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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. so that's it then! Cut the lights that's a wrap! Good night everyone and thanks for all the hard work! Oh! I'm being reminded that there will be a cast party tonight at the Red Dragon come by and say hi.
  2. (me scratches me head) Now mind you all I'm not with ease when it comes to thought provocation though I am stumphtified on the grey smoke thing here????
  3. stop the scrolling credits! End scene 2 Roll cameras Mary begins her laughing having conquered each and every thing 'ell could cast her way she has risen above all expectation and removed the curse of the black medalion from the moonlit lagoon. Mary, Mary I says well done lass let me buy you a rum in fact let me buy you a barrel. I aint n'er seen the likes. C'mon lets all go see Ray and get a righteous liquor on........
  4. Ok Ok (I cups me hands) shouting CUT CUT. no that's it stop the cameras lets back up and take it from the top Ok act 4 scene 17 take two (thingie clapping WHACK) Mary with ghosts emerging from sand beneath her surrounding her. Encircling her taunting her and as they contiunes to come up from beneath and below each and every one is met with a sharpe and now red engulfed cutlass moving at or there a bouts in the vicinity of 40 knots and thier heads are falling and the bodies colapsing all about her feet. I ne'r would a though it be possible but the beauty and the grace of such a perfect motion and the timing of each and every blow was while they reached the right height where her arm extended and not a wasted movement but a choreographed work of art we were all realizing we were being privy too.......
  5. (So as we gathered the arrows and strung the tips with rags and dippin them in the black ground ooze tar. We were lightin then into flame and launchin volley to the ship as it fer certs caught flame and withered its way out of the lagoon and out to sea. The flames were so bright on into the night you could barely see the stars and normalcy was returned to the lagoon by day break). :)
  6. So I stands up "nice shot" I say to rogue as she mutters something about luck ergh skill ergh sompthin. It was a good shot I dinnae think a toll I woulda tried. Christine again falls back into sleep (I cups me hands) Tito Tito Give a hand me ole son! Mary comes up.......
  7. Gathering Christine and carrying her to the sand where the cast is in waitin waivin arms and blades yellin threatnin something-er-others as the creatures make their hasty retreat. Wind still blowin out to sea and the ship as well! The barge be assembled and now much too far fer any kind o accuracy to lite it up you know? So we sits down quietly all in thought and waits fer the first words?............
  8. Kid, Ifin ye be lookin fer a chance to be one of the captains here's very own cabin boy ye best know yer manners! get yer arse down to the tavern (INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT) introduce yer bleedin sorry arsed youthnicity and remembers that in this century ifin you can affords it you can partakes in it.
  9. Save the women and the children the creatures have taken Christine! We have to get her back (like the big cats whilst mating the taking from behind the nuzzle the kiss and the the bite holding on) (so passionate she be) Christine run girl run for your life! Arrows took flight with enough sense Christine dropped heavy into the surf and the creatures were struck hard and fell into heaps......
  10. Wind changed afore we could gather what we needed blowin full off shore and straight out to sea the death that was so completely surrounding our souls simply picked up and left I dove in the lagoon to try and get some o 'the odor off me took off me rags and tried scrubbin wit sand but the stench was embedded in me own senses everyone was doin the same and Mary walked up stood upon the rock there at the water and said look.......
  11. I walked up to where me mates all stood and stard out into the lagoon and the smell was the worst by compare to anythin youda ever needed to foul yer inners. So putred was the stench it caused tears as well. I don't know who said it (i was in the back) but they said we need to float out a barge thats on fire and ram the aweful remains. Here here i said and we went about to find some flamables and a floater to sent out to it and then I looked up and said Whoa we can't do that I mean sink it in "the lagoon" we need ta grab it wit some grappling hooks and drag its dead and dying remains out ta sea!
  12. Rogue Mermaid and Siren is there too I sat back down and wondered who then woulda cold cocked me? What is that ship? what is that out there? Dead ship of fools (I cups me hands to throw me words into the nisy surf) Get backs Get Backs Sien and Christine! Its not what ye think they be apparitions, Ghosts of the dead ship callin ye! Don't......
  13. (in slumber) I am cascaded through the pillers of St. Paul knowing time spent well is time spent with friends, I remember saving Mary's life and the invaders were cirling to gather in one o' our own. I heared my head get cracked, 'twas from behind it was. who would 'ave hit me from behind? (i stir) Waking I see Tito, Merry, Mary, Christine, Roger and Siren So I looks around? Who hit me?
  14. Three maybe four (I'm still blurry eyed) run out into the surf and give cause to mary's sand filled eyes (i cups me hands and yells) Mary! dive in the water, swim girl, swim! I see's em gaining on her I pull me boot knife and give it a toss dead center back 'o the neck (one down) Mary hears me she's under the water (I thinks to meself God I hope she flushing the sand out) when I see another go down red filling the surf! I'm running as fast as I can when.....
  15. So I sits up and rubbin me cracked noggin i watch this wondrous cat fight and realize these be me mates out there. So I rise to me feet and fall aback. Tito is knocked down when rougue flies into him and they both tumble to the wet. (I cups me hands and yells) "Mary girl! Come ere and 'ave a spiced rum wit me and forget this crazyness" she turns (scary Mary!) never been killed by a look afore now. Dead as a boot strap I gets up and turn to flea, when.....
  16. Drop flaps full o sap! I'm shakin in me boots I've got the tip o'her cutlass 'pon me own throat and I'm guessin it's mail call and no one wrote! Thinkin better of trying anything stupid I drops to ma knees and start praying like a cheap five dollar whore in mass. Mary I says, see yer ways to be free give me that sword afore ya hurt someone? So she cracked me o'er the top 'o me crown knockin me to the ground. I play done in. Listening to her as she keeps em back with what I hear appears the cutlass slicing wind!
  17. Well jill I be of certain thrill 'pon yer choice of as to where's ye found this J. Townshend. grammercy I use water and leaning: i get it wet (soaked) pull the side up ye want to rise and push it up agin a hard object and use a goodly amount of weight to keep it from sliding away from the surface forcing the side to continue up against! mmake sure water won't ruin the surfaces involved in this endeavor ok?
  18. I'm going to go for a swim!
  19. it be of certs that ye been wished so well, glad ya come back dear tis better than 'ell but ya bring up a fine point one we all try to set words inta play witout makin you cry Welcomes back to ye and yer next round be on me! Huzzah! A gifted writer to share mayhaps some additional sharpe repartee wit.
  20. In days of old nights were bold & rubbers weren't invented they stuck a sock around thier _ock thus babies were prevented Nope clean here! No drugs and no disseases! Does the 'spression "no glove no love" 'ave any meanin to ye? That be the closest to anti VD I been!
  21. Be of solemn introspect as ye finds the power to master whatevers ye be needin too, Mary. The thing is ye can do it and ye know it's going to make you a naturally more possitive person when ye master the technique of memory yer teach be spreadin.
  22. Me likes that! picture the audience naked huh? Who said that Johnny Carson?
  23. Brink schmink! What's next?
  24. You just might be a pirate if ye answer to yer first mate "tis gotta be up here someswheres close I knows" when she says "just stop and ask directions"!
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