I know I'm sick....I remember this from Henry Gibson on Laugh In:
  18. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy "You and Me and the Bottle Makes Three"
  19. I knows not what a site as such be called but the written word as in (book) I once read both mutiny on the bounty and treasure island and relive often some of the banter which did jump out from the pages and took me into the grasp of this life of piracy!
  20. Steve tyrell "I'm in the mood for love"
  21. someones knockin at me door somebody's ringing the bell someones knockin at me door somebody's ringing the bell open the door and let 'im in
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