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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I hope that I be not too late fer the welcoming? So Capt Hawks it be? Well then allow me if you will to take a minute a fore ye try and cast a crew and manuever a ship off the dock and away to sea and let me just say goodaye! Wit a toast to yer health and good fortune as well. "May the wind be at yer back and yer nose be out a range!" Guinness if ye might? Grammercy
  2. The Ojai Pirate Festival in California is on Lake Cassitas and though somewhat warm in Fall it gets chilly at night for us campers and the wildlife is so plentiful that the coyotes come right into camp at night. Lots of wondrous costuming champions most wondrously adorned with greatness as well as Gods own iven wonders to be sure! Huzzah!
  3. I'm 53 now and still like playin canasta, pinnocle and eucher with anyone that plays fast! I hates slow cards playins i does!
  4. Alba Novion subscribers to fact and not fiction it be a great time had at faire in Escondido last weekend. The food it were great and the ale very well chilled and the wenches be waitin in line to gets at the kissin. Pleas say hello and get there early as you can the lots where you park be mushy grass and feels like quicksand.
  5. Rummy it is Indigo Swing and a fine time at faire was had by all Bloody Mary Bonney showed up (and out danced the gypsy's she did) Rhumba Rue was nye to n'er be without a most desirous look in her eye!( Grammercy me lady) and Me true love (you all know her here as Rummy) but her name be the most famous of which named she be, Buttercup Runneth Over. And it might ave seemed me lips were stretched in more than a few directions but not me tips! Ah! to all o me friends with which ya nye ave been yet ta gets out and faire yet this season. I am with sorrows fer ye! As me own year begins it already is two faires gone and 23 ta go! Huzzah to the tips bigger! I love ye!
  6. Queen's "We are thye Champions"
  7. The drums were beatin on through and into the night Bloody Mary Bonnie was dancing and (she pretty good too) it was a great sight. We were all walkin near by so we thought we'd come down to the lagoon and takes us a stoll. Afore the daylight begins and the sun takes it's toll.
  8. Every day I live in pieces Moving through my world alone Come what may You can believe me I’d be proud to call her my own Someday I’ll find her I know I’ll find her We’ll laugh at how I used to be These tears of mine When all the time (title goes here)
  9. "Luck Be a Lady" the Brian Setzer Orchestra
  10. "What a Wonderful World" Louis Armstrong
  11. Well then I guess it be time to tell all. The writer and singer of the soundtrack from "Mc Cabe and Mrs. Miller" was Leonard Cohen and the song is "The Sisters of Mercy" Have a nice weekends me friends be back on Monday (time to faire)
  12. My major was art all the way through school at seventeen my draft number came up 37 I changed my major to theology I wasn't drafted (thank God) not that I am not proud of every man and woman who served our country and fought in Viet Nam I hold their patriotism closest to my heart. I am just not a gun carrier and if I could have written the words to create a more peaceful time in our history I would have. I liked pictionary though! I like hangman when i'm sittin in airports too!
  13. the movie was Mc Cabe and Mrs Miller Warren Beaty and Julie Christie starred in it. The writer is (and now deceased) most famous for Judy Collins's song "Suzzanne"
  14. Fancy I love rum and coca cola there are these really hard to find disks by the Pete Jacobs Orchestra (they are from Orange County) and they do some amazing renditions of the oldies. The lead singing lady has amazing range.They play at Disneyland on Saturday nights during the summer dances alot. I think if you could find them you'd really like them.... Pete mixed the album for the Bill Elliot Orchestra too... "God Bless the Child" by Billie Holiday (Lady Day)
  15. So I stop by me friends afore castin off and whoa! Talk is way o'er me head I waves and sees a few hands wave back. 'ave a great weeksend mateys see you all on Monday then! Dios!
  16. we went to the party and it was really so cool to the times shared and the things that you do I did have a great time but it wasn't with you I met this lady in the privvy her name was Sue We kissed and I told her nothing i wouldn't do we parted and I found out her names really Stu...... Damn I hate it when that happens
  17. Nay not Iron Bess! I missed you in Palm Springs as well Were you there and didn't say hi? I would think that I would recognize you my lady with stylish blade. Dang! ok then southern in three weeks (have you heard or read any of the latest skuttle?) Dry as in arid!
  18. I prefer classic rock to reggae and Big Band Swing music to the rest! Sorry I don't do show tunes. Listening to the Doors "Don't cha Love her Madley"
  19. Arrggghhhh Lass I be security inside main gate is me, and Buttercup (Rummy) is meet and greet! I'll be peace tyin yer "weapons". ( picture not working damn! )
  20. "STRATEGO" That was a game there kids!
  21. Me likes territory! Which are ye speakin of there Red one so well protected?
  22. "Tonight's The Night" Rodney P. Stewart "They wrote down these words and later they wrote me a song Oh! I hope you run into them soon you who've traveled so long" Good luck! (hint, it was in a movie, too!)
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