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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Thanks Mad_Jack (ya does have a wondrous take on music me lord) Bad Company "Bad Company"
  2. (slippin me two fingers in me mouth I whistles in the door) Yo! Sir William anyone about? I walks out.
  3. From eyore you get chocolate pirate figure? Ok Supersonic jet!
  4. My suggestion would be that no responses erggghhh made until the O P W enters into the propers ways and buys a round!
  5. ribs (hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) baby backs
  6. I gave it a look see and ran into obstacles but hey email the lunkers on their site and ask them?
  7. "No Quarter" Led Zeppelin
  8. is this where we guess the song? Cause if it were it'd be "FREE RIDE"
  9. Many have I loved.. many times been bitten Many times I've ga i azed along the open road. Many times I've lied.. many times I've listened Many times I've wondered how much there is to know? Many dreams come true and some have silver linings I live for my dreams and a pocketful of gold. Mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing Many many men can't see the open road. Many is a word that only leaves you guessing Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know oh oh You really ought to know oh oh Ooh oooohhhhh
  10. Elvis Presley "Hawaiin Wedding Song"
  11. Always new ye be easy! Mad_Jack jes don't let it out that ye be free!
  12. Sir William, I walk by yer open door (tosses a gold coin to 'im) heres fer the two ales earlier. And I looks in yer door and gain wait jes thinkin about that which ye be so eagerly sharin. Back up a traditional one after nother, over medium on the eggs and bacon thick and well done grammercy!
  13. Yeh! I gots me one a them blunderbusses me self I does I had a nice back sling made fer it and it hangs a tad heavy but she Oh that's right a name she is me deck scatterer and 'er name is "Meddle" cause she's so heavy!
  14. Fergal, nice hangar ye hung up here! Ye be of such a serious look! Thank you,
  15. "ere ya goes Mercenary, let 'im sleep he musta be needin it?????? Did yas stays up late?
  16. Hey lady You've got the love I need maybe more than enough oh darlin darlin darlin walk a while with me ohhhhh you've got so much so much so much
  17. "Mornin mates I see yer wrapped up under yer "blankie" and must be wakin to the sounds o the birds taking wing. Is Sir William about? I does 'ave this nice trinket 'ere be of some worth me thinks? I'm buyin... any takers on a Guinness fer breaksfast?
  18. I be of certain discontent with yer post as ifin the likes of a creature with said highest intellegence and walks the planet actually opens 'is mouth and takes in a mouthfull o saltwater? Lass! Let me introduce ya to a nice barrel o fresh water.
  19. Ella Fitzgerald "Tisket Tasket"
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