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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Geeze you two! Thar be a newbie announcin his entry to the pub soon so lets all go down there and drynk fer free! but first I'd be avin a pint a me Guinness Oh! and by the way Sir William did ye find me silver on the bar this mornin?Then an order o them thar pork chops and a slap o garlic mashed ifin ye please! He can wait a while eh?
  2. Hetha I have no clue but I can't wait to rent it! Huzzah! Chip her teeth now that is a great line!
  3. Roayl Crown Revue "Love the Life I live"
  4. (so I opens the door it being of an early nature having returned from me excursions and all) Sir William? (I semi shouts) Sir william? no answer? Hmmm? Me wonders how the weeksend been? I'll jes lean here over the counter and draft me a pint o me fave! (thinkin to me self Hmmmmmmmmmm) Guinness fer breakfast now THAT is the breaksfast of champions! Huzzah! (drops me a silver coin on the bar and carries me tankard out the door wit me) Nice day! I says aloud, lookin pon the deepest of blue seas, what to do? (I scratches me head)
  5. Bobby Darin "Beyond the Sea"
  6. As Felix the Cat would say "Righty Oh" Sail Away Have a great and safe weekend everyone be back on Monday the 2nd
  7. Sorry ta hold you up all day like that Mercenary Wench tough day in the fields. But I must beg off fer a dance wit ye on a later time as me hours 'ave gone bye without warning. Do excuse my insolence and pardon the retreat so fast. Won't you? Sir Willaim 'ave a pleasant weeksend me ole son! Be of kind soul.
  8. fROM A FORMAL FETISH CLOTHING MANUFACTURER RIGHT HERE IN LOS ANGELES! It's Mickey and Minnie Vinyl lounge lizard leotards and matching ears! Moody Blues "I'm Just a Singer In A Rock n Roll Band"
  9. Or your canary says (in a deep voice) HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY!
  10. You are a Pirate if your pet rat likes to chase cats!
  11. You know Disneyland could have an adult place to go and hang! Call it "Orgasmic"
  12. then I be needin ta add: Time will show, when, I don't know. Sail away tomorrow, sailin' far away. To find it steal or borrow. I'll be there someday yea-yea-yeah yea-ye-yeah. :)
  13. Dean Martin "Volare'"
  14. Precious little one! Wouldest thou care to share merriment in dance? (as me offers me hand turned down with knuckles up) then adding, I do partake in a few moves of record. ( I humbly bow )
  15. Grammercy me lady (by the way 'ave you already 'ad yer coffee alotment fer the day?) Just kidding! Huzzah! If you're driftin' on an empty ocean with no wind to fill your sail, the future, your horizon, it's like searchin' for the Holy Grail
  16. man fancy yer throwin up fast balls without even takin a break between innings how bouts if I try and give you a curve here?
  17. Just wait tull yer father gets home!
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