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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Ahhhh! Led Zeppelin that was a band!
  2. "Sleepless in Seatle" right?
  3. that's nice! I prefer to use the term "selling BUICKS" but it be only an example of mind alteration in yer minds eye as me tankard be not wit me and pon further inspect I'm not even here either.
  4. Led Zeppelin "Misty Mountain Hop"
  5. THE BIGGEST OPENING DAY IN HISTORY! (Rod Serling intro) Immagine if you will, The world as it is, crashing in on you. San Bernardino revoking your place to faire! Where it be you entertain the mondanes and generally run amuck within the widened range of that which is mostly confused for sanity or lack there-of. Having to move fourteen acres of buildings, tents, stages, ale stands, food and beverage stands, a stadium arena, games boothes, guild yards and stables in four months time! (the first six weekends of which were hampered by world record rains). AND! Opening on time! The Queen, her court and guards at her ready, band playing along and voices sweetly carrying tunes in the distance and then! Capowww! Cannons echos being fired! Huzzah! Faire is opened! Everything working and the stage is set, the cars are pulling in. People in droves, non stop lines, standing ovations for entertainers! (If you build it they will come) and come they did! On Saturday 11,000 paying customers setting a record for opening day at faire! It's acrage is smaller by a third! And though its on mostly grass (and it's drying out fast) the ales were cold and flowing and the wine list is long and thorough. They said it couldn't be done even I too was sceptical. Not any more! It's heaven! It's Huge and it's going to get better! Huzzah!
  6. I be doin me damndest ta find a nice boardin axe with authentics looks and feels. I seen what the vendors here at the past three Faires has gots and it's pretty much junk, goth, ergh cheap without direction. Gettin ta be a bit frustratin as well. 'just a thought! Kinda along the line of those atheletes and actors that don't stop and sign autographs! While I be workin faire this past weeksend I was priv to groups of numerouse bobbins doing homework there and did become sequestered fer a few spells ta be entertainin them with a questions and answers fer class project. Pictures and smiles abounded! I must say we be a scurvy group o dogs and though the times be proper fer our own enjoyment at faire ifin ye gets the request to do some role play you know fer a "Class Project" Naynot let the bobbins down. It be a most energetic introduction of yer own character into a class room topic of faire. Have some fun with them, keeps its clean and remember once you actually turned in a homework assignment too!
  7. It weren't Drake the spaniards called him El Draque!
  8. Me thinks it was "attack of the killer tomatoes"
  9. Nye a shelll Mary! What be in yer barrel thar lassie?
  10. Damn Capt_Jack! Can you even swim?
  11. Damn Red! Me eyes be watterin at such a beauty! I am without exception of minds eyefull found! Grammery Ows abouta a nother pint a Guinness? And one fer you as well!
  12. Bildge rat Gunnersmate, Get o'er into the pub wheres ye belong introducin yer vermin ways and buy the locals thar a round!
  13. Ifin ye gots a website there at merricks send me the link ifin ye will?
  14. What's the name o this place? Ye might be a pirate? Ok Ye might be a pirate ifin ye walks into a store and the folk scatters! (says nothin bout the deck scatterer yer totin)
  15. Lady Snow was it Sir John Hawkins?
  16. God bless ye lass!
  17. Ask yourself do ye feel lucky?
  18. Damnit! I be laughin so hard me bong spilled!
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