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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Formally I am without training. Been fighten on the docks and board ship fer thirty plus years only half a right ear and three holes (all healed) 'pon me legs. I carry me a cutlass (fer use pon the ship we be boardin) and me (french)rapier (fer use pon land). Long knife in me right boot and short knife on me belt. Purse hangin behind me short knife.
  2. Arrrgghhhh! Thanks fer the grub thar Merry and Public Speakin ye say! yep! btdt
  3. Now that we been sunnin all the day away, what now fer lunch??? Me thinks, how's abouts a nice pot luck??? I'll go out into the lagoon and catch us a nice flounder to drop on the spit! I'll be right backs I will. So i turn to a striding (i have to wipes me eyes I do) it's a mermaid it is. Nice gams indeed! Wait I hollars to 'er let me go wit ya!
  4. Oh! Me lord wit a bit o tyme fer plunderin all within eye shot me mouse did click 'pon yer finding and amazment of purpose, history from the other side o the lake. Grammercy and thanks, Diego
  5. Grammercy to all with enjoyment. On Saint Paddy's Day I gots a nice leprachan joke too! Red Maria, grammercy "Dread Pirate Shecky" now THAT is a compliment.
  6. Striking matches were invented but not called matches in 1827. Matches were first called "congreves" and sold as "lucifers" but then problems with formulas for useful success and changing chemicals in the make up and it wasn't till 1844 they were patented as the "safety match" The predessor of "our today match" was: small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, struck on stone and was developed in China in the 6th century AD.
  7. Iron Bess will ye be invitin the Biggins as well? Piracy does rule the seas! And who are we but to do as asked to do. I shall make this a newly calendared non effort special day indeed. Ya think Hollywood Authorities should know about the event (I mean fer the weapons thing?)
  8. 'cane It's not 1997 any more. Been to an airport in the last three years? Ifin ye 'ave em tyed prior and the security decides to say ye be fully unsafe ye show em they be safe. Nay wise ye gots ta go back to yer land ship remove ergh tye an ye can't be a pirate with no ecoutrements to show off!
  9. I too have baked a nice plate o rasberry scones to go wit yer tea n rum
  10. Blackjohn, "alot" is no more or less than when at faire and the landlubbing folks wish ye ta be in a picture with the kiddies is it? Ifin yer weaponry be piece tied and yer blunderbuss'es be without powder, shot n flint. Y'ed be safe just a bit outa place well fer a bruce boat show anyway a fishin ergh a sports boat show might bring on a bit of a challenge as well but hey the earth is not flat and what do we know about challenges other than it all anyway? I mean we are pirates are we not? And boats, ships be our own chosen method of worldly transportation, right?
  11. if what it be yer holdin is yours!
  12. One o me customers come ta me wit this, this very day and says "dude" (he's the owner of a clothing company on line and he works big trade shows here in the west) he says dude I need you to dress up in your pirate costume and come visit me at the boat show at the end of this month, every body there will think yer part of the entertainment and you'll get no hassles at all adding I'll leave tickets for you at the gate! So I be thinkin! What if all the boat shows all over this world we all went to in character lookin to buy a boat as a pirate? I can't think we wouldn't be any thing other than well received and the center of all childishness attention to be sure. So I figures what the 'ell let's do it! Blunder Bunnies always say "ifin ye gots it flaunts it" Don't they?
