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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. let the wind be at yer backs matey's
  2. Just a little note before I find me boat The end of week nears causing some fears it be weeks end matey's the party begins as if it, since we are pirates ever ends
  3. What the hell?
  4. Lass , 'ave ye had any success findin yer info on yer baldric? I'd be 'appy ta set yer mind free wit sites showin them in some details I would. Now lets me buy yer next drynk.
  5. Good lass, Lots of Harley riders likes the skulls and crossbones and their sites too have lots of stainless steel necklaces and ear rings and the like with the old Jack Rackem flavor. Congrats on getting through school these days tis a tough time and it almost over. Much success.
  6. Aye! Matey's thar be a ren faire in the desert comin up! It goes Friday, Saturday and Sunday next weekend Mar 18, 19 and 20th. Nice thing 'bout this fair it starts the 36 week season here in the south of Nova Albion. Part of the real spectacularness of this faire is that it goes on into Saturday night till 9:00 pm. Have you ever been to a faire after dark when costumes and candlelit streets pave the way for your immagination to actually carry you back in time and relive the glory of Elizabethan wenching and more? Check it all out @ http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/PalmSprings/
  7. Me lord of the high seas! Foam technically? I am to assume ney not so! so rather than gets us all into the kinds types and density levels offering none other than the best cushioning even tested 'pon curve. (Either, Ester, Urethane, Styrene, Ethylene and set up foam in place) HOWEVER I'm thinking of the foam that lingers 'pon seas surface following a waves breaking and a hulls parting.
  8. Isn't that the "stuff" that eases itself in around yer toes when ye walk barefoot around a lake or near any body of water?
  9. Tis me first drink tonight to Cardinal Puff and taps his empty glass once.
  10. Actually Mad Jack me own favorite version (now) is the one done by the Corrs but Stevie Ray Vaughn was loved as well.
  11. Jack yer good but not THAT good or are ye?
  12. "When I'm sad she comes to me With a thousand smiles She gives to me, free It's alright, it's alright' she says Take anything you want from me Anything"
  13. Phil ya be a pirate first class yer minds quick ye share much wit and the nasty is wit ye when yer awake I can tell. God bless ye mate! Ye continually crack me up! "It came with a shake" and it went right bye the masses! Damn funny man Damn funny!
  14. Can't touch that!
  15. "I will" Rummy and "Two Outa Three Aint Bad" Christina
  16. Christine lass I am a bit enamoured by your provocation of such masterfull writing? Such a passionate plea of promise and regret one of my top ten favorites even when singin along at the top o me lungs! Huzzah and grammercy Paradise by the dashboard light What's it going to be boy? What's it going to be boy? Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I couldn't take it any longer and Whoa I was crazy then a feelin came upon me like a title wave, I started prayin to my mother on my mothers grave that I would love you till the end of time. I swore I would love you till the end of time. so now i'm praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive cause if I gotta spend another minute with you I don't think that I would really survive I always kept my promises and never broke my vows but God only knows what I could do right now so I'm praying for the end of time...... it was long ago and it was far away and it was so much better than it is today It never felt so right and never felt so good .......so I can end my time with you.......
  17. "Indian Summer" Silly Doors fan Oh! And by the way I does
  18. I gotsta say you kids have too much time on yer hands learnin the actual words to the entire play list on A M radio its killin me!
  19. Had Denny's what? lol just kidding medium rare and blackend if you please
  20. A pirate will (well might) like a disc of shanteys (you know our own pirate music) written on the seas and recorded for posterity fer the historical significance of it all! Then again some sites have nice knives on clearance with sheaths for 12.00 - 24.00$
  21. Mayhaps that the transversing the seas of the world was not as effective as bringing things of Eastern origen back into the rennaisance Europe by horse and camel. But! I hears spaghetti is from China try and tell that to an Italian right? Well, Laddies the predessor of "our today match" was: small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, struck on stone and was developed in China in the 6th century AD.
  22. no clue! Sounds country though if it has guns or pickup trucks in it?
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