  13. So this pirate walks into the pub he does he sits down and begins ta readin the signage pon walls in surround taking special note to the one readin: "Make me horse laugh and I'll give you ten gold coins" So he looks up to the keep and asks where this horse be? the keep dryin 'is hands comes out from behind his serving table and says follow me so the pirate gets up and follows 'im out the back door to the stable the keep opens the gate an says 'ere 'e is the pirate looks in on the most somber lookin creature ever shoed and walks over to the horse and whispers in 'is ear 'e does and the horse begins laughing out loud. no, more than that hideously almost screaming in laughter the keep can't believe it and says well i never turns walks back in the pub retrievin the ten gold coins and 'ands em to the pirate who buys a round fer the pub goers present and gets up and walks out. about two years later when back in this port the pirate remembers this same tavern and goes in 'es readin the new postings round the place and see's the horse signs been changed to read: "Make me horse cry and I'll give you twenty gold coins" the pirate asks the keep where the horse is and 'e again walks 'im out back to the stable and opens the gate sayin 'ere 'e is the pirate walks over right up to the horse whispers in 'is ear and the horse nods like e was nodding yes ere somethin ya know. then the pirate steps back and drops 'is breeches as the horse looks and immediatly begins a wailin cryin tears and the whole yard arm 'e was the keep shakes 'is head and turns and walks back in the door followed by the pirate and regretfully pulls out twenty gold and pays the pirate and while handin him the coins he says say aren't you the same scalliwag that made me horse laugh some years back? the pirate nods yep sayin that be me so the keep asks 'im I gotta know what was it you said to me horse to makes 'im laugh. the pirate said I told 'im me pecker was bigger than 'is the keep said well what was it you said to 'im just now? I asked 'im if 'e remebered me? and he nodded adding so I backed up so 'e could get a good look and I proved it! wet no shirt contest huh! where's the sign in sheet?
  14. Aeiden "The Bold" Eiteine Francois Marchant Michael the Ready Maggie (Margarate) O'Dure (what's that smell) Damn is this fun! name a prirate get a mention, huzzah!
  15. Arrrghhhhhh! I know 'nuff's been said but on a funny note and I am feeling a tad bit funny and me remembers when I was a younger (oh so much younger) there was nothin I'd like better in a woman than..... me!
  16. Aye tis a saddened time in the shire it be. The skuttle and I 'ave this pon certain ear! There are many places with huge interest in welcoming the faire and for this seasons continuation of it being the first and original faire. I hears it comes closer to the population base as well and mayhaps an ocean breeze be in the wind, lakes and many adorning trees too 'ave been of certain offering as well. By Saturday night all should be of full disclosure and we be "avin the (little arrangement of Southern Faire) party hearty matey's and lassies. Not to be of worry!
  17. Arrrrggghhhhh! An you can sign me up as well! I be of honorable "security" ifin ye need be? Fer I can nae think of a better effort to partake! Keep me abreast won't ye?
  18. Ye just mayhaps be a pirate ifin: ye be awakened by four or five bells You say it's everyoneone else when realy it's you that smells
  19. Aye! Lads an lasses 'twas a nother wet weekend fer certs an the tea kettle be a whistlin. How's about a nice cup a rumm tumm tea Gerggghhhh?
  20. Well then like it be a matter of concern to ye but ere goes! I be Diego Santana de la Vega, Lookout on the fastest ship 'pon the sea The Osprey. Scout ship fer the Maiden of the Silver Bow. Privateers with letters of Marque we be and accompanied by the Ceili Myst as well. Three ships makes our fleet and 16th Century Europe be the seas we sail. The ships bell says tis nuff said. So be of pleasant days journey me friends. Grammercy
  21. So I be Watchin the tube and lo I see this pirate sittins at a desk with a suit askin him questions (like he's an employment councilor for the Unemployment Dept) And all the pirate says is arrrrgggghhhh! They go back and forth three four times and its a federal express commercial what's up with that?
  22. you just might be a pirate: If you'd rather be out ta sea than on the docks If yer sister carries a blunderbus If yer mom's name is Smythe If you can carve wood with a cutlass
  23. This be a smooth Baby's butt of a beach indeed! You might not know this but no waves get past the reef out there (as me points). Only three mayhaps four on the high tide feets deep! Crystal clear water though and lots of fishies to looks at. I brought this jug of rum with me anyone wants any don't be bashful ya here?
  24. Did the lagoon die and go away? Errgghhhh mayhaps the tidal wave after the earthquake wiped it out as well?
  25. there are a million reasons for the things that people do... Mayhaps tryin to reach past this ones un ability to cast off and hurt yer obvious feeling on the front side is not being considered on the back end. Me thinks 'is own confusion is 'is own problems that aren't ever going to be any different until: one. you confront him in these exact words you share here. and two. you know that friendship doesn't always have to end up in bed.
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